1. Operation Food to Gold
  2. News
  3. Version 1.9 - Medium Update

Version 1.9 - Medium Update

Update 1.9

A medium sized update, that I have marked as a small one, since I don't want to spam your steam news feed. Mostly focused on balance and a game breaking bug.

-Added new animations to emikas bikini costume. Idle breathing animation and shake on click animation for all 3 variations. Enjoy!

-Removed the censorship. Ginny is now fully nude, in all her glory.

- Added a disclaimer, that states that all characters are above 18. I was hesitant to un-censor ginny and was working on remaking her. But, there is no way to remake her and still keep Ginny as Ginny. If I change her, she won't be Ginny anymore. She is a favorite to many players. I also like her just the way she is and don't want to change her.

- Fixed a bug where gambling will stop working until you restart the game. It works now.

Globblopper Generators and Gold Generators
- Increased the gold one max progress slightly and the globblopper generator significantly. It was just too strong and needed a nerf. The problem was, it was giving globbloppers and you upgrade it with them too. It was too much. I haven't changed the rewards for it. It's still 50% chance to get a globblopper, just slower.

- Changed hat, shirt and toy store gold gain from 1,2,3 per level to 10,20,30.
- Removed "resets on purpstige" text.
- Made the text slightly smaller to prevent clipping issues.

- Fixed clipping issues with all generators.
- Typos.

Things I forgot to mention last time that were changed.
- Added new dialogue lines to all girls based on the costume they are wearing. The lewder, the lewder the dialogue.
- Changed the calculations of the rhythm game score. Used to be 15 mistakes for 3 stars, 50 for 2, 150 for 1. Now it's percent based. 95% - 85% - 60%.
- Changed the notes for "Casino Vampire" and "Stars". The songs are easier and more fun now.
- Added Trisha lewd skin.

Enjoy and have fun!