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  3. In-Development Demo Updated!

In-Development Demo Updated!

Noble ladies and lords,

There is a client update with some non-game breaking changes - mostly UX improvements and bugfixes. In other words, the game worlds don't have to be updated this time.

Please find the changelog at the bottom of this post.

If you have any suggestions or just don't want to miss out on discussions about game features, new guides and feature priority polls, be sure to drop by our Discord. Oh, and if you haven't already, don't forget to click Follow here on Steam to make sure you're notified of future demo updates!

[h2]If this is your first time playing Feudums[/h2]
Please note that our demo focuses on multiplayer and, at this time, is only in English. Unlike traditional demos, Feudums is a continuously updated interactive developer diary, provided for full transparency, early engagement and cooperation with our players, to make Feudums a game you truly enjoy. It's a long journey, so this demo is not as polished as an almost finished commercial product, but in return, you have much more say in its development.

As Feudums is pre-early access, there are no in-game guides at the moment, but based on your feedback, I am working on it. Please hold on just a little longer.

While there is no in-game tutorial yet, the game is more newbie-friendly than you might think. You start with an economic grace period, so you have hours to decide what to do first. Take your time and check out the short guides here on Steam, on YouTube, or just join our Discord to read the FAQ or ask for general advice. You can find all the info and links under Discussions.

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
Rebalancing: once again, several parts of the game have been rebalanced, including
  • seasonal attrition (further promoting spring and summer as the prime seasons for military or raiding campaigns), 
  • labourers (especially those who contribute to meeting the major needs (public health, safety, goods and social wellbeing) of a feudum's population), but hunters and fishermen were also rebalanced to provide less base food, but contribute to some of the needs;
  • expansion costs for creating your 3rd and 4th feudum, also the feudum stability modifiers;
  • and most importantly, recruitment and wage costs were overhauled. Wages per tick for standing units (professional squads) have been reduced, but they now also always cost virtue to maintain, and their contracts have generally became more expensive.

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Manage Units command layout has been reworked and simplified; it now correctly supports multiple unit selection, one-click unit transfer and graceful execution of conflicting commands. Additional tips and visual aids have been added to the transfer commands.
  • Construction command, for multi-level improvements, now automatically selects the next level as the default option (or the previous level if the improvement is fully built) and maintains this selection when changing between replace and upgrade/downgrade options.
  • Public Health labels and ranges are updated for clarity.
  • Game Map doesn't close the borders at the edge of fog of war (ie. it does not render the border at the edges of a tile you haven't yet fully discovered).
  • Removed most of the "success" notifications noise from World Card loading.
  • In-Game Chat has been updated, and now
    • tracks the selected channel's unread message count (again),
    • doesn't clear a chat message if it cannot send it.
    • instead of error notification spams, there is now a connection error icon displayed on both the chat panel and chat button when it is not possible to connect to the game chat. Players can now attempt to reconnect on-the-fly by opening the game chat and clicking on the connection error icon there (follow the tooltips).
    • the chat server's connection status is now also shown on the bottom control panel (click on the yellow clouds icon). Note that this is the chat server connection status, not any specific channel.

  • Fixed: Map: Colour coding and percentage of the indicator bars on region/feudum entries in the Feudums list 
  • Fixed: Map: Wrong rulebook lookup when selecting enemy manor (breaking UI update on card). 
  • Fixed: Map: Construction order in some edge cases (like touch input) could lose selection.
  • Fixed: Map: Exception on unresolvable company.
  • Fixed: Map: Garrison size is not updated in "Clear" option of the Construction command.
  • Fixed: Chat: The dropdown to choose between "world" and "market" channels is now correctly enabled.
  • Fixed: Chat: does not automatically connect after login and does not maintain connection after exiting a game world.
  • Fixed: Chat: user count was not refreshed after the first chatpanel close.
  • Fixed: Chat nullreference in a couple edge cases would prevent connection.
  • Fixed: Chat: unsubscribed player's name is not displayed and is breaking the UI
  • Fixed: Chat is not scrolled to the bottom when changing channels
  • Fixed: Chat CoAs are mixed up on first load / while there are only a few messages.
  • Fixed: Worlds / Dashboard: WorldCard would mix up Persona CoA's in some cases
  • Fixed: World / Dashboard: Notification shows "no worlds", instead of "Success".
  • Fixed: Generic: Do not clear scene-independent items from Thread Dispatcher on scene changes.
  • (Further Thread Dispatcher optimizations)
  • Fixed: Generic: NotificationPanel should use scene-independent queue.
  • Fixed: Generic: Add gameserver name display reset to bottom control panel.
  • Fixed: Debugging: Various issues with snapshot loading (Debug "Playbacks" generated from bug reports)
  • (Finally some major code and layout refactors to some of the oldest elements of the UI)

[h3]Known Issues[/h3]
  • The chat may not load the history properly if a new message is received while it is still waiting for the response. Please use the page buttons to "force" a refresh or rejoin the chat to resolve the issue.

I hope that you will appreciate and enjoy the changes. There's more coming soon, so make sure you clicked Follow on Steam to stay in the loop! :)

Until then... Enjoy the games!

Feudums is a continuously updated interactive developer diary, provided for full transparency, early engagement and cooperation with our players, to make Feudums a game you truly enjoy.
If you like the project and you can afford it, please consider supporting the creation of Feudums:
If pre-beta games are not your cup of tea, that is completely fine. Please follow Feudums and bear with us until we ship a more or less feature-complete public beta.