Summer Games Winners

The Summer Games have been won Commanders!
We want to Congratulate @derzwo and @The Games Detective for winning 1st and 2nd place respectively in our Summer Games Survivor Mercs Community Event!

[h3]@derzwo has completed ALL 128 ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE GAME[/h3]
Talk about a world record. That wins them a 1st place Gold Medal! (And check out their uproarious tale about them in the 👋│community-events-survivor-mercs forum)

[h3]@The Games Detective has completed 70 out of 128 achievements![/h3]
Not to shabby from your favorite give-away having detective. That wins them a 2nd place Silver Medal!
Great job Commanders! Very impressive efforts on the side of the resistance. The Evil M.E.G.A. corps won't know what hit them!
Don't forget to message Mod Mail in the Wandering Wizard Discord for your free key to give away to the person of your choosing! And keep an eye open for future community events for the game. For those of you who still need to join the Wandering Wizard Discord, you can do so here.
[h2]Road Map Update[/h2]
And for those of you who missed our announcement last week. The developers have just published a brand new road map that outlines their plans for the future! Included are details about the next major update, new operations/challenges, and a possible storyline???
Find more information below
We salute you Commanders,
- The Wandering Wizard Community Team