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Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks News

🔧 Dev Blog 12 - Kustomize ‘Ya ride 🔧


[h3]Get ready Speed Freeks, the finish line is in sight! [/h3]
Cross it in style, by using ‘ya battle loot to look Snazzy

Scrap and Teef are the two resources that you can use to unlock cosmetics in Speed Freeks.

Scrap is collected by fighting and finishing matches. It drives your progression through the WAAAGH! PATH while unlocking plenty of items along the way.

Teef are purchased with real money and can be spent in the Mek Shop to buy cosmetics.

Purchasing the Loot Pass with Teef allows you to earn a ton of extra items in the WAAAGH! PATH. It also lets you skip the latest vehicle's unlock challenge. Please consider purchasing the Loot Pass to unlock a lot of cool cosmetics as well as early access to the latest vehicle!

It’s important to note that all vehicles featured in the WAAAGH! PATH can also be unlocked simply by playing matches and there are also no time limited cosmetics.

There are no pay-to-win features in Speed Freeks. Cosmetics (and Scrap Boosts) are the only thing you can buy with real money, whether that's buying the Loot Pass to unlock more items as you play or by buying them directly from the Mek Shop.

Scrap Boosts on the other hand, are progression boosters that allow you to unlock cosmetics faster and have no effect on gameplay.

Right now, customization in Speed Freeks is cosmetic only. In the future, we might explore other types of customization options, but we will never lock those options behind a paywall, and we are committed to respecting the time of our non-paying players.

Read on for a walkthrough of the myriads of options available to you to truly express your WAAAGH!

The Kustomize screen allows you to piece together wild creations, paint them in whatever colors you choose and then take them onto the battlefield to flaunt your spoils of war.
[h3]Let's put the snazz into our snazzwagon.[/h3]

[h3]Step 1: The most important part of customization is the kit[/h3]
A kit is a modified version of the vehicle's default chassis. These can range from small adjustments to full-scale reworks.

Let’s go with the Spikey Wagon kit. We want this thing to look mean, while sticking to the classic look of the Snazzwagon. You can also buy this kit with Teef as part of the Boomdakka Snazzwagon Pack in the Mek Shop.

[h3]Step 2: Next, the paintjob[/h3]

We'll start with the Goff clan paintjob as a base. You can unlock all the clan paintjobs by completing vehicle challenges. For the Goff paintjobs, it's all about racking up kills and assists, because Goffs love getting stuck in!

Let’s now click on the wrench icon to customize the colors. Nothing crazy, we'll just swap the red highlights for some green and yellow. Green, we all know, is best, and yellow because it’s the color of dakka. Of course, this wagon packs a whole lotta dakka.

Those players who took part in our alpha and beta playtests will notice a lot more paint colors in the above screenshot! There are currently 153 to choose from, including metallics!

While the Ork adage goes 'red wunz go fasta', this belief is not yet true at Early Access launch for Speed Freeks because the color of paint you choose won't affect your vehicle's stats. We don't want players to feel restricted in how they paint their vehicles to receive a certain buff. However, we will keep our eye on community feedback about this, so drop us a comment on our Feature Upvote page [link] if you have suggestions about our Ork color theory.

[h3]Step 3: Now it's time for the rims[/h3]
These ones are nice and spiky. If you buy our Loot Pass, they’re unlocked right at the start of the WAAAGH! PATH. But remember, there is no time limit, you can complete the WAAAGH! PATH at your own pace, and at any time!

Selecting the gear icon again, we can mess with the rim's colors to make them better match the rest of the vehicle. Every good model painter knows how important the details are! If you want to learn more about how we referenced real painted models to define the art style of this game, check out Dev Blog 06!

[h3]Step 4: The tires are already good and spiky[/h3]
...so we’ll move right on to the Gubbinz.

Let's stick the Dakka glyph on there, which is unlocked for all vehicles by completing a Boomdakka Snazzwagon challenge and paint it yellow.

[h3]Step 5: Here, we'll choose the Squig Pole[/h3]
It's fully animated, so to really appreciate it gnawing the life out of that metal bar you'll have to check it out in game.

The Squig Pole is available in the Supporter's Pack within the Mek Shop. Buying this pack also gets you a loyal Grot companion to go with you in your Krumped Kam taunt screen and several other menu screens. If you want to support this game, please consider picking up the Supporter's Pack!

[h3]Et Voilà, as Orks don’t say.[/h3]
Compared to the default look, here on the right is our finished vehicle!

We hope that the customization features in Speed Freeks will bring more joy to your inner Mek!

Personalization is a huge part of the hobby, and the kit-bashing culture constantly leaves us in awe. For those of us without bits boxes and workshops, please enjoy this Orky digital sandbox. While a videogame could never match the creative spirit that has fuelled the Warhammer 40000 community for decades, these options are our closest digital approximation of that hobby feeling

We can’t wait to see the manic machines you’ll bash together in Speed Freeks. Join our Discord and its dedicated customization showcase channel, #da-snazzlounge, to post your creations. We also want to see them in all our other social spaces:
X/Twitter Discord r/SpeedFreeks

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks!

Join our community-focused game development discussions on your favorite platform:

X/Twitter Discord r/SpeedFreeks Suggest Features & Report Bugs Technical Support


đŸ’„ News - Twitch Drops đŸ’„


Oi, Speed Freeks!
Tuesday we unleashed da WAAAGH! and we couldn’t be more pleased with the rain of dakka spewed across our varied game modes and levels.

To celebrate, we’re offering you more free loot to snazz up ‘ya wagon with.

Between now and Monday September 2nd, you’ll be able to unlock up to 3 cosmetic items depending on how long you watch a stream, with drops enabled, in the Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks category on Twitch. Those items are:

[h3]SHREDDA RIM[/h3]

- 20 minutes watch time

[h3]ZOG GUBBINZ[/h3]

- 1 hour watch time

[h3]MANGLA RIM[/h3]

- 2 hours watch time

For you to receive these items ingame, you need to link your Speed Freeks Pros Account to Twitch. Go to your Pros account then “Settings” in the top right > Connections > Twitch.


Not a fan of Twitch? Fear not, these items are not exclusive and can be unlocked individually through purchase in the Mek Store. 

Thanks again for all your support and racing antics. We hope to bring you more rewards like this in future.

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

Join our community-focused game development discussions on your favorite platform:

Steam Discussions Discord r/SpeedFreeks Suggest Features & Report Bugs Technical Support


⚙ Hit Registration and Cheating ⚙

We've been seeing many reports about hit registration issues and rest assured, this is our top priority to fix.

We've also seen reports of "cheating" associated with the hit registration issue, but those people are not cheating, it's just something going on with the net code.

We have however seen a few reports of confirmed cheaters and we're already taking steps against them.

Apologies for the issues so far! We're just two days into launch now and with the game live and being consistently played by thousands of players, new issues are popping up that we hadn't seen before, we're doing our best to address them.

Thanks for your patience and support.

đŸ’„ Server Disconnect Compensation đŸ’„

Thanks for jumping in Speed Freeks Day 1 of Early Access. We had some server issues at release which caused some of you to be disconnected from matches. This has been fixed by the team with a new server roll out earlier today.

As a thank you for your support and to honor the playtime you lost due to server instability we will be sending out a 1 Day Scrap Boost through our email system, the same one we send our newsletter out with.

If you’ve already signed up for the newsletter you will be sent the Scrap Boost automatically. If you haven’t signed up yet fear not, it’s easy to opt in and you will also get the cute little Squig Gubbinz cosmetic topper when you follow.

To sign up for the newsletter simply log into your Speed Freeks account and click the follow button.

To redeem the Scrap Boost click the Redeem Code button in your profile and enter the code that was provided in the email.

Sincere thanks for your feedback and support, and welcome to the WAAAGH!

⚡ Beginner's Guide ⚡


[h2]Go from Git to Gork with this Beginner's Guide![/h2]
Thanks to KroTukk for showing us the way.

On behalf of Caged Element and PLAION, we’z shoutin’ a big WAAAGH! Thanks for joinin’ da Kult of Speed in Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks! 

Join our community-focused game development discussions on your favorite platform:

Steam Discussions Discord r/SpeedFreeks Suggest Features & Report Bugs Technical Support
