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Everhood 2 News

Many hotfixes - Hotel elevator - Mushrooms

- Mushroom sorting errors (not all of them but many)
- Blocking menu opening when drinking water from fountain or eating apples in death mountain
- Bobo battle blocks pressing pause 1 sec before transition
- Pinecone key has updated description
- Camera resets to player if saying no to light being.
- Colliders updated in battle colosseum
- Hillbert hotel elevator softlock fix by opening two locations at same time.
- Description on crimson bandana when from 10% to 15%.
- Player cannot go out of bounds in hangout
- Dmitri disappear persistently in portal before year 1000 encounter

OHK fix for float enemies + mushroom sorting fix

- One-Hit-Kill is now functional on float enemies (for real this time.)
- A mushroom in moon room's sorting has been configured.

Smaller fixes - Version change to 1.0.001

- Player cannot press pause when melon boss stops the battle
- additional colliders in smega internet exhaust
- Raven does not pick up player in root of all evil battle if triggered from replay battle room.
- Player can now load save from pause in evren battle without breaking game."

Battle Colosseum Update (Cool guys come late) + Small fixes

Patch changements
  • OHK riley
  • OHK Sun
Battle Colosseum additions
  • Judge Creation (Humanity)
  • Root of all evil battles
  • All 3 float battles. (motherboard, RAM and processor)
  • Dimension Master
  • Raven 2nd Tutorial Fight
  • Chase Battle
  • Joan of Arc
  • Yellow Frog (playing as red wizard)

Other fixes
- Credits modified
- Small proofread fixes
- SMEGA internet entrance add entrance art
- Tomato seed does not give more XP after lvl 9 to avoid bugs.