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Small patch with QoL changes

After the current Pretender Wars ended today, we ran some quick maintenance on the server. To make the short downtime more worthwhile, we couldn’t resist squeezing in a few bug fixes and quality-of-life changes based on recent community requests - these didn’t require a client update.

Other fixes and updates will come with a client update later this month.

[h3]The server maintenance is now complete.[/h3]

A new, unranked game with an exciting new map configuration has already begun!

Enjoy the game and have a great weekend!

[h3]Notable Gameplay Changes[/h3]
  • ⚔️ Garrison Assaults: based on your feedback, we’ve refined the mechanics. Companies (or enemy garrisons, e.g., those using the Reinforced Patrols tactic) can no longer target non-adjacent garrisons even if those are inside their Area of Control. To initiate an attack, the attacker must now be positioned directly adjacent to the target garrison.

    Note: This change does not affect battle reinforcement rules. If the game rules allow allied forces to join a battle from greater distances, this functionality remains unchanged. However, tactics like Ambusher can no longer be used to repeatedly "lock down" multiple garrisons inside their Area of Control, as attacks on garrisons are now restricted to adjacent targets (they still can ambush other Companies within their full AoC).

  • ♟️ Company Movements: We’ve also updated the logic for company movement orders based on recent feedback, to make it more RTS-like. If a company has an immobile tactic (e.g., Guard or Ambusher) and receives a movement order, the tactic will now automatically revert to its default setting. This allows the company to proceed toward its designated destination without staying in place. Note that initiating movement from an immobile tactic will cost the company one tick for reorganization.

  • Various server-side improvements and changes, including some pathfinding and map generation related issues and inconsistencies.

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