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Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks News

🔧 Dev Blog 14 - Looted Wagon 🔧


The Looted Wagon, put together with salvaged parts and a looted chassis plundered from countless battlefields. Manned by a mob of Orks thirsting for more plunder and carnage, it hurtles into battle leaving destruction in its wake.

It’s a long distance defensive tank. Stay at range and cover your allies, as you become the anchor keeping everything going. Use your grot-guided missile to cause devastating damage to your enemies and change the flow of battle one missile at a time.

The Looted Wagon may be the slowest vehicle in the game, but a clever use of it playstyle and abilities can results in surprising your foe with a sudden burst of activity. With no movement ability, driving down hills and managing your boost well is the key to keeping an above average speed. Firing the main Kannon backwards as you're driving can actually provide a small boost of acceleration, but you're usually better off shooting at enemies.

Kannon - A powerful Kannon that shoots explosive shells.

Big Shootas - Fire the Big Shootas mounted on the front of the hull.

Grot Bomm - Take control of a Grot-steered missile and get ready for a kaboom!

`Grot repairs - Grots inside of the vehicle perform shoddy repairs, rapidly replenishing the vehicle’s health for a short time.

Your Kannon is a great long-range weapon which deals massive damage with each shot. Every Kannon shot has the opportunity to turn the flow of the battlefield when used correctly. Get to a place where you can have an overview of the battle. Find out where your mob is fighting and shoot down key targets from afar.

Knowing who’s the most important target to shoot at and making sure you keep up the pressure is key to being a good Looted Wagon player. Keep an eye on targets trying to get close to you to take you down, and make sure you get a head-start on damaging them before they get close enough to fight you.


Deffkilla Wartrike – Finishing off your targets with the Looted Wagon is difficult because of your Kannon's lower fire rate. This is where the Wartrike comes in. If you see your friendly Deffkilla Wartrike gunning for the enemy Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy, help them finish the job with a well-timed Kannon shot.

Shokkjump Dragsta – Found a great target that’s far away from the enemies? Equipped with the Shokk Rifle the Shokkjump Dragsta can assist you in long distance battles. Having an enemy sneaking up on you? The Shokkjump Dragsta is on its way to intercept at Warp Speed.

Good Against
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy – As enemy Rukkatruk Squigbuggies are hiding behind their team, you are able to shoot past them all with your grot-guided missile and target their healer.

Boomdakka Snazzwagon – Being one of the slower vehicles, the Boomdakka Snazzwagon will struggle to get past your Mob to get to you. And with their inaccurate Dakka they are no threat to you at a distance.

Weak Against

Deffkilla Wartrike – To you, this is a very dangerous vehicle which can easily slip past your mob and get to you in the back. Without any help this pesky git will take you down in no time. Try to keep an eye on enemy Deffkilla Wartrikes and be at a place where you can get help in case they get too close.

Kustom Boosta Blasta – Shooting from afar the Kustom Boosta Blasta can use walls and terrain to avoid your shots to keep you on your toes. If you lose track of your health against this one, he will make sure to remind you.

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

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🔧 Dev Blog 13 - Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy 🔧


The Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy is an Orkish marvel, powered by the wild energy of squigs. Armed to the teeth, it tears through enemies with relentless, unpredictable fury.

This is a defensive vehicle with healing capabilities. Stand behind your allies and aid them. If you like seeing your team shine, this is the vehicle for you.

In Speed Freeks the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy is best used behind your team near the front lines. Keeping your allies alive. Be careful, with your healing capabilities you become one of the most important pieces on your team. Expect the enemies to come for you, so stay near your team to keep alive.

The speed of the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy is slightly below average, which it makes up for with an above average health value. As such, positioning is extremely important, as it's harder to escape from dangerous situations. Save your dash ability for when you need it or keep up a high enough average speed with good boost management so that you are hard to pin down. Or you could just always hide behind your allied Grot Mega Tank!
Squig Launchas
Boom Squigs burst forth from the Ork-wielded Squig Launcha

Grub Squig
The Squig Launcha fires a bunch of Grub Squigs that heal allies

Squig Mine
Drop three Squig Mines that stick to anything they touch and explode when enemies get too close

The vehicle lunges violently forward and smashes enemies. The direction you are aiming at will determine where the vehicle will go.

Staying alive as the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy is your highest priority. Hide behind your team, stay near someone who will protect you, and make sure you know where you’re going if someone comes for you. This allows you to keep everyone else alive. If you are there, it’s harder to take down your team.

Keep an eye on your team’s health and which enemies could become a threat to you. Keep track of their Deffkilla Wartrike players, and Looted Wagon to stay out of harm.

Grot Mega Tank – This beefy boy will keep you safe. Keep him alive and it’ll be dangerous for the enemies to come close, as they will have to avoid its plough. You can also use the Grot Mega Tank as a wall from enemies.

Boomdakka Snazzwagon – Keeping a Snazzwagon alive can be your ticket to winning the game. Snazzwagon deals heavy damage to anyone who gets close to you, and a good Snazzwagon will realize when there’s an enemy coming for you and use their Billowing Fumes to protect you.

Good Against
Booomdakka Snazzwagon – With it being one of the slower vehicles, the Boomdakka Snazzwagon will struggle to catch and take you down. While you can keep your mob alive and negate the damage output from its firepower.

Weak Against
Deffkilla Wartrike – This vehicle will be trying to go for you in every situation they’re allowed to. It’ll sneak into your Mob, take you out, and get back out again. Make sure you’re always near full health and if you aren’t, stay back and keep an eye on it so that you don’t get jumped.

Looted Wagon – This tank will try to shoot you from afar. If you’re not careful you will always be driving around with half health because of your foes Looted Wagon at the back. Make sure to use the terrain and your larger vehicles to make it impossible for the Looted Wagon to get a clear line of sight on you.

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

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Warhammer 40K: Speed Freeks is nearly the orky Mad Max of my dreams, but more variety and fewer bots might get it to the finish line

You can't browse Steam for more than 10 seconds without tripping over a Warhammer game. Games Workshop makes a pretty penny hucking licenses to developers for all sorts of tie-ins, and I doubt they'll stop anytime soon. But if you're anything like me, all that grim darkness of the far future wears on you. "There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter?" What am I, in church? Where's the levity? Where's the race cars?..
Read more.

⚡ Advanced Movement Guide ⚡


[h3]Check out this guide to Mork-like movement:[/h3]
Jon, Lead Game Designer, takes you through some of his top tricks and tips to speedin' with style.

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

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⚙️ Hit-Reg Improvements & Much More ⚙️

Oi Speed Freeks,

Today, we've released an update that addresses many player's top concerns. In our testing we've noticed significant improvements and we hope you will now too.

Here are the details:
  • Improvements to weapon and ability hit registration over the network
  • Improvements to aiming synchronization over the network
  • Optimized Shokkjump Dragsta Shokk rifle VFX to be much more performant. This might fix the stuttering issue during play for some people
  • Deffkilla Wartrike unlock challenge set to 50m kill proximity instead of 10m and improved kill proximity detection
  • Removed sound effect for PROS message of the day cycling
  • Reduced Stompa arm-mounted gatling gun knockback, increased damage slightly
  • Looted Wagon Grot Bomm damage reduced to 60 (from 70)
  • Boomdakka Snazzwagon Billowing Smoke duration decreased to 4 seconds (from 5), Mek speshul primary accuracy decreased slightly
  • Fix for saw sound effect not playing at recap progress.
  • Fix the remaining time display for daily challenges in the UI
  • Fix for daily challenges being reset
  • Burna Valley finish line time increased by 10 seconds
  • Changed Teef icon colour to yellow
  • Playtime bonus Scrap per minute increased to 575 (from 500)
  • Adding dialogue box confirmation when leaving the game during a match, which explains that teams are randomized in the next match and that Scrap gained from this match will be lost
  • Locked vehicles now shown at the KUSTOMIZE and in-game spawning screens, with message saying that they can be unlocked through challenges
  • Increased Latest Loot to 12 items in the store
  • Fixed challenges screen to work properly with 16:10 aspect ratio
  • Fixed audio issue where sound entered another, terrible dimension when set below 25%
  • Some audio mix adjustments and overall volume lowered 2 db since it was a bit loud
  • Vehicles now always have full boost when respawning
  • Explicitly added vehicle compatibility to item descriptions in the store
  • Increased available search window time for matchmaking
  • Various improvements to controller management to avoid conflicts
  • Added vehicle abilities screen to KUSTOMIZE menu
  • Fix for achievements with no rewards showing at the end of match recap.
  • Fix for challenge sets showing incomplete information at the end of match recap.
  • Bots now use dash and are more aggressive with their initial combat engagement

Some of the highest priority tasks we’re working on still:
  • Fix issue with vehicle challenges seemingly resetting progress and not unlocking items
  • Fix issue with Teef not showing up after they have been unlocked through progression
    - If this has effected you try this: https://playersupport.plaion.com/hc/articles/20848220459037
  • Fixing an issue with Scrap Boosts not showing up after they have been unlocked through progression
  • Fixing issues with not being able to create/join a party and/or matchmake as a party
  • Making sure matchmaking puts you in your region (server provider issue – they are being contacted)
  • Improving matchmaking to make fewer but more full lobbies
  • Adding servers in Oceania, South America (server provider has been contacted to allow us to do this)
  • DeffKilla Wartrike front guns may fail to deal damage if a players ended a game in the wartrike and continues to use it in the next game without switching vehicle. Switching to another vehicle and then back to the trike solves this issue for that game.
  • Further improvements to netcode / hit-reg
Thank you for baring with us and all those who have helped us hone in on these issues.
We're pleased with these additions and refinements. But of course, this is an on going process and we're looking forward to seeing your feedback and make future adjustments.

Until then, Happy Krumping.

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