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Survivor Mercs News

Operation: Summer's End

It’s almost the end of Summer Commander!

And there’s nothing more important to the resistance than camaraderie with your fellow Commanders. With only a month left until we swing into autumn, reminisce with us and share your favorite summer memories! Whether that’s going on family vacation, having an adventure with your closest Commanders, or extracting good loot out of your favorite bullet heaven roguelite game (wink wink), we want to hear about what made this summer so special.

Post your favorite summer memory to the Community Events forum in the Wandering Wizard Discord and don’t forget to use the tag Summers End! We will close submissions off for this event on the 2nd of September. Our top 3 favorite memories will each win a Survivor Mercs key to keep or giveaway to friends/family.

[h3]Submission Rules:[/h3]
  • Post your favorite summer memory to the Survivor Mercs Community Events Forum in the Wandering Wizard Discord
  • Use the forum tag Summers End in your submission
  • React to other submissions to support your fellow Commanders
  • One submission per user

[h3]Submission Details:[/h3]
  • In the upper right corner click New Post
  • Select the tag “Summer’s End”
  • Type out your favorite memory, attach a picture for bonus points
  • Click Submit and watch the reactions roll in

  • 3 winners will receive 1 Survivor Mercs Key each

We can’t wait to see your special summer memories, Commanders! It’s looking to be a very busy autumn for us, so keep your eyes peeled on Steam and Discord for our latest game updates! Until then, keep it cool Commanders

- The Survivor Mercs Community Team

Summer Games Winners

The Summer Games have been won Commanders!

We want to Congratulate @derzwo and @The Games Detective for winning 1st and 2nd place respectively in our Summer Games Survivor Mercs Community Event!

[h3]@derzwo has completed ALL 128 ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE GAME[/h3]
Talk about a world record. That wins them a 1st place Gold Medal! (And check out their uproarious tale about them in the ⁠👋│community-events-survivor-mercs forum)

[h3]@The Games Detective has completed 70 out of 128 achievements![/h3]
Not to shabby from your favorite give-away having detective. That wins them a 2nd place Silver Medal!

Great job Commanders! Very impressive efforts on the side of the resistance. The Evil M.E.G.A. corps won't know what hit them!

Don't forget to message Mod Mail in the Wandering Wizard Discord for your free key to give away to the person of your choosing! And keep an eye open for future community events for the game. For those of you who still need to join the Wandering Wizard Discord, you can do so here.

[h2]Road Map Update[/h2]
And for those of you who missed our announcement last week. The developers have just published a brand new road map that outlines their plans for the future! Included are details about the next major update, new operations/challenges, and a possible storyline???

Find more information below

We salute you Commanders,
- The Wandering Wizard Community Team

Early Access Roadmap News: Outlook on the Next Major Updates

Commanders, a bunch of major updates is coming over the next months as we continue evolving the game throughout Early Access!

We are excited to bring you more features, improvements, changes, and new content, so read on for the details:

[h2]Public Roadmap & Closed Playtests[/h2]
In the future, you will find this roadmap on the Steam page for the game, pinned in the Steam forums, and on our Discord server to discuss the upcoming changes and improvements:


We are taking the game to the next level!
Survivor Mercs should become a truly unique [color]"horde survival squad-builder"[/color], so we're focusing even more on roguelike elements and squad-building mechanics.

Join the community and let's make the game better, together!

We are hand-picking community members who will soon get access to a Playtest Version of Survivor Mercs to test and provide feedback on pre-release versions of the game. Apply now on our Discord server if you want to join!

We aim to roll out this Playtest over the next weeks and expand it over time with more of Commanders as we learn and improve.

[h2]Upcoming Major Updates[/h2]
With the last update and its subsequent patches for "Bootcamp" (0.9.10) we introduced new operation types, new synergies, improved onboarding and progression systems, added a ton of Achievements, and introduced the groundwork for more narrative content.

[color]Now, Commanders, get ready for the updates 0.9.11 and beyond![/color]

[h3]Commander Weapons[/h3]
Our topmost priority is the introduction of Commander Weapons to grant more control over your squad of Mercs.

You will be able to equip one of multiple default weapons for any Commander clone. These weapons go hand-in-hand with new procs and synergy effects based on damage types and status effects.

The weapons are not replacing your Mercs as your primary damage source!

Instead, you can actively aim and shoot these weapons to apply certain status effects or set up powerful procs for your Mercs. Three examples to illustrate the idea:

1. "Mark" enemies with your sniper rifle: Mercs prioritize marked targets, so you can indirectly control your squad to focus fire to get out of tight situations or clear the area to capture an objective.

2. Throw poison grenades to apply a light poison DoT. If a Merc with a fire attack hits these targets, it will cancel the poison DoT but in turn double the fire damage or create an explosion.

3. Attack your enemies with a high-powered laser to melt their armor and apply a decay effect your Mercs can exploit to deal massive damage to armored targets.

We are planning to roll out this feature in the next major update 0.9.11, codename "Arsenal", with a starting set of weapons. Once we have more data and insights - not only from the Playtest - we plan to expand this feature with more Commander Weapons, synergies, and additional systems & challenges to find and change weapons during a run.

[h3]Map & Operation Overhaul[/h3]
We started working on a massive overhaul and improvement to the Maps & Operations.

Right now, the game feels too overwhelming at times, especially with lots of enemies and objectives, managing your extraction, watching out for the next miniboss, hoarding loot, all while deciding your next upgrade choices.

Our goal is to break up the 20-minute runs into multiple shorter stages.

With these stages, we introduce more variety to the maps and objectives, focus on the frantic combat action, and improve the progression during your runs with more tactical depth and more meaningful choices.

It is important to us to keep the essential core of the game intact!

So, we will be sharing more details as we progress on this massive feature and make sure to test our design and assumptions before committing to any changes permanently.

Based on this new map structure, we are planning to introduce new Operation Types and completely new Maps that look and play differently from the current ones. Of course, each Map will come with a new Boss and its custom music theme.

And once we get closer to the v1.0 release, you can expect an official Survivor Mercs OST.

[h3]Story Missions[/h3]
We all want to learn more about the Mercs and the war on M.E.G.A. Corp.!

One of the next updates will introduce Missions and more narrative content.

The goal is not just adding fluff & flavor, but tying more of the progression to actual missions instead of having only the current "unlock conditions". This is partially dependent on the new map & operations structure, but we will try to already introduce more narrative elements with each update.

The Missions will be wrapped in brief dialogues with various characters. For this, we are working on additional high-res illustrations of various characters like Conduit:

But the Mercs and the Bosses will also get a chance to shine in high-res with individual Missions:

[h3]Settings, Languages, Input Remapping[/h3]
We want to make sure the game can be enjoyed by as many players as possible.

Please post your wishes for settings and features you would like us to implement in this forum thread:

With one of the next updates, we are offering the game in more additional languages, specifically Spanish, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, and Ukrainian.

We expect the translations to be imperfect at first. Therefore we want to involve you and the community to work with us on improving the translations by offering direct access to the language files. If you would be interested in getting involved, maybe also with a language we don't have yet, we'd be happy to hear from you on our Discord server.

Once the Commander Weapons & new Map System are available, we aim to dedicate more time to settings and options like input remapping.

[h3]Our Modding Plans[/h3]
We can't share exact details - yet - but we have plans to open up the game to enable various degrees of moddability.

The first step will be Custom Skins. We want to enable you to replace the pixel sprites for characters, items, and weapons in the game to customize them to your liking and share your creations via Steam Workshop. We don't want to stop there and also allow changes to game data and potentially even ways to add new content.

This is more of a long-term feature. If you are a modder, we already want to hear your thoughts, wishes, and ideas so we can try and build a system that is comfortable and fun to use.

[h2]Other Improvements & Closing Thoughts[/h2]
The "Battle Plan" shows many more improvements and features. In this news post, we wanted to focus on the updates in the near future. We're going to share more details about these additional items on the menu as we progress further in Early Access.

In general, we're constantly working on improving performance and audio-visual quality of the game. The upcoming updates require work on various subsystems and we aim to optimize these with each iteration to move closer towards a stable 60 fps. The current bottleneck is the CPU since a lot of our physics simulation can be heavily optimized. Now that the core of the game is more and more feature-complete, we know what impacts performance the most and can tackle these optimizations.

Many improvements further down the road are expanding on these core systems, e.g. by introducing more Mercs, items, enemies, challenges, or synergy effects.

As we move forward, we plan to upgrade our Twitch integration and look at integrating CrowdControl. Enjoying a game with others is always great and we want to give back to the amazing community of streamers and creators by offering ways to engage with their audience while playing our game.

And speaking of playing with others: we have plans to add a co-op mode to the game where a friend can pick up a controller and take control over any Merc on your squad at any time. This feature is currently still at a design stage. Once we get the basics to work for a local couch-coop, we will also look at Steam's Remote Play Together feature, but we don't want to promise anything at this stage as the game is not built for online multiplayer functionality.

So, Commanders, expect more Major Early Access Updates for Survivor Mercs over the next months! And of course, many more news & information about these planned features and content expansions.

Join the discussion on our Discord server and let us know what you are most excited about.

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!

Operation: Summer Games

Operation: Summer Games

Like a popular trademarked global summer competition sporting event has their medals, so do we!
Show us your in-game badges!

In the spirit of healthy competition we want to see your in-game badges to assess how many of you put your money where your mouth is when it comes to opposing the resistance. Time to get serious Commanders, serious about your achievements!

Post screenshots of all your badges to the Survivor Mercs Community Event Discord Forum and the top 3 Badge Earners will win a place on our Podium and one Survivor Mercs key to give away to a friend or family member! Use the Forum Tag “Summer Games” to qualify. If you have not yet joined the Wandering Wizard Discord, you can do so here.

Gold Medal for the Most Badges
Silver Medal for the Second Most
Bronze Medal for the Third Most badges

[h3]Submission Rules:[/h3]
  • Submit a screenshot (hopefully multiple) of all your hard won in-game badges to the Survivor Mercs Community Events Forum in the Wandering Wizard Discord
  • Use the forum tag “Summer Games” in your submission
  • React to other submissions to support your fellow Commanders
  • One submission per user, please add all your screenshots under one Forum Thread

[h3]Submission Details:[/h3]
  • You can submit your screenshots by creating a post in the Survivor Mercs Community Events Submission Forum
  • In the upper right corner click New Post
  • Select the tag “Summer Games”
  • Click on the photo icon in the top right corner of the message submission box to upload your photos
  • Click Submit and watch the reactions roll in

  • We will create a Finalist photo with a three tiered podium where each winner will be featured. Gold Medal win for the Most Badges, Silver Medal win for the Second Most, Bronze Medal win for the Third Most badges
  • Additionally each winner will receive a Survivor Mercs Key to give away to their friends.

This apocalypse is of Olympic proportions, so should our dedication be to conquering these challenges. Let’s take down the evil M.E.G.A Corps Commander, one badge at a time!

- The Survivor Mercs Community Team

Patch 0.9.10f3 - Important Fix for XP Progression & Bugs

Commanders, we fixed an important issue: You now get the level-ups that you deserve!

A detailed discussion with one Commander revealed an error with the XP progression and the "soft" level cap, giving you much fewer level-ups than intended.

We fixed that issue with this patch, meaning you will now get about 10-15 more levels on average in any Operation. Of course, this had a major impact on the difficulty progression and some other systems. So we will be balancing some of the XP drops and bonuses to XP gain over the course of the next updates.

But we didn't want to delay this fix and managed to run a first balancing pass with these changes:
  • The Academy room provides up to 50% XP bonus now (was 35% at max. level).
  • Generic Upgrades for XP bonus give 4% per level instead of 2%.
  • The drop rates for XP were adjusted for mini-bosses and Supply Drop objectives. Both drop more golden dogtags now, particularly in Elite Ops.
  • The XP progression curve was adjusted slightly to climb at a more linear rate, offering some more frequent level-ups in the mid-to-late stages of operations.

These values and rates will be adjusted in the future, alongside other improvements and additions of synergies.

We fixed and improved some other things, too:
  • Added some missing translations for DE & ZH.
  • Disabled the Film Grain post-processing effect, as players reported issues with it. We will reintroduce it as a setting in a future update.
  • Scorch's Lv3 Corrosive Fuel skill shows stat improvements correctly.
  • Nubetube's Multi-Launcher skill should apply the additional grenades correctly.
  • Fixes some instances where the "tag icons" for Gear and Mercs were not behaving as intended.
  • Added a "tag icon" legend to the Armory menu.
  • If enemies get reset to a valid position, their VFX should no longer flash across the screen.
  • Fixed some underlying animation controls for various menus that caused unnecessary workload.
  • PhenX homing missiles should be destroyed more reliably when PhenX is defeated.
  • Increased Storage Room buff to Carry Capacity.
  • Fixed an instance with PhenX not behaving correctly when preparing to dash around.

Some known issues remain that we are already working on:
  • The "Charger" enemies may leave an invisible knockback zone on the ground when dying or moving away after a dash attack.
  • Curveball's Ambidextrous Pitch and Forkball skill trees mess up the grenade targeting and force them to all land in one spot.
  • PhenX can in some cases shove you out of the arena in the Elite Ops bossfight when you get squeezed between him and the walls.
  • Automatic input recognition is still causing some nuisance with the mouse cursor sometimes interfering with controller input and vice-versa.
  • A few stats remain not showing up correctly in some menus or popups, or may be labeled ambiguously.
  • When configuring your clone with mouse controls, you have to click a Trait in the list once to activate the stats popup.
  • Gear items sometimes show the same "utility" icon twice. They also don't show any damage type icon that may be affected negatively, e.g. Napalm buffing fire but nerfing other damage types.

As always, join our Discord or post to the Steam forums if you encounter any issues or want to leave some feedback!

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!