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Pretender Wars - Community Challenge

[h3]Dear Ladies and Lords of the Realm,[/h3]

If you'd like more consistent, bite-size updates, consider joining our Discord, where I’m more active. Alternatively, we have a newsletter for milestone community polls and major game updates.

TLDR; New Pretender Wars round has begun - and "unranked" games are running continuously!

[h2]The Age of Pretenders Continues[/h2]

House Elliott has remained the pretender to the throne, defeating other conspirators and defenders of the crown four times in a row. But the next Pretender Wars round is starting now, giving you another chance to dethrone them and restore order to the realm!

[h3]The prizes of this noble deed are hereby declared![/h3]

The house winning a Pretender War game should receive unique heraldry items and a "Pretender Bloodline" achievement that will appear on their player profile. The reigning Pretender also receives a special highlighted role on our discord server (if they are present there).

Need a head start? Check out the bite-sized Steam guide:

Bannerlords and ladies, to Arms!

[h2]Demo Games[/h2]

We’re also constantly hosting (unranked) demo games to fine-tune rulebook settings, test different scenarios (all game rules are moddable!), and identify UX/QoL improvements based on community feedback. Whether you aim to ultimately dethrone the Pretender or just want to explore the game, it’s a great place to practice and learn the basics!

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"In Development" Demo updated!

If you'd like more consistent, bite-size updates, consider joining our Discord, where I’m more active. Alternatively, we have a newsletter for milestone community polls and major game updates.

[h3]Ladies and Lords of the Realm,[/h3]

We've updated our servers and the client over the past few days, which meant no new games could start for a short while. That wasn’t the plan, but unfortunately, my entire family fell ill right on update day, making my schedule a lot more chaotic - definitely not ideal for testing, building or even writing a coherent changelog. I really appreciate your patience!

Everything should be up and running now, and the client update will roll out on Steam any moment. This update mostly includes Qaulity of Life / UX improvements and bug fixes, trying to streamline the user experience on the map (giving some love to our not-so-intuitive main menu system is also in the backlog). I hope you enjoy exploring them!

You'll find a list of the key changes at the end of this message. As always, I'd love to hear your feedback — these regular demo updates are about transparency and dialogue, after all! So join us on Discord and share your thoughts! 😊

If you can afford it, you can also support Feudums (and unlock nice perks and heraldry) on Patreon!

Now, without further ado, let's see what's new!

  • We added a new game setting to toggle flashing effects (e.g., lightning and cloud animations when switching between the overview and zoomed-in map states).

[h3]Feudum Card[/h3]
  • The feudum card has received separate tabs, allowing me to display more detailed information and predictions without making the interface even more cluttered. This created space for an overview tab, while a separate labour tab can provide more structured and detailed information and assignment predictions. My plan is to add more tabs here in the near future, depending on feedback, including one for reports (eliminating the floating report dialog) and an Improvement list.

[h3]Labourers & Assignments[/h3]
  • The labourers' slots have been updated across the board to provide more information in a concise manner.
  • The active seasonal periods are now displayed for seasonal tasks in the labourer's tooltip for more clarity. These inline displays reflect the actual length of each period or season.
  • The Labour Assignment command has received partial UX overhaul, including a side card for the selected labour with improved support for the available actions.
  • We've also added a reset button that restores all changes to the seasonal defaults (the regular reset will still only reset pending changes for the current command), making it much less intimidating to tweak those priorities and min-max thresholds.

[h3]Visualizing Company Paths & Tracking companies[/h3]
  • We replaced the old visuals and the way paths are displayed.
  • Each path is now segmented per tick.
  • Path history is now shown on the map on selecting the Company, using the diplomacy colors.
  • Issued (future) path for the player's own companies is now also displayed on the map upon selection (reflecting the company's commands).

[h3]Further UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Added a new game setting to toggle the depth of field effect on the map
  • Attacker/Defender modifiers provided by Improvements are now shown on the various Improvement layouts.
  • Labour slots provided by the Terrain types or Improvements are updated to provide more information on the respective command layouts.
  • Company: automatically resetting an immobile tactic upon receiving a movement command is now a same-tick action (no longer delayed by 1 tick).
  • New non-grace agreements without previous active agreement will now become active in the next tick (e.g. trade agreements without diplomatic stance changes or other clauses)
  • Labourer animations (currently for woodcutters) will no longer appear when another exclusive option is set, or on the wasteground. However, they can now be seen on other people's lands correctly reflecting their labour settings.
  • Patrol command will now show a tile marker on first selection, won't wait until both points are set.
  • Added a warning to the movement and patrol command dialogs when the company has an immobile tactic, telling that it will be changed if the command is issued.
  • Command dialogs now use a selective highlight clear while open.
  • Players can now reselect the active tile when need to select a target in command dialogs (e.g. in Company Movement command the player can now select the tile the company is standing on). Alt select (right mouse button) is disabled while the target needs to be chosen.

[h3]Bugfixes / Optimizations[/h3]
  • (Admin) Fixed an issue where the map legend was invisible
  • (Admin) Various fixes for dark mode
  • Updated Steamworks integration
  • Changed how communication encryption is handled
  • Added further debug options and features to bug report testing
  • Restructured / refactored some shared codes
  • Various command tile highlight changes and bugfixes,
  • Refactored and streamlined TIleHighlighter functionality for map(s)
  • Various command dialog changes and UX fixes.
  • Fixed an issue where Report entries sometimes displayed line breaks in number formatting (e.g., a line break after '-' before '4').
  • Fixed a bug where the Alliance victory progress name display did not show the members in the same group
  • Fixed a bug where the game over dialog would not show if the game winner is an Alliance
  • Fixed a bug where the game over dialog would show a the player's name for every category if they won one category and there were multiple winning categories with other players in them
  • Fixed a bug where the pathfinder couldn't find path between 2 undiscovered tiles (this only affected client-side time predictions in the move command)
  • Fixed Dissolve Feudum showing an old temp icon when the command button is pressed.
  • Fixed missing localizations for some of the last update's new heraldic devices.
  • Fixed the AoC highlight overwriting company path.
  • Fixed a missing localization from a warning in the Move and Patrol commands.
  • Fixed missing localized unit names in the Company Card's upkeep section tooltips.
  • Fixed a bug where the player couldn't click the 'Jump to' buttons for the waypoints in the Patrol command dialog.
💬 Community reported bugs: (Thank you!)
  • Fixed a bug where Administrative Reserves would not immediately update in the UI upon entering a game, but only after one tick.
  • Fixed some edge cases where tile blocking would not provide all the available information.
  • Upon popular demand, switched the Mute/Unmute icons on the Music Player.
  • Fixed a bug where a garrison could appear to have 0 power.
  • Fixed a bug in Labour Assignment where Shift+Click to set an item to 'lowest' priority wouldn't work.

Until the next update... Enjoy Feudums!
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Small patch with QoL changes

After the current Pretender Wars ended today, we ran some quick maintenance on the server. To make the short downtime more worthwhile, we couldn’t resist squeezing in a few bug fixes and quality-of-life changes based on recent community requests - these didn’t require a client update.

Other fixes and updates will come with a client update later this month.

[h3]The server maintenance is now complete.[/h3]

A new, unranked game with an exciting new map configuration has already begun!

Enjoy the game and have a great weekend!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • ⚔️ Garrison Assaults: based on your feedback, we’ve refined the mechanics. Companies (or enemy garrisons, e.g., those using the Reinforced Patrols tactic) can no longer target non-adjacent garrisons even if those are inside their Area of Control. To initiate an attack, the attacker must now be positioned directly adjacent to the target garrison.

    Note: This change does not affect battle reinforcement rules. If the game rules allow allied forces to join a battle from greater distances, this functionality remains unchanged. However, tactics like Ambusher can no longer be used to repeatedly "lock down" multiple garrisons inside their Area of Control, as attacks on garrisons are now restricted to adjacent targets (they still can ambush other Companies within their full AoC).

  • ♟️ Company Movements: We’ve also updated the logic for company movement orders based on recent feedback, to make it more RTS-like. If a company has an immobile tactic (e.g., Guard or Ambusher) and receives a movement order, the tactic will now automatically revert to its default setting. This allows the company to proceed toward its designated destination without staying in place. Note that initiating movement from an immobile tactic will cost the company one tick for reorganization.

  • Various server-side improvements and changes, including some pathfinding and map generation related issues and inconsistencies.

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Age of Pretenders, Round 4!

The fourth round of Pretender Wars has officially begun, featuring several game rule changes and balance tweaks (see below) that were recently tested in unranked games, in a faster paced game featuring 60 seconds ticks.

The pretender remains House Elliott — seems like the lords and ladies were a bit too careless in previous rounds, letting victory slip through their fingers. Or perhaps House Elliott is far more dangerous than anyone initially believed?

Remember, teamwork is key! Players can now form alliances of three, and there are new ways to support each other toward victory.

Will this round see a new champion rise, or will House Elliott hold on to its claim?
(The Coat of Arms of the current Pretender, House Elliott)

A heraldry package 🛡️ and the "Pretender Bloodline" achievement 🥇 that will appear on your player profile. The active pretender(s) also receive a special, highlighted 🜲 Pretender role on our discord server.

[h3]Guides and Community[/h3]
You can still find a few starting tips for the ranked games in a new, bite-size guide here on Steam:
We also have a dedicated chat for Pretender Games on our 💬 discord!

[h3]Recent balance changes ⚖️[/h3]
(Compared to the last Pretender Wars round)

Terrain changes
  • Forests received +1 woodcutter / +1 hunter / +1 woodward slots (36/34/18) (still mutually exclusive)
  • Swamplands received +5 fishermen / +3 artisans (still mutually exclusive), but lost 1 forager and 1 folk healer slots (11/5).
Improvement changes
  • Farmlands received exclusive jobs (on top of the original slots): 2 folk healers / 4 artisans (default choice: artisans)
  • Mines received +3 gemstone miners / +3 iron miners (28/28) (still mutually exclusive)
  • Ecclesiastical Fiefs received +1 monk / +2 wine growers (still mutually exclusive) on top of the existing jobs.
  • Castles were tweaked to provide more patrols and less watchmen on multiple levels
  • Settlements were tweaked to provide slightly less gong farmers and folk healers on level 3-6. These changes were compensated by offering more artisans, bards and some other labourers.
Labourer changes
  • Merchants generate one less coins (4)
  • Sea traders now also consume 1 safety, and provide 2 less coins (11).
  • Caravaneers now also consume an extra safety (2), provide one less health (2) and 2 less coins (10)
  • Scribes now provide +2 social wellbeing (3), otherwise unchanged
  • Gong Farmers provide 2 health less (4).
  • Physicians provide 2 health less (13)
  • Bards now also have 1 coin consumption
  • Taverners now provide one less social wellbeing (5)
Victory conditions
  • All victory conditions were tweaked. Alliance victory condition thresholds were increased to stay in line with the larger maximum size of alliances.
  • The maximum treaty value for Barons has been increased to 6. This means that a player can ally with two additional players now.
  • You can now form your 2nd, 3rd and 4th feudum spending less virtue but more coins. The 5th feudum's virtue cost has been slightly increased.

[h3]Demo Games[/h3]
We also keep hosting (unranked) demo games to fine-tune the existing rulebook settings, as well as to explore different scenarios (remember, all game rules are moddable!) based on community feedback and ideas. For everyone aspiring to defeat the pretender, or just wanting to check the game, it is a great place to practice or explore the game's basics!

Generally speaking, it’s worth checking these games weekly or bi-weekly to see what’s changed and, if you like, provide feedback on them, so I can make a better game for you!

That's it for now, thank you for your time and I hope that you appreciate the news. See you in Feudums!

Join the Noble Houses! --- ✉️ Newsletter | 💬 Community Discord | 💗Patreon

Free In-Development Demo updated!

[h3]Ladies and Lords of the Realm,[/h3]

If you'd like more consistent, bite-size updates, consider joining our Discord, where I’m more active. You can subscribe to topics you’re interested in through self-assignable roles. Alternatively, sign up for the newsletter - I only send a mail about milestone community polls or major game updates.

[h2]Demo Updated![/h2]
Now the servers have been updated and the client should update on Steam any moment now, or it can be downloaded directly from our website. The new version includes quite a lot of new content, and many changes, so I wish you a pleasant time exploring them! You can find a list of the most important changes at the end of this message. As always, I’d love to hear your feedback, so feel free to jump into our forum or Discord and share your thoughts! :)

If you can afford it, you can also support Feudums (and unlock nice perks) on Patreon, allowing me to dedicate more time and resources to the project.

[h3]The Age of Pretenders - Round 3 Start Date[/h3]
The next round of the Pretender Wars will kick off on Thursday afternoon (in UTC), giving you another chance to challenge the pretender's rule, bring order back to the realm - and claim the rewards.

You can still find a few starting tips in a new, bite-size guide here on Steam:

[h3]What else is on the horizon?[/h3]
In the regular updates, aside from bug fixes, you can mainly expect UX and Quality of Life improvements, particularly for interfaces, feudum management features that have become somewhat cluttered, and company commands.

I'll also continue to tweak or experiment with game settings in the weekly games.

Otherwise, I am now primarily focusing on developing the major features you voted for in the latest community poll.

...And without further ado, let's see what's new!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • Rogues: introduced a special labor type where a portion of the unemployed population becomes Criminals. They still count as unemployed but taking resources as needed, which can temporarily cause major needs to drop below zero, affecting regular output. Rogues are independent of player policies, cannot be assigned exclusive jobs, and are excluded from labor predictions. Beware of the poachers, robbers, pirates and more!
    Rulebook Overhaul! We’ve revamped the rulebook logic for laborer-related rules and settings, providing much more flexibility in adjusting or adding/removing options for each game session. This also opens up a new range of possibilities for later modifications by our modding community.
  • Lots of new Labourers! Over a dozen new labour options have been added, enabling even more ways to develop your territories. Some of these are only unlockable by a specific terrain or improvement. Additionally, more terrain types and improvements have got mutually exclusive job slots, adding more decision points for how you specialize your territories.
  • Labourer limits: You can now not only guarantee how many workers will be assigned to a specific role during a certain season of the year, but also set a maximum limit on how many can work in that role. This allows for more precise control over when and what tasks the serfs will focus on.
  • Battle Rewards: Warrior lords and ladies, rejoice! 👑 Defeating raiding armies and claiming victory in battles now earns you Virtue! Rewards are based on the relative strength of the opposing sides. Every member on the victorious side will receive a reward, even if their forces were eliminated or forced to retreat. The spoils are distributed proportionally to the military power of the companies at the time of joining the fray. Rewards are shown in dominion reports and in the summary provided by the Virtue badge (under the category "Events").
  • Battle enhancements: ⚔️ Tile Improvements and their levels can now modify battlefield roster sizes and adjust offensive and defensive modifiers for companies. These bonuses stack with terrain effects and company tactics. Battlefield width is now also specified per roster types, adding deeper strategic layers to combat.
  • Allied Forces: While allies could already assist each other in battles, their companies can now also provide safety 🛡️ to allied feudums (if not engaged in battle), granted they are not trespassing and in the correct tactics / stance. This requires an Alliance with diplomatic borders set to “Free Passage” or better, with tactics and unit edges allowing safety generation. Your own companies can now also boost the safety of your feudum while they are inside your borders, even if they are not in garrisons (albeit garrisons are still way more effective in this.).
  • Victory Prediction: An option has been added to reveal the predicted winner of the game after a certain percentage of the game time has passed. Now the leaders can't always sneak quietly to the finish line!

[h3]UX/UI Changes[/h3]
  • Changed the market base price calculation: The market base price is now less prone to fluctuation when there are few players, making it harder for a single player to influence it (although clever manipulation is still possible!).
  • The rendering engine has been updated, making the game map a bit livelier (just zoom into those water bodies!). I’ve also subtly updated the weather-related and various other visual effects. There's still plenty of room for development, but from now on, the engine isn't the bottleneck – my time is. We tried to test it more thoroughly with the help of some Vanguards, but if you encounter any graphical glitches, but it's nearly impossible to test it on everything, so please kindly report them using the in-game bug reporting tool!
  • The battle card has been streamlined and now includes many more hints and tooltips, including those related to the new battle enhancements.
  • Added new hotkeys; if the map is in focus: [tab] toggles the Guide, [enter] toggles the Chat, while [v] toggles the victory conditions (remember the old ones, like '[m] moves to the manor of the selected feudum, [h] goes to your capital.')
  • Positioning after battle now attempts to honor the original tile of the companies (where they were before the battle) and/or the path they were trying to follow. When a company searches for its appropriate tile (if the battle did not occur on its tile), it will do so within its own Area of Control (AoC) if it won, or within a 1 Line of SIght (LoS) radius around the battle tile if it lost (you don't have much time to look around while fleeing!😱)
  • Labourer tooltips now show not only the planned utilization percentage but also the specific predicted allocation for next tick (where applicable).
  • Note: With the current content updates, some in-game interfaces have become a bit cluttered. I am continuously working on updating these and will be addressing them through smaller patches.

[h3]Bugfixes / Optimizations[/h3]
  • Fixed a bug when at the end of a battle a hostile garrison would not be revealed.
  • Fixed a bug where the battle roster sizes could be miscalculated during regroup.
  • Removed an extra company report about 0 regeneration during battle.
  • Fixed a bug where the settings' authors were not displayed in the game list.
  • Fixed a bug where the command has failed while trying to enable/disable the labour on a terrain or improvement if the tile has changed since the issuance of the command.
  • Fixed a bug where the maximum worker percent of the user’s labour policy was not cloned correctly.
  • Fixed a build target group bug related to Steamworks API.
  • Fixed a bug where client validation for claiming was faulty for wasteground claims.
  • Fixed various pathfinding bugs (there is always a new edge case! Sorry about that.)
  • Fixed a dependency injection issue for instances.
  • Created a host of new debug tools for pathfinding and testing.
  • Various server-side improvements and changes.

Until the next update... Enjoy Feudums!

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