Patch 1.0.42p2
New small patch to help with hunger and resources, events not triggering, and to add save slot copying.
- Cut hunger drain over time in half
- Refresh spawned objects on season change at load (to give more resources and clear out resources that can't be reached)
- Added save slot copy feature
- Gamepad navigation in Load slot menu improved
- Fixes to prevent picking up or placing objects on other floors
- Rare Brew quest: only show herb gathering steps complete with the herbs in inventory
- Instantly stop weather effects when entering caves
- More fence fixes: issue while cleaning up fence previews, loading a segment, issues with combining different fences
- Avoid facing mouse/stick direction while on a mount
- Fix candle flames turning off even when in view
- Add scroll view to skill cards menu
- Remove War Bow Diagram from Crossroads blacksmith (for new saves or shop refresh)
- Fix for a cause of character getting stuck/broken animation in combat
- Allow events to trigger sooner after loading the game, save/load cooldowns, slight increase chance of Trade Ship
- Fix possibility of Yuletide event completing preventing other events