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Everhood 2 News

Black hole battle - additional fixes

- Additional adjustments for black hole battle to ensure that the sequence can be completed.
- Verified that projectiles do not do damage for low-end devices.

Black Hole Battle fix

Some players reported they cannot progress in the story due to the black hole absorb sequence.

We have adjusted so the string of projetiles needed to absorb are not all deadly anymore.
This should remedy the situation some players are getting.

The first couple of projetiles are only deadly.

Other fixes
- minor proofreading
- new ending dialogue by shade related to hillbert hotel.

Mod tooling updated + gameplay fixes

- New updated Mod tool package.
- Modding does not affect scene transitions of main game

- player can no longer open inventory in GODMACHINE battle.
- evil corp music can be adjusted in
- mushrooms sorting adjusted
- irvine texture fix
- irvine and sam variables updated in riley fortress

Rebind keyboard fix - Localization fixes - small fixes

- Rebind keys should be functional. (Let us know if anyone still getting issues.)
- Riley cannot retrigger again in liminal space if player walks south to blocked part.
- Harpies ai path further separated to avoid bugs.
- Final spaceship lost spirit warning icon moved.
- If player has done damage with Irvine or Sam on DMITRI in boatman section that damage does not re-appear in battle colosseum anymore.
- Localization has been updated
- Unabsorbable brown 3 wides are recolored to have brown outline
- Melon battle in replay battle room does not teleport player to vegetable kingdom on defeat (also removed stop battle behavior)
- Boatman camera fix when exiting from menu
- Disabled everhood path in the corrupted rom.
- The lab battle and black hole battle have adjusted projectile behavior to avoid softlocking for low-end computers.
- more invisible walls added in riley fortress section

Small fixes - Green

- Version number changed to 1. 0. 003
- sorting issues in death mountain entrance
- potential fix for player teleporting out of bounds in battle colosseum
- float motherboard chain projectiles does not do damage anymore
- green mage only compliment player's hat if they are wearing specific hats instead of having hat in inventory.
- invisible walls configured in pandemonium entrance
- collider fixes in battle colosseum.
- mushroom bureau entrance is properly masked (was previously fixed in previous iteration*)