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  2. News
  3. Demo Update Today

Demo Update Today

Dear queens, kings, rulers and other aspirants,

Our demo game will be updated in about 1.5 hours - right after the current game has ended and closed. As this time we will not only update the game but also the server infrastructure, we expect a longer downtime of 4-6 hours.

A new client version will be also released. The update will, as always, include several fixes and changes based on your feedback, as well as some exciting new content and additional features.

During the downtime, demo games will be unavailable.

I will post an update and the changelog as soon as everything is back online.
Thank you for your patience!

November is going to be a busy month with important updates, community surveys and polls, including some topics that many of you have been patiently waiting to hear about for a while, so be sure to follow us!

Unlike traditional demos, ours is a continuously updated, interactive developer diary that is provided for full transparency and early cooperation with you, so Feudums can become the game you want. I invite you to play the early versions, join our discord and help me refine the game as we progress, and if you can afford it, please consider supporting the development on patreon, so I can devote more time and resources to the project and complete the remaining milestones in a timely manner.