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  2. News

Everhood 2 News

Small fixes - Yellow Patch

- Light being does not reappearing in the cinema room upon reload
- shark collider enlarged in battle colosseum to avoid player spawning out of bounds.
- phase in animation has been shorten in raven's hub.
- A more natural radial fade/vinette fade in the water reflection/hazy vfx
- inventory cannot be opened after sunroom epilouge
- localization fix in pandemonium entrance

Modding - template scene updated

- Template scene updated with correct if statement.

Modding update

- Removed able to disable commands as they were not dependable.
- Now custom battle song is part of the audio mixer so battles don't play in high volume
- Else If Command fixed and should be working as intended.
- Everhood2ModdingTools.unitypackage updated
- Add missing icons on projectiles. (let us know if any other prefabs are not working as intended)

foolproof black hole battle

- Disabling pause at end of battle just incase someone decides to retry or switch scene to avoid game softlocking
- unabsorbable red sine outline color adjusted to red.

Evren OHK fix

Evren was set to not be defeatable after reaching less than 900 hp.
This has been modified so Evren can be defeated in OHK.