Patch 1.0.26p2
[*] Fix issue with timers after year 1 (animal breeding, producing, growing up too quickly, etc)
[*] Add message that the animal was delivered to farm when buying animals
[*] Add a hint about holding X/down d-pad to call mount when buying horses
[*] Add whistle sound when calling mount
[*] Change animal relationship menu icon to a paw
[*] Player now respawns at the nearest unlocked campsite or the farm
[*] Respawn enemies when re-loading: Mistress of the Moor, wolves for In the Wolves Den, bandits in Unmasked
[*] Fix Seriel letting you talk to him and complete Unmasked early
[*] Fix Banished Gate able to hide before being completed
[*] Prevent roll/dodge while drawing the bow
[*] Changed Rat to 5hp, and fixed the hitbox size
[*] Fixed scroll issue in Trade/Crafting menus
[*] Auto select list elements on hover or key input at crafting menu
[*] Dim items that can't be crafted in crafting menus
[*] Fixed issue while using the sickle on crops outside the farm
[*] Fix for grass reappearing under placed objects
[*] Hide main cursor when hand cursor is shown
[*] Optimize Murkwater Marsh to load less unnecessary objects and reduce stuttering
[*] Smoother loading of the farm, avoid loading it while in Brightoak to reduce stutter in town
[*] Fix resources/enemies able to instantly respawn
[*] As a reminder. The FPS cap was removed from the game a while back. Please set the FPS cap in your native GPU settings.
[*] F2 will get you unstuck in most situations.
[*] Check out our discord for sneak peeks on upcoming content, report and lookup bugs, and experience a helpful and inviting community. Community suggestions are shaping the evolution of our game over at