1. Lindwyrm
  2. News
  3. Lindwyrm Update 0.5.69

Lindwyrm Update 0.5.69

Dear Lindwyrm Adventurers,

We identified an issue which was introduced with the last update (see details below) & we took the chance to correct a smaller problem with the steam achievements.

Thank you,

Your Ghostwhale Games Team

Release Notes
Combat & Monsters
  • Bug Fix: An rare error occurred which caused traps to deal more damage to the player as intended and also made the combat text for incoming damage disappear.

Achievements (Steam)
  • Bug Fix: The achievement for dying 100x stopped counting after 10 death.
  • New: Newly unlocked Steam Achievements will notify you immediately instead of after leaving the current map.

As always, if you encounter any issues, inconveniences or just want to share feedback, please join our Discord!