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Milo News

Milo Demo 0.19.5

Milo Demo 0.19.5

- decreased cultist max sprint starting wave 20 from
375->355 (default max is 350)
- "Follow Orders" mission will now force marked cultists to sprint and all other cultists will walk (thank you to Joenzi for the suggestion)
- "Follow Orders" eliminiation requirement raised starting at wave 20 from 5/6 -> 7/8
- further reduced the chance for ammo bodies to spawn
- increased thompson base damage 36.0 -> 38.0
- increased base Kar98 damage 140.0 -> 145.0
- grenades no longer has cooldown and is replaced with charges. players get two at the start of each round
- first person sprint arm animation are back and do not prevent ADS triggering right out of Sprint ability
- some ability UI quality-of-life changes
- increased rat horde-size eat multiplier 0.25 -> 0.4 (the more rats you have the faster they will consume bodies)

Milo Demo Update 0.19.3

0.19.3 Milo Demo

- starting at wave 20, cultist max speed is raised significantly
- players now get 2 flat charges of corpse explode at the beginning of each wave. this ability does not regenerate passively or gain charges in any other way
- "Follow Orders" mission forces cultists to walk to barricade and have a 5% of sprinting upon entering. If mission is failed all cultists will sprint. The success requirement for the mission raised from 5 to 7 with some randomization
- decreased drop rate of ammo corpses
- increased the drop rate of repair barricace corpses
- basketball high score leaderboards are now active (I have a feeling I will be much more able to compete in basketball because i suck at shooting)
- leaderboards option now available in game menu
- end-of-session recap now displays an interactable widget that shows the leaderboards
- items and their effects now properly scale past lvl 17
- increased the presence of cultist sprint scream sfx so they will be audible a bit more
- reduced the amount of dust and fog in the weather states

(yesterday's changelog)
- fixed collision issue with basketballs and basketball minigame
- lowered lifespan of thrown rat food
- raised rat flat eat amount 7.0 -> 8.0
- raised rat eat amount scale by rat group size 0.05 -> 0.25
- remove weapon-specific sprint animations, altered sprinting camera-shake animation
- sprinting now costs less stamina, out of breathe sfx threshold is a bit higher
- more bodies with powerups will spawn now
- rat kissing buff increased 30.0 -> 60.0 (1.2x crit chance multiplier while active)
- raised default rat movespeed
- adjusted some weapon recoil
- you can now ADS right after sprinting
- raised FOV 90-100
- cream added per kill reduced to 0.03
- you can now replace pistol with another gun
- rats can now eat all corpses that have an icon
- popping poison gas or dynamite bodies no longer hurts the player, however, it will blur your vision and i have increased that radius to offset the damage removal

Milo Demo 0.18.7

Milo Demo 0.18.7

- you can no longer sprint while holding a basketball
- throw rat food ability properly cancels some abilities and is blocked by certain abilities, preventing weird knife attachment bug
- basketball minigame now shows interaction prompt
- increased resolution of collision on all floor/ground meshes to prevent unseemly clipping
- decreased the base cultist walk speed slightly
- adjusted cultist chance to sprint
- increased cultist sprint speed scaling after wave 3
- M1 garand clip now ejects in proper location
- adjusted RVO avoidance for cultists (they shouldn't get as close to eachother anymore and fast cultists will push through faster)
- increased default starting rat speed
- lowered overall sunlight intensity
- increased chance of rain and rainstorms
- max player rat-food decreased 10 -> 8
- players now receive a 30 second "kissing" buff to critical strike chance (1.2x multiplier) when you feed your rats
- breaking a rat crate now replenishes all of your ammo
- increased speed of depth of field transition when aiming down sights
- "Follow Orders" mission now overrides cultist chance to sprint to a flat 50% to sprint
- little updates and tweaks to UI, icons etc.

Milo Demo Update 0.18.6

Milo Demo Update 0.18.6

- lowered max alive zombies 20 -> 18
- removed ability to repair barrier, a special repair corpse can now be used in lieu of it for now
- added new body powerup that repairs all barricades fully, this body can be popped by the player
- adjusted kar98, trenchgun, and garand fire animation and their camera shake settings
- when bonus room is activated, all barriers will now repair fully
- added food gathering from bodies. bodies that have green stencils can be eaten and consumed for their powerup and food.
- added a throw food ability so you can feed your rats. rats will passively gather food while you are fighting.
- at the start of every round you are granted 1 stack of rat food
- a rat crate will now always spawn outside the door when using the Cream Machine, regardless of "Follow Orders" mission failiure
- updated some icons and ui stuff

!rat food currently has no benefit, right now i'm just ironing out a few things before it gets any kind of utility. thank you for your patience

! rats will prioritize food so be aware that eating the food you throw will keep them from prioritizing bodies

Milo Demo Update 0.18.4

NOTE: due to the difficulty changing recently I have decided to reset the leaderboard for highest wave earned. I'd like to be transparent about all of this so please forgive me for the inconvenience

- fixed some leaderboard issues, it's less wonk. I'd like to do a lot more with this
- added the bonus room rat spawns back
- reworked ADS
- trenchgun no longer automatically fires when holding mouse-click
- raised max living zombies 15->20
- raised cultist sprint scaling
- increased base cultist sprint speed
- increased base pistol damage 30.0 -> 34.0
- many small (mostly)cosmetic and quality-of-life tweaks