1. Border Pioneer
  2. News
  3. Patch v0.99.26

Patch v0.99.26

  • Fixed a bug where the Giant Mushroom Man had incorrect attack speed and attack power.
  • Fixed a bug where summoned units did not start with full health.
  • Updated the description of the Bonfire: Now clearly states that it weakens Mushroom Men.
  • Removed the unit cap for all spell cards.
  • Reduced the number of splits after the Mushroom Mother's death.
  • The Lich will now summon Golden Skeletons after dying twice.
  • Reduced the number of orcs summoned by the Orc Hero.
  • Fixed a bug where the Temporary Fortification buff was incorrect.
  • Reduced the range and damage of Snow Slime self-destruction.
  • Increased the strength of monsters in October and November for some BOSS levels to better match the BOSS difficulty curve.
  • Reduced the number of Greater Demons in December for Level 5-3 and delayed the appearance of the Demon Eye.
  • Nature Well: Reduced resident occupation by 1, increased additional food consumption by 1 (total food consumption remains unchanged), and reduced base production by 1.
  • Adjusted terrain slowdown effect to 40%.
  • Fixed a bug where the encyclopedia would open by default in the map editor.