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Survivor Mercs News


A Time Has Been Chosen Commanders

IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR CAKE DAY! In honor of our Early Access 1 year anniversary, the Devs will be answering YOUR QUESTIONS on Friday the 13th at 9:00pm CET/1:00pm PST in the Wandering Wizard Discord Server.

Don't forget to submit your questions in the official Dev AMA Form - See you there, Commander.

[h2]Arsenal Update[/h2]
If you have any questions about the most recent jam packed update, check out the YT Video below or read the developers patch notes on Steam!


Early Access Anniversary Dev AMA

We’re having an Early Access Anniversary Celebration Commanders!

As a part of the celebration will be hosting a DEV AMA on the Wandering Wizard Discord on September 13th! We will be collecting questions until 10am PST September 12th! SO make sure to submit your comments in this Dev AMA Google Form for the Wolpertinger Devs to answer live!

But before we set a time on September 13th, we want to make sure our community can be there! So in the Official Announcement Poll, on the Wandering Wizard Discord, please select the times for which you are available.

We’re so excited to chat with you and answer all of your burning questions. This Early Access time has been a journey and it would not be the same without your feedback. You have directly shaped which direction this game has gone and we look forward to seeing what’s next in store for us!

- The Survivor Mercs Team

Patch 0.9.11f1 - Hotfix

Commanders, thanks for providing mission reports to help us fix some issues from the latest major Early Access update 0.9.11 "Arsenal":

Full list of changes, improvements, and fixes:
  • Removed the "no weapon" choice until it has the proper bonus that should go with it.
  • Set SMG as default weapon, you no longer start with "no weapon".
  • SMG now applies "marked" status effect as intended.
  • Fixed Airstrike not firing multiple bombs, now clearing a path ahead of you as intended.
  • Fixed an issue with Hogshead's barrels all landing in one spot when using the Duplicator trait.
  • Fixed drop rates for Rare Building Components on Standard Operations. They should now drop as intended with a low probability during later stages in the run from Loot Crates. The main source for Rare Components is still any operation played in Elite difficulty.
  • Marked effect is now showing up more consistently on Objective Defense Sentries. The status was applied correctly but didn't show the visual effect.
  • Moved the Operation Difficulty selection to the center of the Operations menu to make it more prominent that you can change Operation Types. The visual UI representation will be improved with a future patch.

Currently known issues we are investigating and working on:
  • You can still equip "no weapon" by canceling out of the weapon selection window/list. This will be fixed in the next patch.
  • Objective Sentries may sometimes still not show the visual effect for the marked effect consistently. We're investigating this further.
  • The "Crunchtime" achievement may not trigger correctly when defeating a boss in under 30 seconds.
  • OilRig may potentially become immune to damage from barrels in rare instances.
  • The game's performance can potentially degrade heavily when playing at very high screen resolutions (UHD+), please lower the resolution to a maximum of 1440p if you encounter this. We are still trying to find the root cause of this problem.
  • Menus may sometimes scroll erratically when the game falsely selects a UI element at the top or bottom, e.g. in the Bunker menu or the Awards room (anywhere you have scrolling lists). We already identified the root cause within the automatic input device detection and fixed some cases of that, but few occasions remain erratic.
  • Automatic input recognition is still causing some nuisance with the mouse cursor sometimes interfering with controller input and vice-versa.
  • Gear items sometimes show the same "utility" icon twice. They also don't show any damage type icon that may be affected negatively, e.g. Napalm buffing fire but nerfing other damage types.

As always, join our Discord or post to the Steam forums if you encounter any issues or want to leave some feedback!

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!

Arsenal (0.9.11) - Major Early Access Update #5

Commanders, lock and load - this update gives you an Arsenal of weapons!

Update 0.9.11, codename "Arsenal", gives you complete control over the action:
equip EVERY Commander clone with a weapon of your choice, take aim, and fire!

Mark enemies for your Mercs to direct their fire, create defensive perimeters, and break out of tight situations with deadly force - or not-so-deadly abilities.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Airstrike and SMG weapons do not fully work as intended, this will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix patch!

Read on for all the details, but first...

[h2][color]⚠ SAVEGAME WARNING ⚠[/color][/h2]

This Major Update changes various core systems around abilities, and brings adjustments to Bunker Rooms, Traits, Level-ups & Skill Trees, balancing, and meta-progression.

We RECOMMEND you reset your savegame with this update.

The first time you start the game after the update, you will get a popup message that asks you to reset your savegame. If you do reset, you will start fresh and a backup of your last savegame is created in your local game folder.

You CAN continue with your old savegame.
Our tests did NOT show any issues. But the game is still in development, so bugs may occur, hence the recommendation to start over.

You can find a guide on how to restore savegames from older game versions here: How to access & restore savegame backups (Steam Forums)
Let's get into the details of Update 0.9.11 "Arsenal":

[h3]Active Commander Weapons[/h3]
Every Commander clone can now wield a weapon you can actively control.

Go to the Genome Lab, clone your next Commander, and choose your loadout from an arsenal of starting weapons, independent of Traits or other variables - for now.

The weapons are built in a classic twin-stick shooter fashion: aim & fire with your mouse or controller.

Each of the new starting weapons has a unique profile, behavior, and individual synergies with various stats. Some weapons evolved from Traits that used to give you an active weapon.

Weapons exist in parallel to your Dash, so you can combine them in creative ways with your Mercs, Traits, and Gear items.

With the new active Commander Weapons we separate Dash, Traits, and Weapons into distinct systems to prevent confusion and enable more fun squad build strategies.

The Dash is your default active ability based on your current movement direction.
Any other ability you can actively aim and trigger is now a Weapon.
From now on, Talent Traits will grant you passive abilities, or modify your Dash or Weapons by adding, removing, or changing effects and rules for those.

All Weapons are currently available immediately from the start:
  • Leafblower - swoop enemies out of your way and mark them for a short while
  • Marksman Rifle - fire high-powered projectiles to mark enemies for extended periods
  • Riot Shield - block projectiles and enemies and clear a path with your shield bash attack
  • Crippling Mines - drop multiple mines to damage and slow down enemies
  • Melter Beam - decay armor and mark your targets for a short period
  • Singularity Launcher - create black holes that pull enemies in and mark them
  • Quaker Hammer - deal melee AoE damage and knock enemies away
  • SMG - fire bursts that can punch through armor
  • Airstrike - cut a swath through the horde

Traits that formerly enabled active weapons are now giving passive abilities or modifying your Dash, e.g. the Defender Talent modifies your Dash to shatter enemy projectiles into shrapnel.

[h3]New Effects & Emergent Synergies[/h3]
The primary purpose of Commander Weapons is NOT damage but giving you ways to control your Mercs and manage the horde more effectively. The Weapons scale various parameters with different stats and partially use the new "marked" status effect.

Your Mercs stick to their individual movement & targeting behavior until a "marked" enemy comes into range - then they are focusing on the marked target.

The new "marked" effect and stat-scaling on the Commander Weapons add to the options to create Emergent Synergies. Our goal is to not only to create systems to stack & scale stats, but provide fun ways to control the frantic action.

We're exploring more ways to combine procs & status effects with active & passive abilities and rule modifiers, so please leave us your feedback and show us how you use the new weapons.

[h3]Level-up & Merc Skill Specialization Improvements[/h3]
Update 0.9.10 "Bootcamp" introduced a new level-up system. This update adds refinement and adjusts the Merc's skill trees and specializations to have a more pronounced impact on your squad builds.

Mercs now use a unified structure for their Skill Trees, offering 1 base lane and 2-3 specialization lanes. The spec lanes are exclusive to one another, offer one additional choice for refinement, and result in an Elite Skill as the final upgrade.

The default choices for each level-up are now the Generic Upgrades. Every few level-up rolls will give you the option to pick an upgrade for your Commander Weapon, Mercs, or Gear items.

In turn, the upgrades for Mercs, Weapons, and Gear are more impactful and need fewer level-ups to max them out in total.

One of our main initiatives is building a more intuitive & accessible structure for the various game mechanics and systems.

The data and insights we gained from your player feedback shows that we over-complicated certain things in the game unnecessarily. This update is another step into building a cleaner mental model so you can focus on the action and your squad build strategies instead of digging through and remembering too many different variables.

We started work on two new Mercs since we removed specializations from a few existing Mercs where they weren't providing a competitive alternative to the other skill lanes. The new Mercs are meant to synergize much better with your squad and weapons with a unique profile.

[h3]Additional Languages & Community Translations[/h3]
The game is now available in these languages, in addition to English, German, and Chinese:
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Polish
  • Turkish
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Ukranian
  • Russian

These new languages are available as a work-in-progess and aren't fully proof-read. We want to invite you to support us and are planning to offer the translation files publicly as part of a Community Translations Project.

You will receive exclusive access to that project via our Discord server to improve translations or add completely new languages to the game. In turn you will receive exclusive benefits, e.g. access to playtest versions and a direct channel to our dev team.

We are sharing more details soon!

[h2]More Additions, Fixes, Adjustments, Improvements & Details[/h2]
  • The Gym & Armor Workshop rooms grant multiplier bonuses instead of flat increases to HP and Armor. In turn, various Traits provide flat bonuses to Armor & HP instead of multipliers.
  • Fixed an instance where pressing Esc just at the right moment before a screen animation started was locking up the game.
  • Fixed aiming indicator snapping back to default position when releasing the input (e.g. on controllers), instead it remembers your last aiming direction.
  • Fixed some rare instances where upgrades did not show the stats they affected.
  • Fixed an issue where Charger enemies were leaving an invisible knockback zone behind after dying.
  • PhenX should no longer clip out of its arena or push you through the walls when dashing around.
  • GriftLift shrapnel projectiles can be blocked.
  • Mammoth should collide with environment objects and Commander correctly.
  • All enemies should show VFX for currently active status effects correctly.
  • Scorch's flamethrower uses a more robust system to damage enemies and apply status effects & DoT correctly.
  • Added "Radar" generic upgrade to increase View Range and Objective Reveal Range.
  • Rooms have new build & upgrade animations alongside some idle animations.
  • Info popups for Traits in the Clone Bay should show immediately.
  • Fixed an issue where right-clicks could prevent other inputs for a few seconds in various circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where "missions" (unlock conditions) were resetting unexpectedly.
  • Added a first iteration of the new dialogue screens with high-fidelity illustrations of Conduit.
  • Improved performance in various UI elements and the shader for rendering the Commander in UI.
  • Fixed various instances of VFX clipping with the ground.
  • Fixed various typos and inconsistencies with UI texts in all languages.
  • Adjusted the button UI sounds to be less annoying.

[h3]Known Issues[/h3]
  • Airstrike weapon does not fire multiple bombs as intended.
  • The game's performance can potentially degrade heavily when playing at very high screen resolutions (UHD+), please lower the resolution to a maximum of 1440p if you encounter this. We are still trying to find the root cause of this problem.
  • Menus may sometimes scroll erratically when the game falsely selects a UI element at the top or bottom, e.g. in the Bunker menu or the Awards room (anywhere you have scrolling lists). We already identified the root cause within the automatic input device detection and fixed some cases of that, but few occasions remain erratic.
  • Automatic input recognition is still causing some nuisance with the mouse cursor sometimes interfering with controller input and vice-versa.
  • Gear items sometimes show the same "utility" icon twice. They also don't show any damage type icon that may be affected negatively, e.g. Napalm buffing fire but nerfing other damage types.


[h2]Requesting Support![/h2]

[color]Commanders, we need your feedback![/color]

Although we test and adjust the game balancing constantly, you have proven more than once that you are the GOAT when it comes to finding OP squad builds and exploits.

Please share your findings with us. Help us spot where something is hopelessly underpowered or breaks the game in the not-fun way.

[h2]Moving Forward[/h2]

"Arsenal" marks our 5th major Early Access update for Survivor Mercs.

There is much more to come, so "Follow" the game to be notified when the next Early Access Roadmap Update drops Soon™.

Our plans for the next updates include:

⏩ More emergent synergies and squad-build options between Commander, Weapons, Mercs, and Gear, specifically:

  • additional proc effects, e.g. things that happen when combining different status effects
  • adjustments to dashes, projectiles, or attacks to behave differently

⏩ Map & Operations overhaul to provide more varied challenges, new Objectives, and better tactical and strategic squad-building

⏩ a visual overhaul to improve UI, readability of the action, and immersion in the game, including high-fidelity illustrations for more characters

⏩ Story missions framing your operations and fight against the M.E.G.A. Corp. goons, and other narrative elements to highlight the Mercs' personalities.

⏩ Better performance and settings for input mapping and other accessibility options.

And, of course, we're always looking into adding new maps & bosses, enemies, Mercs, and other content as they fit in with future updates.
Commanders, we are really grateful for every one of you who is supporting us with input and feedback during Early Access.

[color]Please don't forget that the game is still under development. All your feedback helps us make a better game![/color]

Even after this update there will be rough edges and bugs here and there. The balancing is a constantly ongoing process, and will change more over time.

We hope this update proves once more our dedication to listening to you and building Survivor Mercs into an outstanding game. Please, help us grow the community with a positive review and participate in the development by leaving your feedback, insights, and ideas on our Discord server.

Let's make a great game, together ❤

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!

🔴 Streaming Now: Preview of the next Major Early Access Update "Arsenal"

Commanders, tune in and watch us play the upcoming major Early Access Update 0.9.11 "Arsenal"!


We are excited to release our next update soon while the game is [color]20% off during the Snail Games USA Publisher Sale![/color]

[h2]What's in 0.9.11 "Arsenal"?[/h2]
The upcoming update is going to put the control over your squad in your hands - with Weapons!

Every Commander clone is now able to wield a weapon, no matter what Trait configuration you're choosing.

Weapons can be aimed and fired manually. But it's not just about dealing damage, it's about controlling the engagement:

Use the new "marked" effect to focus your Mercs' fire on individual targets. Decay the armor of specific enemies, create defensive perimeters with mines, bomb or bash your way through the horde, or hammer your enemies into the ground.

Your Arsenal is all about creating emergent synergies and managing the frantic action around you!

The 5th major Early Access update is also bringing new languages and various improvements to level-ups, Merc skill trees & specializations, and meta-progression.

Stay tuned for the update to drop any day! As always, we will share all the details with a major news post here on Steam alongside the release of the newest game version.

Join the discussion on our Discord server and let us know what you are most excited about.

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!