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Lindwyrm News

Lindwyrm Update 0.5.94

Dear Lindwyrm Adventurers,

This update is all about polish! We’ve fixed a bunch of bugs and made some UI improvements to make your dungeon-crawling experience even smoother!

We’ve also added a short survey to hear your thoughts, your feedback helps us make Lindwyrm even better. Let us know what you think!

Thank you,

Your Ghostwhale Games Team

[h2]Release Notes

  • New Rune Effect Feature: Rune Effects no longer drop, you collect rune energy and will be rewarded with a Rune Effect when the bar is filled (displayed left bottom). Once you die or teleport to town the bar is reset.
  • Required dungeons to unlock the Guardian Room has been lowered from 5 to 4. This is now also visually displayed on the top center.
  • Unlocked travelers lock entries for rooms, diary pages and enemies now grant permanent stat & attribute bonuses.
  • A system has been implemented that prevents the game from overriding save data if something goes wrong during the saving process (this could lead to data loss in the past)
  • We added a survey button to the title menu screen to collect even more player feedback
  • Several map issues have been fixed.
  • Several network issues have been fixed.
  • Several graphical improvements for maps have been implemented.

As always, if you encounter any issues, inconveniences or just want to share feedback, please join our Discord here!

Roadmap Update: Road to Version 1.0

Hello Adventurers,

As we journey deeper into the world of Lindwyrm, it's time to take a moment to reflect on what we've achieved together and what thrilling challenges lie ahead.

In December, we launched the Insidious Nature Update, bringing massive content to explore:

  • 18+ dungeons to explore and conquer
  • Fierce new monsters lurking in the wild
  • An epic dragon boss to test your skills
  • Exciting new quests to unravel
  • Steam achievements to reward your progress
  • The brand-new Town Barrier feature, where you'll defend your village against monstrous invasions and keep your people safe

This update was only the beginning. The adventure continues with even more exciting content on the horizon! Prepare to venture into the Sand Setting:

  • Many new dungeons waiting to be uncovered
  • Unique monsters adapted to this scorching environment
  • Powerful loot, new quests, and untold secrets that will challenge even the bravest heroes

We're committed to fulfilling our roadmap and delivering the Lindwyrm experience you deserve. Thank you for being part of this adventure, we couldn’t do it without you.

Stay tuned for more updates and if you haven’t yet, join our Discord community for a direct exchange with the devs, give-aways, feedback sessions, bug reports and more! 🐉

To Discord: https://discord.com/invite/rnMynbRpcC

Let’s forge the path to 1.0 together!

Lindwyrm Update 0.5.69

Dear Lindwyrm Adventurers,

We identified an issue which was introduced with the last update (see details below) & we took the chance to correct a smaller problem with the steam achievements.

Thank you,

Your Ghostwhale Games Team

Release Notes
Combat & Monsters
  • Bug Fix: An rare error occurred which caused traps to deal more damage to the player as intended and also made the combat text for incoming damage disappear.

Achievements (Steam)
  • Bug Fix: The achievement for dying 100x stopped counting after 10 death.
  • New: Newly unlocked Steam Achievements will notify you immediately instead of after leaving the current map.

As always, if you encounter any issues, inconveniences or just want to share feedback, please join our Discord!

Lindwyrm Update 0.5.65

Dear Lindwyrm Adventurers,

We’ve just released a small update which is activating Steam Achievements and contains several improvements and bug fixes.

Thank you,

Your Ghostwhale Games Team

[h2]Release Notes[/h2]

Combat & Monsters
  • Bug Fix: Boss monsters were pushed away when player jumped against them. This is no longer possible.

  • Bug Fix: Adjustments and improvements of several dungeons. E.g. Wall collision, gaps in floor, etc.

Rune Board
  • Bug Fix: Effect runes with equal names have been changed.
  • Bug Fix: Mismatching colour of runes has been corrected.

UI & Settings
  • User Feedback: The low health vignette can now be turned off in the game settings.

  • Bug Fix: Some quests had a problem with showing the correct text and guidance. This has been solved.

  • Bug Fix: Music kept playing in some maps when turned off in the settings.

  • Bug Fix: All players will now receive the status effects from aura steles.
  • Bug Fix: The game no longer charges guest player for choosing a free floor at the dungeon portals.

  • Bug Fix: Several typos or missing texts fixed.
  • New: Steam Achievements are now unlocking.
  • Known Issue: Does not unlock for already resolved requirements, e.g. boss kill only counts when killed after this update.
  • Known Issue: Achievement for dying 100 times currently not counting further than 10.

As always, if you encounter any issues, inconveniences or just want to share feedback, please join our Discord!

Insidious Nature Update!

Christmas is just around the corner and what better way to pass the time until presents arrive than with a round of Lindwyrm? Or two or three rounds? We also have something new: the brand-new “Insidious Nature” setting. New environment, new monsters, new features!

[h3]New Feature Town Defence[/h3]

The first attack has been averted, but there are still several monsters lurking underground. The villagers have built a protective barrier, but it is only a matter of time before the wood gives way and the monsters storm back into the village.

If this happens, you must defend the place, otherwise it will be razed to the ground again and any previous upgrades will be lost.

Repair the barrier as best you can so that it holds out for a long time.
Return from the Underground as soon as the barrier drops to 0 and defend the mine! If you fail, the monsters will storm into the village.

[h3]New Dungeon Setting: Insidious Nature[/h3]
  • New monsters
  • New boss
  • New quests
  • New arsenal

New adventures await you in the insidious nature. A colorful world covered in plants awaits you. But beware! Appearances can be deceptive and not everything is as lovely as it seems.

[h2]Release notes[/h2]
  • New: A full new dungeon setting is here with more floors to be visited, more monster to be fought, more quests and story, more traps & puzzles to overcome and more equipment to to be found.
  • New: Aura steles can occasionally appear in dungeons that hold little surprises for you, either good or challenging.
  • Player Feedback: Tutorial maps got additional checkpoints to avoid restarting the complete floor in case of failing.
  • Bug Fixes: Several problems with dungeons have been addressed.

[h3]Monster & Combat[/h3]
  • Player Feedback: Kill and destroy streaks will increase their buff effects as the streak continues.
  • Player Feedback: We made improvements to the hit feedback when attacking monster.
  • Player Feedback: The range of the bow’s arrows has been reduced. Without hitting a monster or an obstacle they would fly forever.
  • Player Feedback: The amount of remaining monster & number of waves is shown in combat.
  • Bug Fix: A whole new ground marker for elite monster. The old effect was barely visible on some floors.
  • Bug Fix: Monster “Orco” rebalanced. The ice version had more health points than intended.
  • Bug Fix: In co-op mode, a wrong monster health bar was sometimes displayed.

[h3]Rune Board[/h3]
  • Player Feedback: You can now reset applied runes on the rune board.
  • Player Feedback: Rune types in board and rune bag follow the same order.
  • New: More bonus runes added.
  • Bug Fix: Bonus effects from exchanged special runes could still be activated.

[h3]Town Upgrade[/h3]
  • Player Feedback: The screen was reworked for a better look and feel.
  • New: 1 additional upgrade slot which can be unlocked by solving a certain quest.
  • New: The new crafting method “unique +” allows you to upgrade the level of an unique item at the smith.

[h3]Town Defence[/h3]
  • New: If the barriers which secures the town breaks, all floor entrances are closed and the hero is asked to safe the mine and town again.

[h3]User Interface & Settings[/h3]
  • Player Feedback: The inventory and setting screens now have transparent background to avoid that monster would attack you while managing equipment or game settings.
  • Player Feedback: The intensity of controller vibration can be adjusted.
  • Player Feedback: A highlight effect is showing when a guardian floor can be entered.
  • Bug Fix: The tooltip window is now refreshing when you upgrade crafting equipment.

  • New: A notification will tell you when you received an item as a reward from solving quests.
  • New: Quest items showing the respective quest in their tooltip texts.

  • Bug Fix: Additional sound effects implemented. Several events corrected where a wrong sound was triggered.

  • New: New ultimate skills for weapons (hammer, staff, and bow). More weapons to come in future releases.
  • Bug Fix: The game can now be played in solo) mode without an active internet connection (Steam only).

We hope you enjoy exploring the new content and wish you a Merry Christmas!