š“ Streaming Now: Preview of the next Major Early Access Update "Arsenal"
Commanders, tune in and watch us play the upcoming major Early Access Update 0.9.11 "Arsenal"!

We are excited to release our next update soon while the game is [color]20% off during the Snail Games USA Publisher Sale![/color]
[h2]What's in 0.9.11 "Arsenal"?[/h2]
The upcoming update is going to put the control over your squad in your hands - with Weapons!
Every Commander clone is now able to wield a weapon, no matter what Trait configuration you're choosing.
Weapons can be aimed and fired manually. But it's not just about dealing damage, it's about controlling the engagement:
Use the new "marked" effect to focus your Mercs' fire on individual targets. Decay the armor of specific enemies, create defensive perimeters with mines, bomb or bash your way through the horde, or hammer your enemies into the ground.
Your Arsenal is all about creating emergent synergies and managing the frantic action around you!
The 5th major Early Access update is also bringing new languages and various improvements to level-ups, Merc skill trees & specializations, and meta-progression.
Stay tuned for the update to drop any day! As always, we will share all the details with a major news post here on Steam alongside the release of the newest game version.
Join the discussion on our Discord server and let us know what you are most excited about.

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!

We are excited to release our next update soon while the game is [color]20% off during the Snail Games USA Publisher Sale![/color]
[h2]What's in 0.9.11 "Arsenal"?[/h2]
The upcoming update is going to put the control over your squad in your hands - with Weapons!
Every Commander clone is now able to wield a weapon, no matter what Trait configuration you're choosing.
Weapons can be aimed and fired manually. But it's not just about dealing damage, it's about controlling the engagement:
Use the new "marked" effect to focus your Mercs' fire on individual targets. Decay the armor of specific enemies, create defensive perimeters with mines, bomb or bash your way through the horde, or hammer your enemies into the ground.
Your Arsenal is all about creating emergent synergies and managing the frantic action around you!
The 5th major Early Access update is also bringing new languages and various improvements to level-ups, Merc skill trees & specializations, and meta-progression.
Stay tuned for the update to drop any day! As always, we will share all the details with a major news post here on Steam alongside the release of the newest game version.
Join the discussion on our Discord server and let us know what you are most excited about.

Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!