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Border Pioneer News

Patch v0.99.29

  • Fixed a bug where the Fairy Assembly Hall could spawn a large number of fairies at once.
  • Removed the [Field] tag from Collection Stations to reduce confusion and reduced their price.
  • Reduced the construction cost of Tree Spirits. They no longer consume supplies, their base food production is lowered to 3, and card usage count increased to 4.
  • Reduced the base health of Explosive Traps.
  • Adjusted Baby Dragon upgrades: Each upgrade now increases health by 20%. Additional enhancements and appearance changes are applied after learning all skills.

Patch v0.99.28

  • The Baby Dragon can now devour Golems, but this extends its cooldown.
  • Level 4-2 terrain optimization.
  • Level 4-3 terrain optimization.
  • Added a monster list to the encyclopedia, allowing players to view monsters' base attributes.
  • Reduced the food required for Baby Dragon hatching.
  • Fixed a bug where the Baby Dragon could jump into water/lava.
  • Adjusted the priority of seeking recovery after critical injuries.
  • Added a custom map monster quantity limit option to settings.

What's Next: Border Pioneer Roadmap

First and foremost, THANK YOU for the incredible support since launch. Your feedback, bug reports, and enthusiasm have meant the world to us!

Here's our development roadmap for the coming months!

First and foremost, THANK YOU for the incredible support since launch. Your feedback, bug reports, and enthusiasm have meant the world to us!

Here's our development roadmap for the coming months!

Patch v0.99.27

  • Decreased the health increase value of the Barracks
  • Fixed a bug where the pathfinding arrows sometimes did not disappear
  • Added an explanation of damage reduction rate in the defense stat description
  • Fixed a bug where the Giant Mushroom Man initially had all upgrades
  • Optimized the defense AI
  • Adjusted enemy attack and health in Pioneer difficulty; enemies now have lower attack power but higher health

Patch v0.99.26

  • Fixed a bug where the Giant Mushroom Man had incorrect attack speed and attack power.
  • Fixed a bug where summoned units did not start with full health.
  • Updated the description of the Bonfire: Now clearly states that it weakens Mushroom Men.
  • Removed the unit cap for all spell cards.
  • Reduced the number of splits after the Mushroom Mother's death.
  • The Lich will now summon Golden Skeletons after dying twice.
  • Reduced the number of orcs summoned by the Orc Hero.
  • Fixed a bug where the Temporary Fortification buff was incorrect.
  • Reduced the range and damage of Snow Slime self-destruction.
  • Increased the strength of monsters in October and November for some BOSS levels to better match the BOSS difficulty curve.
  • Reduced the number of Greater Demons in December for Level 5-3 and delayed the appearance of the Demon Eye.
  • Nature Well: Reduced resident occupation by 1, increased additional food consumption by 1 (total food consumption remains unchanged), and reduced base production by 1.
  • Adjusted terrain slowdown effect to 40%.
  • Fixed a bug where the encyclopedia would open by default in the map editor.