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Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks News

⚙️ Early Access Update 02 ⚙️


Oi, Speedfreeks!,
We've been under da hood and changed 'sum 'dings.

Your feedback has been invaluable as ever and led to the following fixes.
We are now live with:
  • Added heatwave version of Kill Konvoy: Ded 'Ard Desert (the desert map with a big pipline down the middle). There is a 50% chance the server will load this version
  • Added some obstacles/cover to Ded 'Ard Desert to improve balance between Stompa routes
  • Improved collision in some areas
  • Added rainstorm version of Deff Rally: Burna Valley (the volcanic map). There is a 50% chance the server will load this version
  • Added snowstorm version of Deff Rally: Mob Mountain (the snowy mountain map). There is a 50% chance the server will load this version
  • Added spooky nighttime version of Deff Rally: Krump Canyon (the red sand canyon map). There is a 50% chance the server will load this version
  • Improved collision for some parts of Kill Konvoy: Frozen Dakka (glacial map)
  • Fixed an issue whereby in some conditions the aiming on the client and the server weren't syncing up properly
  • Fixed an issue whereby the Deffkilla Wartrike dealt no damage with boomstikks in certain conditions
  • Added Leaderboards to the game, with various categories/metrics to choose from. Leaderboards are based on a players 10 best matches throughout their lifetime. This is the first version of the leaderboards, so some things might be janky. Feedback welcome as always!
  • Added Player Account Level next to players' nameplate. This account level is based on the amount of total scrap a player has acquired.
  • Fixed Daily Challenges no longer resetting and not granting scrap
  • Increased scrap progression speed by around 20%, including increasing daily challenge scrap from 2000 to 3000
  • Added a contextual ping system to the game (default input is Middle Mouse Button)
  • Added the ability for top players to switch from the winning team to the losing team under certain conditions
  • Team shuffling/balancing after a match now takes player skill into consideration
  • When a player joins a match they are always put on the losing team if teams have an even player count
  • Match warm-up time increased to 1 minute to allow for more players to join before the game starts
  • Matches are automatically closed if 4 or less players are in them (unless the server has never had more than that many players, meaning it is a region with less players actively online). Players in the closed match are taken to the menu to match-make again
  • The Deff Rally capture point kill bonus (1.2x score) is now only for the losing team. The winning team should attempt to hold the capture point to prevent the other team from gaining bonus points
  • Looted Wagon Grot Bomm FOV increased from 80 to 110
  • Looted Wagon and Grot Mega Tank are slowed less when climbing hills
  • Vehicles with more armour/hit points no longer receive more healing per shot than smaller vehicles
  • Added Bomb Rush and Dakka Frenzy limited time modes to be occurring on weekends
  • Improved AZERTY keyboard support
  • Fixed some issues whereby the UI showed incorrect damage or healing values
  • Player tags now show during the beginning of the match warm-up phase
  • Removed Konvoy bomb damage upon detonation since it only damaged the defending team.
  • Improved AI bot vehicle and obstacle avoidance
  • Fix for a bug where the settings screen remained visible on the HUD when switching to the next match.
  • Centered the bomb icon back on the physical bomb (and therefore more on the vehicle when carried)
  • Switched Deff Rally and Kill Konvoy mode selection in the menu, updated images, and added animated frames we completely forgot we had made months ago
  • Fixed issue with the UI not properly showing Scrap Boost duration
  • Fix made for input keys not refreshing automatically inside the game HUD after remapping them.
  • A couple crash bug fixes, including one on the server
Top priorities still being worked on:
  • Hit Registration and client/server sync
  • Matchmaking improvements
  • Issues with parties
  • General bug fixing
  • More maps, vehicles, weapons and game modes
  • Seekret stuff

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks!

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🔧 Dev Blog 16 - Megatrakk Scrapjet 🔧


The Megatrakk Scrapjet is an Ork vehicle that resembles a crashed aircraft that’s been hastily converted into a land vehicle. It is bristling with weapons and built for high-speed, destructive assaults.

A very fast and versatile vehicle, where only the skies are the limit of your game-play possibilities.

In Speed Freeks, the Megatrakk Scrapjet is at its best when utilizing its speed to be where your team needs you to be. Having an ability which increases your speed helps you stay at high speeds.
You are the hunter/seeker!

Keep your target in front of you and use your front mounted shootas and homing rokkits to grind them down. Then, finish them off with one well aimed Rokkit Kannon shot.

Shootas and Missiles - Dakka spits from the front and rear of the vehicle depending on where you’re aiming. Missiles track the enemy you’re aiming at.

Rokkit Kannon - Fire a large Rokkit that deals high damage. Use it to finish off foes and its massive recoil to your advantage.

Nose Drill - Spin up the drill and charge! Ram straight through enemies in your path.

Dash - The vehicle lunges violently forward and smashes enemies. The direction you are aiming will determine where the vehicle will go.

Your highest priority as the Scrapjet is figuring out what your team needs from you. Do they need an extra bomb carrier? Or someone to chase down that pesky Deffkilla Wartrike who’s been giving your Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy trouble. With the drill, you have an extra ability to keep the momentum that you’ve gained from dashing. To become a speed demon with the Megatrakk Scrapjet, use the dash to accelerate up to high speeds or change directions, then use some of your boost, so that you don’t waste momentum, followed by using your drill. Alternate between Dashing, Boosting and using the drill.

The Rokkit Kannon has a strong knockback effect on your vehicle. If you want to take your skill to the next level practice spinning your car in the air and shooting the Rokkit Kannon downwards/backwards to give yourself a boost and fly further.

Shokkjump Dragsta – When playing Kill Konvoy, work together with a Shokkjump Dragsta to deliver the bomb. Together, you can become an unstoppable force as you use your sheer amount of speed to approach the enemy Stompa.

Looted Wagon – Working with a Looted Wagon, you can become a deadly combo by watching for when the Looted Wagon cripples someone with their Grot Bomm. You can then quickly swoop in and finish them off with your Rokkit Kannon.

Good Against
Deffkilla Wartrike – Because you can maintain your speed for longer and have more tools to accelerate with, the Deffkilla Wartrike will struggle to catch you. Get behind them and they won’t be able to escape once you’ve gotten your eye on them. The homing missiles will make sure you hit your target as you run them down.

Weak Against
Kustom Boosta Blasta – Kustom Boosta Blasta doesn’t care about how fast you’re going and with their mid-long range gun they can shoot you while you’re flying through the sky. A good Kustom Boosta Blasta will stop your momentum with its grenade.

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

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🔧 Dev Blog 15 - Shokkjump Dragsta 🔧


The Shokkjump Dragsta puts the word Speed into Speed Freeks. It’s a lightning-fast marvel born from Ork innovation. It can punch a warp tunnel through reality, to quickly cross the battlefield, leaving chaos and destruction in its wake.

In Speed Freeks, the Shokkjump Dragsta uses its speed to convince the enemy that it’s everywhere on the battlefield all at once. That, combined with its range, makes it a menace that will always find a way to get a shot in on you. There’s no escape.

With the the Shokkjump Dragsta, you are fast, and so you can be anywhere you choose. The most important part of playing this vehicle is keeping an open eye for opportunities and using your speed to be where you’re needed. Whether it’s flying to the front lines and helping take out key targets or going back to help your own allies stay alive.

Shokk Rifle - The Shokk Rifle delivers accurate, long-range damage thanks to its targeting Squig.

Rokkit Launcha - Fire a burst of explosive Rokkits at the targeted vehicle.

Shokk Tunnel - The Shokkjump Dragsta zooms forward, shrouded by its shokk technology and temporarily invisible to other players.

Dash - The vehicle lunges violently forward and smashes enemies. The direction you are aiming at determines where the vehicle will go.

Keeping up your speed is important as the Shokkjump Dragsta, make sure to alternate between using your boost, Shokk Tunnel and Dash to keep the speed up. Your Rokkit Launcha fires homing missiles and can reach people who hide behind corners.


Deffkilla Wartrike – Using the range of your Shokk Rifle you can help soften up enemies while your friendly Deffkilla Wartrike goes in for the kill. Sometimes, they will survive with very low health and using your speed there’s no way they can escape.

Looted Wagon – Keep an eye on who your Looted Wagon is shooting at. When they get an enemy low on health, they’ll drive away to hide. Using your speed and range you can pick of targets as they try to recover.

Good Against
Boomdakka Snazzwagon – With the low mobility of the Boomdakka Snazzwagon you can use your speed to get behind them and decide when to fight them and when to get away. It will not be fast enough to chase you, nor the range to hit you.

Weak Against

Deffkilla Wartrike – Be careful of the Deffkilla Wartrike as they can use its Hook to keep up with you or bring you to a stop. As you cannot shoot backwards, having a Deffkilla Wartrike chasing you down can prove fatal without support.

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

Join our community-focused game development discussions on your favorite platform:

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Hotfix out! MOB ON ME BOYZ! (but just a little less, please)

Hotfix patch is now live! So please restart Steam to grab the update

This fixes:
  • MOB ON ME fest '99 is now over. As much as Orks constantly yelling is pretty Orky, it's probably not the perpetual soundtrack we want for this game. No longer does the MOB ON ME comm chat voice line repeat itself for everyone, for all of time
  • As informative as was, we had to remove it from the end of game scrap calculation in favour of saying what was actually happening: DOUBLE SCRAP weekend (from today until Sunday)
  • Fixed the Deffkilla Wartrike pole gubbinz disassociating itself from its vehicle parent. It is now attached properly again.
  • A potential issue with scrap not being tracked after a match

Again, we're still hard at work fixing other issues, especially the high priority ones listed from last update.


⚙️ Early Access Update 01 ⚙️


Oi, Speedfreeks!, we've been tinkerin' and changed 'sum 'dings
Thanks again for all your feedback. This has allowed us to prioritize our fixes, improvements and future plans. For now, we have made live the following:
  • Added distance text with bomb icon so players know how far it is from them
  • Added number of each vehicle used by teammates to ingame selection screen
  • Reduced weapon impact forces while airborne to lessen frustration
  • Fixed issue with vehicle explosions having extreme forces that would push players back violently
  • Bot firing range has been reduced to a more reasonable distance, so they can no longer randomly snipe players from across the map
  • Improvements made to melee weapon damage detection

[h3]Deff Rally[/h3]
  • Deff Rally mode now grants 12 points for kills instead of 15, for the team that controls the capture point
  • Extra points per kill while holding the point reduced to 2 (from 5).
  • Wave generation time (max seconds wait after respawning in Deff Rally only) increased to 6 from 4 seconds.
This will make the runaway score problem less severe in Deff Rally while we take a deeper look at the game mode. The wave spawning time will now wait for slightly longer to create a larger mob to run back to the point with.

[h3]Kill Konvoy[/h3]
  • Fixed some collision issues in Kill Konvoy map Ded 'Ard Desert
  • Kill Konvoy bots are now smarter, they no longer Leeroy Jenkins the Stompa, and also help with the bomb attack and defence more
  • Fixed Kill Konvoy bombs briefly staying in the level after exploding

[h3]Boomdakka Snazzwagon[/h3]
  • Primary weapon max range reduced
This change removes the spray-n-pray damage the Snazzwagon could deal with its primary weapon to cancel health regen at long ranges. This didn't fit the vehicle's identity as a short range health bar melter. The Snazzwagon now has a more identifiable weakness, its range. Tanks are still very vulnerable to the Mek Speshul in close quarters.

[h3]Looted Wagon[/h3]
  • Grot Bomm flight duration reduced from 20 seconds to 12
  • Fixed Grot Riggers ability showing incorrect health bar value
  • Fixed side turrets not rotating
The Grot Bomm duration was extremely long, allowing players to miss, pull up, and come back around for another attempt, which doesn't fit the spirit of the weapon. This also makes it easier to tell when the Grot Bomm will expire (about 3 seconds after the flame particles stop).

[h3]Deffkilla Wartrike[/h3]
  • Melee Klaw ability damage increased back to 50 from 45
  • Grapnel damage increased to 5 from 1
Giving the Wartrike more Klaw damage allows it to be more threatening in its role as a wounded target hunter, and the additional damage on the hook means the Wartrike puts on more pressure during drive-bys, ambushes, and bomb stops.

[h3]Rukkatrukk squigbuggy[/h3]
  • Health decreased to 130 from 150
  • Base and boosting speed increased
As the healer, the Squigbuggy was way too tanky, and clearing out a Squigbuggy to then focus on their bomb carrier took too long based on average DPS and map size. To compensate, it gets a small speed boost to help it keep up with its healing targets.

[h3]Grot Mega Tank[/h3]
  • Fixed Grot Riggers ability showing incorrect health bar value
  • Fixed issue that caused WAAAGH! Path progression to reset.
    NOTE: Players may see unlocked items show again at the end of their first match played. This is normal.
  • Fixed issue that caused Challenges progression to reset or unlocks to be not granted.
    NOTE: You may need to finish a match first before your unlocks/items are granted. Some players may need to finish a match with each vehicle to see their challenge progress properly again
  • Fixed issue that caused Daily Challenges to reset
  • Fixed issue with inputs being stuck when respawning
  • Fixed the awarding issues of the Skull kit for end of vehicle challenges
  • Fixed prices shown incorrectly for Japanese players
  • WAAAGH! Path screen now focuses on current level when opened, instead of starting at the beginning
  • Fixed a bug where the scoreboard remained on screen when loading next match
  • Pings on scoreboard now reflect more accurate numbers
  • Speedboss on the scoreboard is now fully determined by only total Scrap
  • Added bomb deliveries to stats and scoreboard
  • Added bomb defence to stats
  • Changed the “Kustomize” wrench icon to a paint brush icon to make it more obvious that an item can be painted
  • Comms menu voice lines can be heard further from their origin now
  • The players friends list will show in the party screen without needing to create a party yet
  • Added notification for players to tell them what happened if they get kicked to the main menu
  • Removed function for painting vehicles that automatically jumped to the paint swatch of the paint slot being selected
  • Reduced end of match player recap screen timer by 10 seconds
  • Updated Ork textures to look dirtier
  • Updated ingame report link so it’s an easier to use form (temporary, until we implement something better in-game)
  • Optimizations to various VFX
  • Fixed not being able to paint certain parts of vehicle kits
  • Multiple crash bug fixes, including one with a fatal error
  • Fixed an issue with the pole gubbinz not showing properly for the Deffkilla Wartrike

[h3]Top priorities still being worked on:[/h3]
  • Hit registration/netcode improvements, and fixing issues where damage/healing is not registering
  • Matchmaking improvements
  • Team balance and fuller matches (less bots)
  • A definitive fix for challenge issues
  • Ping system for team communication

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

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