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  2. News
  3. Version 2.1 - DLC rewards increased & Final content update

Version 2.1 - DLC rewards increased & Final content update

Update 2.1 - The final content update

This is the end of a journey, that has been too long for me. I have been working on the game for 1 Year and 6 months by now. The end was supposed to happen when it released out of Early Access, with the introduction of Blobberina (you can watch the early access trailer on the store page, to see where it began). Yet I still clung on to a sinking ship, trying to keep it afloat. I don't regret it, as the game is now in a much better state than it was back then. This is not a "subscription" or "game as a service" type game. There needs to be an end. As mentioned before, this update and the last couple were supposed to wrap up the "idle game" part of the game and now it is. It can take a player around 5k to 6k hours of playtime to complete the entire game, and that would be, when you reach level 100 with all the girls.

I mentioned, that I was planning on adding a new-game+ mode, but after thinking about it, I feel like it will add nothing of value, except more bloat. The game has enough content and does not need even more bloat. I have an issue of not knowing when to stop, and if it's up to players, I can keep going indefinitely. That would not be a smart decision on my part, as this is business for me. The smart decision would have been, to call it quits 7 months ago, but I couldn't bring myself to do so and am glad about it.

So, what's new?
As a final thank you to all the supporters of the game, I have increased all DLC rewards and made them all re-claimable.
I have also added 2 new DLC generators in the lab.
Dating generator - has a chance to give gifts.
Costume generator - has a chance to give lewdcoin.

This way the DLCs remain relevant even in the late-game portion of the game, not only in the early one.

I also increased the gambling rewards for the jackpot and the big win significantly.

Other stuff
- fixed a sound effects bug
- polished various screens and updated the art

What about the girls, costumes and animations?
The last update made me realize that it's a crackpot idea. There were people, who were struggling to get even 30fps in the idle game after adding only a couple of animations.
I was able to boost FPS in the game and the Rhythm game, by deactivating and re-activating animations and the idle game, but it would only get worse from here. The game engine loads all pictures(sprites) into your RAM when the game starts. The more pictures, the more RAM is used and the more your game lags. I was able to relieve that by a lot last time. Currently Lucy, Lilly, Yukari and Emika have 1 animation with 3 variations. So it's a total of 12 animations. 12 and the game started to struggle.
If I were to add an animation for all of the girls+extras, it would be around 108.
That was the original plan, and it's impossible, unless you want to play at a silky smooth 3 FPS.
I've left all the current animations in, as there is no reason to remove them.

I think you understand now, the why. This stuff would be great in a visual novel, or an rpg, but idle games are meant to be played on low end computers, that's their whole point, to be simple. The rhythm game would also not work if it didn't have a consistent 60fps.

That all said, I will still fix bugs and typos, adjust values and balance. The game will still receive updates, just nothing new. It's missing a lot of achievements for example, which I will add soon.

Thanks for reading, your understanding, the feedback and support!