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Survivor Mercs News

Patch 0.9.14f1 - Fixes & Improvements

[h2]Happy New Year, Commanders! [/h2]

We're happy to see so many of you enjoying the last major update "Merry MerX-mas" - we hope you had some great holidays and a good start into 2025.

Thank you all for the detailed reports on some issues, we can mostly fix with this patch, alongside various improvements:
  • Fixed Priest's AoE scale to the intended size. Anti-Priest's life siphon should heal more reliably, too.
  • Reduced the pulse frequency for Priest's "Vampire Squad" special.
  • Fixed automatic level-ups still triggering when your Commander dies, forcing you to spend level-ups before you can exit the run.
  • Fixed automatic level-ups triggering during the battle intro.
  • Fixed an instance where you could get stuck in the Missions list in the Pause menu when using gamepad or keyboard only.
  • Fixed missing UI animators for various elements.
  • Fixed UI layout in the map overview details panels that sometimes caused overlapping texts.
  • Added a delay and slow-down effect to the camera animation highlighting the Extraction Point.
  • Changed the Barrage warning to appear at T-30 instead of T-20.
  • Boss Intro now shows the name of the Boss instead of the placeholder text.
  • The grave of your Commander holding your lost components from a prior run appears again.
  • Fixed Dash Cooldown leveling beyond its level cap.
  • Fixed a mismatch of kill counter in HUD with actual kill counter.
  • Fixed potential objective rewards showing "0" for unavailable loot options in the map overview details panel.
  • Fixed scrolling texts in UI overlapping with icons or remaining cut off, particularly after switching languages.
  • Fixed and replaced multiple icons corresponding to stats or upgrades.
  • Replaced icons for unlocking new maps.
  • Added "Exclude" option to generic Commander level-up upgrades.
  • Beacons no longer spawn when your Merc slots are filled but you still have open Gear slots.
  • Gear Crates only spawn while you still have Gear slots to fill.
  • Gear Crates drop XP as fallback loot if you capture it after your Gear slots are already filled.
  • Complication "Neuro-Inhibitors" correctly shows and applies the XP debuff.
  • Slightly enhanced the full-body illustrations for the bosses.
  • Prepared various Merc full-body illustrations to be used in upcoming mission dialogues.

We're aware of these known issues and will try to fix them with upcoming patches & updates:
  • In rare cases, you may get stuck in the game if you die to the Barrage at the end of battle. We can't currently reproduce this, please report back with details if you encounter this issue.
  • Shock bolts may stack on larger enemies instead of jumping to the next target, causing more damage than intended.
  • The UI may disappear after certain camera animations. We're currently investigating this. If you encounter this, please report back with details.
  • You can still equip "no weapon" by canceling out of the weapon selection window/list. This will be fixed in a future patch with a dedicated "unarmed" option for your Commander.
  • The game's performance can potentially degrade heavily when playing at very high screen resolutions (UHD+), please lower the resolution to a maximum of 1440p if you encounter this. We are still trying to find the root cause of this problem.

[h2]What's Next?[/h2]
We're working on the next major update to complete the main part of UI 2.0, Weapons & Synergies 2.0, and start adding new content to the game. We may run another community playtest before releasing it, so join our Discord to get the latest news first.

Talk to us on Discord or post to the Steam forums if you encounter any issues or want to leave some feedback!

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!

Merry MerX-mas (0.9.14) - Major Early Access Update #8

Merry MerX-mas, Commanders!

Although our squad was struck by Covid, we still managed to finish the latest update for Survivor Mercs for the holiday season.

Conduit decorated your bunker and your Commander clones dress up for the season. Even M.E.G.A. Corp. is feeling festive!

But you aren't here just for the joy but the loot! We dug through your feedback and tried to get you all the nice things from your wishlist.

Your scientists improved the neural interfaces of your clones, resulting in an improved system to pick upgrades for your squad. Now you'll immediately get various upgrades with every level-up during battle and improve your Mercs & equipment between the battle stages.

Conduit has been busy enhancing the navigation computer on her Choppa. Your Operations now offer more interesting paths - never let the enemy know where you strike next.

She was also tinkering with the scanner unit, revealing new Encounter stages on the map, alongside more intel on which types of objectives and rewards you can expect in each stage.

Meanwhile, M.E.G.A. Corp. deployed new Elite units to the battlefield. These massive enemies replace the previous generation but don't seem to have a whole lot of new tricks up their sleeves apart from looking more scary. But you shouldn't be too confident that these machines won't receive some armament upgrades in the future.

Your Mercs are already preparing for this: they re-classified your equipment and trained to utilize it more effectively, coming up with new ways to work together to slay robo-trash even faster!

This update comes with a whole lot of adjustments to how various systems interlock. Read on for all the details since you may need to rethink some strategies if you're a veteran.

[h2][color]⚠ SAVEGAME NOTICE ⚠[/color][/h2]


This update adds some new content and adjusts a few unlock requirements and dialogues. If you continue playing with your existing savegame, you are potentially not experiencing all of the new content.

We offer you to reset your savegame in the Settings menu.

By doing so, you will start fresh and a backup of your last savegame is created in your local game folder.

You can find a guide on how to restore savegames from older game versions here: How to access & restore savegame backups (Steam Forums)
Time for the detailed breakdown of Update 0.9.14 "Merry MerX-mas":

[h2]Improved In-run Progression[/h2]
Upgrades during battles are back!

When you level-up with your Commander, you'll automatically and immediately get to choose your next upgrade. The upgrades are separated, though.

During battle you will only receive Generic Upgrades and Weapon Upgrades. Between each stage, you will upgrade your Mercs and - in the future - your Abilities.

The Merc Upgrades require you to find and collect a new resource - Skill Points.

You can find these in Supply Drops or loot them off of mini-bosses. Supply Drops also no longer hold Powerups like the Minefield, Doomsday Ray, or Banananades. These "combat powerups" are now found at Weapon Crates.

Gear is no longer rewarded from Beacons and can no longer be upgraded. Instead, Gear is now a special reward for completing mission goals in certain stages. In return, you no longer have to purchase Gear in the Armory - instead it unlocks automatically once you fulfill the conditions. Your Commander clones have 5 Gear slots by default, some Traits may change this number.

All of these changes are part of a bigger overhaul for what we call "Synergies 2.0" and "Weapon System 2.0". The balancing has some rough edges and not every item or upgrade is synergizing as nicely as we would like it to do. We still hope you'll enjoy this iteration and provide feedback to us so we can improve it!

[h2]Improved Map & Ops Structure[/h2]
The last update, Pathfinder (0.9.13), introduced the new Maps & Ops structure with stages instead of one continuous run.

This update iterates on this system, increasing variety and tactical choice.

A new stage type is available, Encounter. It offers a tougher challenge against certain types of enemies for a better reward than the normal Time Attack stages.

Regular stages now offer a Reward Objective that drops once you accomplish the mission goal for that stage:
  • Time Attack & Encounter - survive for a certain time to get a Supply Drop containing the new Skill Points
  • Onslaught - reach the kill threshold to get a Gear Crate with a selection of Gear in different rarities

You no longer have to sacrifice a Merc for Gear at a Beacon, or spend valuable level-ups on them. Instead, Gear now serves as a reward to potentially super-charge your current squad build, or provide some additional utility.

In turn, Skill Points are an extremely valuable resource to unleash your Mercs' full potential. You're challenged to pick your route on the map to go for the items you want, potentially making some sacrifices or tough decisions along the way.

In order to support you in planning out your route, you'll get additional info for each stage about the objective types and potential rewards you can get there. There's a tiny element of randomness to how much of each reward you may get, but in general the intel is reliable.

We want to further add to the variety and choices you can make during operations. Our goal is to give you more control over planning and executing your squad build while introducing some unknowns in the map you need to explore and react to, making every run feel unique and interesting.

[h2]New Synergies[/h2]
The Mercs and some of your weapons offer some new options to dynamically scale their stats with the Generic Upgrades. Most Mercs, Gear, Weapons, and Abilities were re-classified to work with these new synergy stats.

Each Commander comes with 3 new types of base stats that can be adjusted via clone Traits or upgraded during battle with Generic Upgrades:
  • Weapon Proficiency - your different proficiencies with certain weapon types, e.g. guns, melee, or beam weapons, will directly influence the damage and performance of various Mercs. Companions and Aura weapons are currently categorized into Auxiliary Weapons.
  • Combat Prowess - your skill in close-quarters or long-range combat will influence some Mercs.
  • Tech Bias - Gear, Weapons and Mercs, are classified as either high-tech or low-tech equipment that may benefit from your Commander's bias towards these tech grades.

The Merc Upgrade Trees have been more streamlined, offering more distinct choices with unique scaling modifiers. Mercs still get progressively better with every upgrade, but only by combining them with your Generic Upgrades, Weapons, and Gear you're unleashing their full potential.

With the "Synergies 2.0" and "Weapons System 2.0" the Mercs will see more impactful changes. This is just a first iteration as part of the improved in-run progression. We are working on making your Commander Weapons scale more with other parameters, and we're looking to introduce more and different base stats with clearly defined influence on certain parameters.

[h2]Massive Mini-Bosses[/h2]
Mini-Bosses were long meant to be more epic fights, breaking up the horde slaying to temporarily fight one special enemy in preparation for the final boss fight.

In this update, the mini-bosses transformed into more massive war machines, providing an outlook on what's to come. They use mostly their existing attack patterns but the new sizes already change the encounter to have more oomph.

The mini-bosses will receive further updates in the future to stand out even more as a fun, interesting challenge. We are also testing some new enemies which are scheduled for the next update(s) as parts of new stages and new maps.

[h2]UI Overhaul Pt. 1.5[/h2]
The UI is still improving and this update brings mostly more under-the-hood improvements to power the full UI Overhaul 2.0.

Stage Rewards Objectives and the Extraction Point are now shown with a short animation to direct your attention towards them, hopefully preventing you from losing track of time until the barrage is wiping you out because you're hunting for this one last objective.

Some popups received a facelift and the navigation should behave more smoothly, particularly preventing "ghost frames" from becoming visible during menu transitions. The next stage in this ongoing work in progress is more transition animations and more polished in-run and in-bunker interfaces.

You can toggle the new "auto-levelup" feature on and off in the Settings, more options will follow soon to adjust the game and controls to your liking.

[h2]More Additions, Fixes, Adjustments, Improvements & Details[/h2]
  • Added various new "base stats" from which most Mercs derive their individual stats.
  • Adjusted various Traits to modify the new "base stats".
  • Fixed various issues with wrong or misleading stats being shown in the popups for level-ups or recruiting new Gear & Mercs.
  • Elite Operations are now unlocked individually for each Map once you defeat the Boss in a Standard Op in preparation for new, upcoming operation difficulties.
  • Objectives spawn slightly more randomized but still in a pattern that is semi-predictable depending on the type of stage you have selected.
  • Simplified some Merc skill trees to remove unpopular choices & specializations and make it easier to plan ahead.
  • Removed most attack speed upgrades from Merc skill trees. Instead 2 new Generic Upgrades to modify RoF for Mercs and Commander Weapons based on their tech grade are available.
  • Gear automatically unlocks without requiring a purchase. In turn, some room upgrade costs were increased to align with the new progression allowing you to save more loot by retreating from Ops.
  • Some generic upgrades, e.g. "typed damage", are unlocked after building certain rooms like the Weapons Lab.
  • Carry Capacity is no longer shown per Merc. This system will be overhauled in an upcoming update and is currently less important, but you can still see the Carry Capacity in your overall stats list in the Pause Menu.
  • Updated the font atlas to display all glyphs for all languages.
  • Texts in Dialogues now appear with an animation.
  • Various description boxes and text blocks now scroll automatically if they would be cut off due to overflow.
  • Fixed an issue where Mercs or enemies would teleport around the map.
  • Fixed an issue with certain audio files not adjusting their volume according to your settings.
  • Reduced the difficulty for the "Bootcamp" tutorial operation and the GLXY Std Op.
  • Fixed an issue where buttons could trigger twice, causing input lags or potential crashes.
  • Beacon objectives now spawn Skill Points instead of regular XP as "fallback loot" when your squad is already full.
  • Fixed an issue where your Commander was rendered with other game elements in the end-of-run screen.
  • Fixed an issue where certain VFX were abruptly stopping when capturing an objective, but objective "decorations" stay around for a bit longer (to be fixed soon).
  • Luck makes "rare" and "legendary" upgrades appear more reliably.
  • Various UI icons were updated to improve readability (more to come in UI Overhaul 2.0).
  • Pickup sizes were slightly adjusted to make important pickups more visible in the action.
  • Fixed an instance of environmental obstacles in the Fraxxoil map not showing up correctly (partially invisible).
  • Added new Weapon Crate objective, removing powerups from Supply Drops.
  • Added a 2nd timer to the HUD indicating the "win condition" for Time Attack stages.

[h2]Known Issues[/h2]
  • You cannot quit the current operation and resume from your last stage. Instead your operation will be aborted. We are working on a fix for this with high priority.
  • The new auto-levelup feature may sometimes interrupt the "pause" just before dialogues, forcing the game to continue in the background. Please disable "auto-levelup" in the Settings until we have a fix for this.
  • Auto-Levelups may still be triggered right when you die, causing you to pick some upgrades even though your Commander is already KIA. Please disable "auto-levelup" in the Settings until we have a fix for this.
  • Some synergies and stats are hard to comprehend since various tooltips, hints, and UI elements are not present yet. This will be improved in the next update(s) to make it as transparent as possible how stats & attributes are interacting.
  • The game's performance can potentially degrade heavily when playing at very high screen resolutions (UHD+), please lower the resolution to a maximum of 1440p if you encounter this. We are still trying to find the root cause of this problem.
  • Menus may sometimes scroll erratically when the game falsely selects a UI element at the top or bottom, e.g. in the Bunker menu or the Awards room (anywhere you have scrolling lists). We already identified the root cause within the automatic input device detection and fixed some cases of that, but few occasions remain erratic.

[h2]What's Next?[/h2]
"Merry MerX-mas" marks our 8th major Early Access update for Survivor Mercs.

We are now taking a short winter break over the holidays. In January we want to release the next major update, primarily focusing on the "Synergies 2.0", "Weapon System 2.0" and "UI Overhaul 2.0".

There are a lot of other things in the making, like offering a demo for the game again, hopefully convincing more Commanders to join the fight against M.E.G.A. Corp.

2025 is going to be exciting, so "Follow" the game to be notified when the next Early Access Roadmap Update drops Soon™.

Our plans for these upcoming updates include:

⏩ doubling-down on the new Map & Operations structure to provide even more varied runs, new Objectives, and less random tactical squad-building

⏩ further refinements for UI & HUD to improve readability of the action and immersion in the game, including high-fidelity illustrations for more characters and more nicely animated screens

⏩ more Story Missions framing your battle against M.E.G.A. Corp. goons and highlight the Mercs' personalities

⏩ deeper gameplay and improved replayability by refining squad-builds & synergies and expanding the number of challenges and procedural generators for the maps & operations

⏩ better performance while improving enemy & Merc AI behavior

⏩ settings for input mapping and other accessibility options.

And, of course, we're really close to adding new maps & bosses, enemies, Mercs, and other content along with these features.
Commanders, we are truly grateful for every one of you who supports us with feedback and input during Early Access.

[color]Please don't forget that the game is still under development. All your feedback helps us make a better game and iron out some of the remaining rough edges, imbalance, and bugs![/color]

We hope this update gets you as excited as we are for the future. We are dedicated to listening to you and building Survivor Mercs into an outstanding game. Please, help us grow the community with a positive review and get involved in the development by participating in our community projects, and sharing your feedback, insights, and ideas on our Discord server (or the game's Steam forums).

Let's continue making a great game, together ❤

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!

Pathfinder (0.9.13) - Major Early Access Update #7

Commanders, it's time for a new battle plan to fight M.E.G.A. Corp!

Conduit strategized a new attack vector to increase the effectiveness of strikes against the evil conglomerate. You're no longer attacking M.E.G.A. Corp.'s facilities in one location while Conduit is on standby for extraction. Instead, you're striking multiple targets on each operation, retreating to the choppa for tactical re-grouping and planning your next move.

This new strategy has shown to improve the loot yield from each operation at simultaneously increased safety for you and your squad.

Your technicians revamped the clone-control battle stations, testing a novel heads-up display technology to grant you more overview of the frantic action. The choppa was upgraded with a new tactical map module to present potential target locations, and an improved radar array to scan for threats.

M.E.G.A. Corp. started to pivot their defense strategies, too. They installed a new aerial defense system and artillery fortifications. Conduit has already figured out how to circumnavigate the anti-air weapons for safe drop-offs and extractions. You just have to get the job done and meet her at the extraction point before the artillery acquires your position and lays a deadly barrage upon you.

Good luck out there, Commander!

[h2][color]⚠ SAVEGAME NOTICE ⚠[/color][/h2]


This update adjusts the structure for maps and operations, changing a few unlock requirements and dialogues. If you continue playing with your existing savegame, you are potentially not experiencing all of the new content.

We offer you to reset your savegame in the Settings menu.

By doing so, you will start fresh and a backup of your last savegame is created in your local game folder.

You can find a guide on how to restore savegames from older game versions here: How to access & restore savegame backups (Steam Forums)
Now, here's a detailed breakdown of Update 0.9.13 "Pathfinder":

[h2]New Map & Ops Structure[/h2]
Up until now, your operations took you on 20-minute continuous runs, fighting, looting, upgrading, scouting, and managing your extraction.

The "Pathfinder" (0.9.13) update changes this drastically!
First, you regularly pick your "map", i.e. the M.E.G.A. Corp. subsidiary, that you want to attack.

Then, Conduit takes you straight into the battle where you capture your first Beacon to call in your first Merc. From this point on, your operations go very different than before:

A Countdown is indicating how much time you have left in the area before a deadly artillery barrage is striking your position. Your primary goal is to extract before that timer runs out - while capturing any objectives along the way!

Depending on the type of challenge in the current area, you are met with different conditions to reveal the extraction point:
  • Time Attack - just survive long enough until Conduit transmits the extraction point's coordinates
  • Onslaught - clear the area by defeating a certain number of enemies before Conduit can get you out
  • Elite Encounter - defeat a miniboss before Conduit can pick you up

These challenges are just the initial set of map areas you will see in this update. We are already working on additional ones, namely "Hunt", "Heist", and "Sabotage" operations.

After you have cleared enough areas in the operation, you will face the final boss - a life and death encounter.

To prepare for each new challenge, you are now spending your "skill points" from your level-ups immediately after extracting from the last area. You can no longer choose upgrades in the middle of the action! So make sure you prepare yourself for the next challenge.

If you aren't confident in your combat capacity, you can always choose a "tactical retreat" in between challenges. You only need to survive the first few encounters until you're out of reach of M.E.G.A. Corp.'s anti-air defenses.

With each challenge, the Danger Level in the operation increases. The DL determines the strength of enemies and impacts the quality and amount of loot you can grab from Loot Crate objectives. The Danger Level Indicator in the map overview also shows you when the "tactical retreat" becomes available - and when you may encounter "Complications" on your operation.

Complications persist for your whole operation and may have a big impact on your squad-building strategy.

The initial set of Complications includes mostly stat modifications. We are working on more intricate mods that are tying more into the synergies of your squad. With a smart squad-build you may turn these Complications into an advantage.

Since we are working on an improved weapon system to take the synergies and build-depth to the next level, expect these new Complications to come with that system upgrade in one of the next two major updates.

The last notable change with the new Maps & Ops structure is how loot is being secured:
Your Carry Capacity is only limiting the amount of loot you can grab during the fight in an area. If you manage to extract successfully, all your loot is safely stowed in the choppa.

If you are K.I.A., only the loot you are currently carrying on you is lost. With a tactical retreat, you can save all your loot you captured so far. But if you choose to leave too early, i.e. abort the operation, you will lose everything as you abandon your squad.

We will further refine this system by changing Carry Capacity and the systems around loot & inventory management. For the moment, you will have certain traits and stats that affect your Carry Cap without having a relevant impact on your runs. We chose to keep these in place in order to prevent you from resetting your savegames since removing them may have an impact on progression or existing Commander clones.

This is not the ideal solution, but we stick with our update philosophy and improve these systems with your feedback as we continue developing and evolving the game.

[h2]UI Overhaul Pt.1[/h2]
For the longest time, we kept the ingame HUD and UI in a mostly functional state to iterate and develop rather quickly. Update "Pathfinder" now lays the groundwork for the UI we envision for the final game.

The biggest change is currently happening underneath the hood and visually in the HUD during and in between the battles.

The HUD is not only providing more overview of the action. It is also playing a role in the narrative design and storytelling. Since this is only the first step in this direction, you may still encounter various inconsistencies and rough edges. But we're eager to hear your feedback and first impressions to continue improving the UI and prepare for additional accessibility settings to adjust it to your individual liking.

[h2]Tutorial Improvements[/h2]
With the novelties in update "Pathfinder", the tutorial and onboarding have also changed and improved. Conduit is providing more contextual help at various stages and will react to more events during the action with hints and radio messages to help you become the best Commander.

[h2]Community Translations[/h2]
When we introduced the new languages in update 0.9.11 "Arsenal", we considered them a work-in-progess without final proof-reading. The translations in "Pathfinder" are better but still far from perfect.

You, Commanders, know the game better than any translator. So, we want to invite you to support us by directly improving the translations as part of our Community Translations Project.

You will gain exclusive access to that project via our Discord server to adjust translations or even add completely new languages to the game. In turn you will receive exclusive benefits, e.g. access to playtest versions and a direct channel to our dev team.

We're going to share more details on Discord very soon - let us know if you would be interested in participating!

[h2]More Regular Playtests[/h2]
Update "Pathfinder" was the first update that had a Community Playtest prior to its release.

We received lots of great input and insights from you, so we want to continue running these playtests in the future.

To participate in these playtests, please join our Discord server and follow the information there (when it becomes available) to get the Playtester role and access to the exclusive playtester channels.

You need to own the game to participate and the playtests will be time-limited.

[h2]More Additions, Fixes, Adjustments, Improvements & Details[/h2]
  • Commander Weapons in the Armory now show their stats similarly to the popups in the Clone Bay.
  • Adjusted the rate of fire on the SMG Commander Weapon.
  • Added stun to the Quaker Hammer Commander Weapon.
  • Commander Weapons have 5 level-ups instead of 3.
  • Changed Ops descriptions to align with new structure.
  • Adjusted random distribution for level-up choices to allow for more controlled squad-builds.
  • Chemtrail starts a bit stronger with 3 instead of 1 poison puddles.
  • Fixed an instance where the Duplicator trait was breaking Merc behavior.
  • Objectives spawn a bit more randomly and less predictable.
  • Fixed Mercs & Bosses attacking during intro timelines or dialogue skits.
  • Reduced Ops modifiers in favor of new Complication modifiers.
  • Improved the VFX for slow, stun, and various damage types.
  • Improved main menu layout to make all buttons directly reachable and reduce complexity.
  • Reduced the end-of-run screen complexity to condense the information to only show relevant data.
  • Renamed the maps to reflect the game lore more accurately.
  • Added animations to objective indicators to highlight when they spawn.
  • Conduit will radio you when the Extraction Point appears.
  • Replaced various pixel icons with higher-res icons for improved readability.
  • Improved color palette for damage numbers.
  • Adjusted Dogtag Galore unlock conditions to work with the new map & ops structure: collect 750 -> 420 dogtags with one magnet
  • Fixed various Commander Weapons not receiving all upgrade mods correctly.
  • Loot Goblins have a new VFX when dropping their loot to make it more obvious.
  • Fixed the mouse cursor interfering with gamepad input. It should now disable correctly when you're using a controller.
  • Added sound effects to highlight various ingame events, e.g. warnings during the run and choppa intro & extro animations.
  • Fixed various instances of SFX playing simultaneously and creating unpleasant volume spikes.
  • Fixed some instances of colors in the UI not being displayed correctly on HDR displays.
  • Improved UI markers for selected, hovered, and highlighted items.
  • Scrolling in Genome Lab and other submenus feels a bit snappier.
  • Fixed various typos and misleading texts.

[h2]Known Issues[/h2]
  • You cannot quit the current operation and resume from your last stage. Instead your operation will be aborted. We are working on a fix for this with high priority.
  • The game's performance can potentially degrade heavily when playing at very high screen resolutions (UHD+), please lower the resolution to a maximum of 1440p if you encounter this. We are still trying to find the root cause of this problem.
  • Menus may sometimes scroll erratically when the game falsely selects a UI element at the top or bottom, e.g. in the Bunker menu or the Awards room (anywhere you have scrolling lists). We already identified the root cause within the automatic input device detection and fixed some cases of that, but few occasions remain erratic.

[h2]What's Next?[/h2]
"Pathfinder " marks our 7th major Early Access update for Survivor Mercs.

We are already working on the next smaller-but-major update just in time for the holiday season. It is meant to bring more variety and further improvements to everything we introduced in "Pathfinder", primarily:
  • additional challenge types for the ops
  • further refinements for the UI & HUD
  • a mini-boss overhaul to make the fights more interesting and impressive

Furthermore, we are looking at finishing the work on the refined weapons & damage system to enable more emergent synergies and squad-build options between Commander, Weapons, Mercs, and Gear, specifically:

  • additional proc effects, e.g. things that happen when combining different status effects
  • adjustments to dashes, projectiles, or attacks to behave differently based on chosen modifiers

We also do consider offering a demo for the game again, hopefully convincing more Commanders to join the fight against M.E.G.A. Corp.

There is much more to come in early 2025, so "Follow" the game to be notified when the next Early Access Roadmap Update drops Soon™.

Our plans for these upcoming updates include:

⏩ doubling-down on the new Map & Operations structure to provide even more varied runs, new Objectives, and less random tactical squad-building

⏩ further refinements for UI & HUD to improve readability of the action and immersion in the game, including high-fidelity illustrations for more characters and more nicely animated screens

⏩ more Story Missions framing your battle against M.E.G.A. Corp. goons and highlight the Mercs' personalities

⏩ deeper gameplay and improved replayability by refining squad-builds & synergies and expanding the number of challenges and procedural generators for the maps & operations

⏩ better performance while improving enemy & Merc AI behavior

⏩ settings for input mapping and other accessibility options.

And, of course, we're starting to add new maps & bosses, enemies, Mercs, and other content along with these features.
Commanders, we are truly grateful for every one of you who supports us with feedback and input during Early Access.

[color]Please don't forget that the game is still under development. All your feedback helps us make a better game and iron out some of the remaining rough edges, imbalance, and bugs![/color]

We hope this update gets you as excited as we are for the future. We are dedicated to listening to you and building Survivor Mercs into an outstanding game. Please, help us grow the community with a positive review and get involved in the development by participating in our community projects, and sharing your feedback, insights, and ideas on our Discord server (or the game's Steam forums).

Let's continue making a great game, together ❤

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!

"Pathfinder" pre-release Playtest now live!

Commanders, the playtest is now live!

Join us this weekend up until Tuesday to test the upcoming "Pathfinder" update (0.9.13) for Survivor Mercs.

Please join our community Discord server to participate - it is the best way for us to engage with you and discuss details and feedback!

Once you have the access code from Discord and have Survivor Mercs in your library, follow this guide to switch to our "playtest" beta branch in Steam:


Your savegames are stored with different file names for the playtest version. Your existing savegames are NOT modified, but you will also start with a fresh game!

We are running this playtest to get your feedback on two major changes. Please read on for more details and how you can use the "cheats menu" in the playtest version (F1 key) to make faster progress:

[h2]NEW "STAGED" MAPS & OPS[/h2]
We mentioned with the last updates that we are planning a major structural change for how you play Operations (runs) in the game.

Instead of one full 20-minute-run, your Operations are now separated into multiple stages, each with different challenge configurations. The final stage in each Operation will be the Final Boss Fight.

At the moment, we have 4 different challenge types and a multitude of different enemy configurations for each one:
  • Time Attack - reinforce your squad, get some loot, and collect some XP; but beware, you only have 3 minutes until an artillery barrage is nuking you! Conduit is marking an Extraction Point after ~1 minute to get you out before it's too late.
  • Onslaught - kill a specified amount of enemies before the Extraction Point appears. You technically have all the time in the world for this, but this challenge deserves its name.
  • Elite Encounter - the mini-bosses have their own challenge stage now. Make sure you are prepared to defeat it because Conduit cannot get you out before you are victorious.
  • Boss Fight - the final stage in each Operation is the boss fight you're most likely already familiar with

After each Stage, your Danger Level increases. This will trigger Complications, random modifiers that will influence your run.

Please note that we only have implemented a few "dummy complications" for now. We will introduce more fun and complex complications, and are planning to add "advantages" you can get as a reward from certain challenge stages.

You can extract for good after you beat a certain number of stages. This "tactical retreat" will save you and your squad together with all your loot. This is basically what your Extraction used to be.

If you want to abort the operation earlier, you can always do so, but you will lose everything apart from a handful of Blood Diamonds and DNA.

Everything about the Extraction is still WIP, e.g. you will see the old menus and may also get some stats and numbers that are off. We are currently still re-working these menus into the new HUD/UI-style.

Every time you finish a stage, you will return to the map stages overview. Now you can spend your "skill points" (level-ups) to upgrade your squad. You can no longer pick upgrades during your run!

We are planning to replace the random rolls with a system where you can directly spend your "skill points" on your Mercs, Weapons, Gear, and generic upgrades. We want to reduce randomness in upgrades to let you make better squad-build decisions, In turn, we aim to bring more variety in challenges & operations, especially with more challenge types.

The current maps are not 100% reflecting the progression and balancing we want to achieve.

Instead, we tried to provide different configurations with each map, so you can test different run configurations and lengths.

If you want to progress quicker and unlock the maps & ops fast, use the cheats menu (F1) in your run, go to "commander", and make yourself invincible, heal yourself, or extract for the current stage immediately (not the whole run).

You can also use the cheats menu in the bunker, go to "meta", and treat yourself to some resources to build rooms, buy new stuff, or research traits.

⚠️ Don't mess up your Steam Achievements!⚠️
Read about the cheats menu below and use it with CAUTION!

[h2]NEW HUD & UI[/h2]
The second big thing we want to test with you is the new HUD.

You will notice that most of the UI & HUD during your runs has changed drastically. The goal is to not only make the UI more beautiful - it should also become more readable, easy to understand, and provide better focus on the action and support fast, tactical decisions.

This new UI style is also in parts coming to the bunker. But the bunker and all its sub-menus are still using the "old" UI. And you will see that some screens, particularly popups and the end-of-run screens, are also still using the old style.

Please let us know how you like the new style direction and how you rate it in regards to usability and clarity.

The new HUD & UI elements will receive further polishing and are still pretty much WIP. We want to understand how well it works for you before we rework everything and only then learn that we overlooked something important.

For additional context: the bunker menus will stay somewhat solid and skeumorphic, meaning they try to mimic actual displays, physical controls, or displays. The in-game UI is meant to look more like a holographic overlay. Since you and your Mercs are remote-controlling clones in battle, imagine you're jacking into a retro-VR-arcade-machine to steer your clone from a satellite view.


If you don't want to unlock everything regularly, open the "cheats menu" (F1 key) in the bunker menu, go to the "missions" tab, and unlock the individual maps & operations, or Mercs, Gear, and Traits.

[color]⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ - DO NOT "UNLOCK EVERYTHING"[/color]

We currently DO NOT have a reliable safeguard in place and you may end up unlocking all Steam Achievements by accident.


We cannot stress this enough!

The playtest is meant for feedback on the new HUD & Operations. Many of the other things are still pretty much the same as in the current live version.
If you mess up your achievements with the cheats, we likely cannot fix this!

This is the first public playtest we're running like this. Please let us know anything you like and dislike, and report any bugs or issues you encounter.

We have dedicated channels on our Discord server to discuss with you and really understand your feedback to make better design decisions.

There will be more playtests like this, ideally before every major update. So hopefully you will enjoy it and we can not only run even better playtests in the future, but also improve our updates even more!

Lock, load, and playtest, Commanders!

Upcoming Playtest for "Pathfinder" Update (0.9.13)

Commanders, you're invited to join our first (extended) Playtest Weekend!

The upcoming Major Early Access Update #7 "Pathfinder" is bringing a big change to the game - the new Maps & Ops system!

Work-in-progress Screenshot

We're breaking the current 20-minute-runs down into multiple stages to bring more variety to the maps and improve the overall experience by separating the frantic action and the more tactical squad-building.

Alongside this major systems rework, we also introduce the first part of our UI overhaul with a facelift for the in-game HUD and some menus.

[color]We want to hear your feedback on these changes![/color]

The Playtest will be running this weekend from Nov 15 (Friday) until Nov 19 (Tuesday).

[h3]HOW TO JOIN[/h3]
Please join our community Discord server and grab the "Playtester" role to get access to the beta branch on Steam.

Q: I am a Playtester on Discord, how can I play the game now?
A: We will share a guide that explains how to switch the game to the "playtest" beta branch in your Steam Library (and back to normal).

Q: What happens to my savegame when I join the playtest?
A: We are storing the playtest savegame in a different folder. The playtest starts with a fresh savegame, your existing savegame will NOT be modified! You can manually copy over your existing savegame to the playtest (and vice-versa), but beware that this can potentially corrupt them, so do it only AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Q: Is there a way to speed up my progress during the playtest?
A: We are enabling the cheat menu for the playtest version. It allows you to try different things without having to play through the game at regular speed.

Please, be mindful that using the cheat menu can cause issues and bugs. We want to primarily get your feedback on the regular game and balancing, so please DO NOT use the cheat menu initially.

Q: What happens after the playtest?
A: We are going to deactivate the playtest beta branch after the event is over on Tuesday, Nov 15. Your game will automatically switch to the current live version.

Q: Will there be more playtests in the future?
A: Yes. We want to do these more regularly over the rest of the Early Access period. You will hear of upcoming playtests here and on our Discord server.

Q: Will there be bugs?
A: Yes. And some areas will be work-in-progress, we're trying to mark these.

Q: Can I play in my language?
A: If it's EN or DE, totally. The other languages will only contain translations for the existing text, any new features may only show up in EN as "fallback language".

But we're happy to take your feedback for existing translations and, in general, for texts you find misleading or ambiguous. We're already preparing the Community Translations Project which will allow you to directly suggest translation improvements.

Q: I have feedback and want to share it with you, but how?
A: That's awesome, we're happy to hear from you. Please leave the feedback in the Playtest channels on our Discord server. We chose Discord specifically because we can have a conversation with you and other playtesters directly, ask questions, and easily share files like savegames or screenshots if we encounter bugs.

We are looking forward to having many of you join the playtest and share your feedback with us!