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  2. News

Everhood 2 News

Many minor fixes - Red

- Localization has been updated and hopefully everything is correctly translated
- proofreading
- cast size in inventory font increased
- dimension master artwork in battle colosseum updated
- green door line
- shade intro and scary shade give achievmenets in battle colosseum.
- scary shade does not teleport player to ingame
- removed jittering to avoid rcolor tag in cazoks dialogue in bobo room for simplicity.
- palm tree sorting in vegetable kingdom
- add collider to 10'000 club desk
- motherboard char battle in battle colosseum now starts motherboard char.
- final boatman section had scene transition improvements.

Small fixes - Blue

Many visual sorting errors configured in earth level, smega motherboard, smega processor, death mountain, neon district and harpy village

Minor fixes - Purple

- add a short interaction sequence with the vip dance room.
- add more movement stops after doubled's dragon battle in hopes to avoid strange softlock behavior
- more invisible walls in replaybattle room to avoid out of bounds issues
- removed dialogue from a custom mushroom
- lever in smega audio processor cannot be turned on again after turned off.
- extra movement stops in death mountain victory cutscene.
- adjusted so harpy children cannot have inventory opened when they speak.

Lucy Hotel fix

- Disabled so bobo room encounter cannot open inventory
- version number changed to 1.0. 002
- sorting on rocks adjusted in the cursed castle maze.
- collider size on player adjusted
- Lucy was reusing certain variables same as bobo room causing some strange behavior in the elevator.

DMITRI battle in battle colosseum foolproofed!

- Raven pathing in riley's gauntlet modified slightly
- Dmitri battle in replay battle room does not throw player into boatman section