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Arma Reforger News Update

Attention Soldiers,

We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.

Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.

[h2] Changelog[/h2]

  • Added: Holding movement input after exiting a vehicle now stops the character from performing the close door action, speeding the process up
  • Added: Teleporting character now adjusts replicated position on server
  • Changed: Character server replication system now holds position instead of velocity
  • Changed: Disallowed weapon reload through inventory unless the weapon is equipped
  • Changed: Disabled AI switching from gunner position to driver seat until retreat behavior is available to fix AI doing nothing after switching seats
  • Tweaked: Various vehicle door animations
  • Tweaked: Dead/injured characters stuck inside the vehicle during remove casualty action
  • Fixed: Several problems with killing player while getting in/out
  • Fixed: Car light was disabled when player left driver seat
  • Fixed: Player got stuck if they opened the front doors from the back compartment and vice versa
  • Fixed: Switching seat in quick succession made character stuck
  • Fixed: Open/close door action was not available from inside of some vehicles
  • Fixed: Restore removing of CanFinishVehicleAction event in the Begin of vehicle actions
  • Fixed: Open/Close door user action was not available from outside
  • Fixed: Map - It was impossible to draw lines to the point that had a marker on it
  • Fixed: Map - It was impossible to pan and zoom in or out while drawing the line
  • Fixed: Map - It was impossible to cancel drawing of a line - now it can be done with RMB or X on Xbox gamepad
  • Fixed: Map - When using gamepad, any input would focus random deletion button for drawn line and make it impossible to draw a new line without deleting some other line
  • Fixed: Map - When using gamepad, user was unable to use the cursor to select which line was meant to be deleted
  • Fixed: Map - When player would hover over the toolbar, then the crosshair that points to cursor position, it would disappear until map was opened again
  • Fixed: Map - Cursor would become invisible when using gamepad
  • Fixed: Map - Map toolbar would never lose focus
  • Fixed: Drawing on top of some markers would open their respective menus
  • Fixed: Drawn lines on the map would scale improperly when zooming in or out

  • Fixed: Possible crash when generating terrain icons for Terrain Editor tool due to missing texture format detection
  • Fixed: Multiple possible crashes when entering vehicles
  • Fixed: Server crash when opening door on a vehicle with hierarchy changes
  • Fixed: Crash related to Character Controller
  • Fixed: Crash caused by deleted consumable calling SetAlternativeModel
  • Fixed: Possible crash after streaming in a vehicle with occupant.
  • Fixed: Crash when loading a vehicle while character is doing a Get Out action
  • Fixed: VME in SCR_Flashlightcomponent
  • Fixed: VME when truck was set on fire
  • Fixed: VME in callsign manager
  • Fixed: LoiterType NONE error
  • Fixed: Crash when opening ProcAnimEditor
  • Fixed: VME in SCR_AIGroupPerception.AddOrUpdateGunshot if PerceivableComponent was not found
  • Fixed: VME when detaching UGL grenade

[h3]Playable Content[/h3]
  • Fixed: Losing a base would sometimes not affect the victory countdown
  • Fixed: Displaying correct base name in Conflict

  • Added: Reporting script compilation error when someone attempts to mark static variable as a replicated property
  • Fixed: Added additional anim events Event_Vehicle_CanFinishAction to the OpenDoorOut animations
  • Changed: Dependent mods info in workshop UI changed to show only downloaded mods
  • Changed: Default SpawnDecalEffect lifetime is changed from infinite to 10 minutes
  • Changed: Snapshot initialized as wrapper around external buffer can now be reallocated and become owner of new buffer, removing write size limitations - except running out of memory
  • Changed: Lifted 4 KiB size limit of single RPC argument.
  • Changed: Second argument of RplNode.SetParent() renamed to unusedAndDeprecated to indicate that it should not be used and will be removed in the future
  • Changed: Switched from error to warning to make transition easier
  • Fixed: Integer overflow when parsing size of addons
  • Fixed: Displaying of dependencies to download size properly fallbacks to dependency reference
  • Removed: Removed unnecessary vtable pointer from SnapSerializer
  • Removed: Removed tests checking snapshot write failures when wrapped buffer is not large enough
  • Removed: References of roadnetwork file

  • Changed: Footscape sound at end of get out anim exchanged for regular footstep sound
  • Fixed: Wrong sound event name for doors in Ural
  • Fixed: Detonator animation and sound played while placing charges
  • Fixed: Open door finish SFX
  • Fixed: Missing seat creak SFX when getting out of co-driver seat
  • Fixed: Weapon handgrab sound does not play when switching gadgets Update

Attention Soldiers,

We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.

Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.

[h2] Changelog[/h2]

  • Fixed: Incorrect recoil translation was applied to camera while aiming down sights of turret-mounted weapons
  • Fixed: Max LOD prevention for opening door in vehicle
  • Fixed: Automatic group join upon reconnect not respecting private groups
  • Fixed: Cursor couldn't be moved on the map with a controller
  • Fixed: Throwables sometimes drop on the ground at the thrower's feet, but are seen by clients as correctly thrown
  • Fixed: Position of right M23 gun mount on armed UH-1
  • Fixed: Drag and dropping an item onto another in vicinity results in the item being picked up
  • Tweaked: HDR mask for using optics through windows

  • Fixed: Possible crash when sending analytics events
  • Fixed: Crash due to access violation when calling unbound command
  • Fixed: Crash in bird manager when a soundmap had improper data
  • Fixed: Crashed caused by inventory containers
  • Fixed: Possible crash when vehicle gets destroyed
  • Fixed: Crash when weapon slot was not properly removed from the list of simulated entities
  • Fixed: Memory leaks in audio-related objects

  • Fixed: Look At command role check
  • Fixed: Pathfinding was wrong in some of tight spaces
  • Fixed: AI was doing suppressive fire of last known position of helicopters
  • Fixed: AIs could get stuck in grenade-throwing animation

  • Added: PerceivableComponent.IsInCompartment, PerceivableComponent.GetCompartmentAccessComponent
  • Fixed: Scenario Framework - Wrong attribute setup for ActionChangeTriggerActivationPresence
  • Fixed: Scenario Framework - Change Trigger Activation Presence action VME for task clear Update

Attention Soldiers,

We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.

Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.

[h2] Changelog[/h2]

  • Fixed: Groups no longer randomly switching on spawn while Game Master is active
  • Fixed: Vehicle UI not visible in third person
  • Fixed: Character position desync when streaming in a character that is getting out of a turret
  • Fixed: Interrupting weapon reload didn't cancel weapon animation
  • Fixed: Magazine dropped during reload was invisible on client
  • Fixed: Parts of the vest disappear when looted from dead body after moving some distance
  • Fixed: Time to end ragdoll was using wrong default value
  • Fixed: Flashlight spawned inside slots from prefab initialization were not attached correctly in replication hierarchy
  • Fixed: Missing Remove Casualties action on Mi-8 and UAZ-469
  • Fixed: Missing Remove Casualty action on UH-1 gunner
  • Fixed: Allow AI to look in different directions while under Follow command
  • Fixed: Settings Menu - Spinboxes don't get unfocused on Tab change
  • Tweaked: Burn time on the M583A1 white UGL fired flares is now 40s instead of the original 30s
  • Tweaked: Characters in Mi-8 cargo seats can no longer fall out when flipped
  • Tweaked: User interaction on M997 ambulance

  • Fixed: Memory leak on ObstacleAvoidance
  • Fixed: Projectile effects that spawn entities could sometimes have NaN transforms
  • Fixed: Mounted guns on vehicles did not have "Parent Node From Parent Entity" set to true Update

Attention Soldiers,

We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.

Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.

[h2] Changelog[/h2]

  • Changed: HDR Darkness and brightness limits, target brightness, and shutter limits by weather cycle
  • Changed: Bleeding visible on the clothes will now get gradually more intense as the bleeding continues
  • Changed: When creating streams for proxies, use an array holding all proxy nodes instead of traversing node hierarchy
  • Changed: Increased callsign pool for FIA from 128 to 360 to prevent warnings from being spawnedFixed: Clothes would not update the replication parent when an item was inserted/removed
  • Tweaked: Fuse time on the colored flares is the same as on the white ones
  • Fixed: Doors were always visually closed after reconnecting or joining a game in progress (T182302)
  • Fixed: Ability to process multiple open door requests over multiple frames to make sure they all get processed by the animation graph
  • Fixed: Switching seats and exiting vehicle when primary door is obstructed
  • Fixed: Accessibility points of Ural-4320
  • Fixed: Explosive charges being garbage collected straight from player inventory and storage containers
  • Fixed: Missing fuel progress bar on jerry cans
  • Fixed: Focus on last focused storage slot when switching from storage mode
  • Fixed: Highlights on storage no longer ignore equipment storage components when searching for free slots
  • Fixed: Pop-up notifications were either not working at all in certain scenarios or they were stuck in queue and displayed at once in a row
  • Fixed: Dragging an item on a supply box transferred it to player's inventory
  • Fixed: Weapon inspection took magazines attached to other weapons in the player's inventory
  • Fixed: Time until the detonation of explosive charges would be incorrect for Game Master that was not a host
  • Fixed: Exiting a flipped or semi-flipped vehicle sometimes caused character to teleport below ground
  • Fixed: CompartmentManager was not found on compartments that were in a slot
  • Fixed: Remove duplicated Hierarchy components in compositions and CTI instances
  • Fixed: Characters were snapped to canopy on net machine guns on turret exit
  • Fixed: US roadblock navmesh recalculation
  • Fixed: Explosive charges wouldn't stream in properly for proxy clients
  • Fixed: Replication should create all streams for proxies even if user code modifies node hierarchy in RplLoad callback
  • Fixed: Checking for item usage as a condition for being able to get out of the vehicle
  • Fixed: Cancel item use when getting out of the car
  • Fixed: Optimized simulation of bloody clothes 
  • Fixed: Low ready stopped working after arbitrary conditions failed: changing stance, lean, or changing fire mode
  • Fixed: If shot while wearing clothes, your skin will now show damage after removing the clothes

  • Fixed: Spawning UAZ-469 with PKM in Pause crashes the game
  • Fixed: Freeze during navmesh tracing
  • Fixed: VME when no EditorManager is found
  • Fixed: Crash due to missing handlers
  • Fixed: Memory leak in BaseLoadoutClothComponent
  • Fixed: Rare RoadBlockManagerCrashes
  • Fixed: Logs spamming about unknown keywords in prefab of m60d
  • Fixed: Memory leaks related to road network
  • Fixed: Added Group and Tripod Catalog to CIV faction and faction less to remove error spamming
  • Fixed: A possible crash with explosive charges attached to destructible entities
  • Fixed: -disableAI param shouldn't crash anymore
  • Fixed: ScriptCompiler: push/pop of plain pointers not working
  • Fixed: Memory leak in bt::NativeVariable
  • Fixed: Memory leak for two static instances of DamageContext and DotDamageEffectTimerToken
  • Fixed: Error spam because placeable item was changing its parent before it was removed correctly from player inventory
  • Fixed: Crash with WEAPON_FIRED event in turrets
  • Fixed: VME with SCR_CampaignMilitaryBaseComponent
  • Fixed: Potential nullpointers in AnimatedAmmoBeltSystem and bloodOnClothesSystem
  • Fixed: Streamable parameter was turned off on deployable radio's RplComponent, causing all AI with radios to be streamed to clients at all times

  • Fixed: AI would not get out of BTR 
  • Fixed: Helicopter pilot slot should not be occupied by AI
  • Fixed: Commanded AI now responds in voice to commands in MP
  • Fixed: Behavior of AI when group leader dies

  • Added: Ability to get AnimationController from AnimationControllerComponent
  • Added: BaseProjectileComponent.SetInstigator
  • Changed: Switched m_CharacterOwner in SCR_GadgetComponent from IEntity to ChimeraCharacter

[h3]Scenario Framework[/h3]
  • Fixed: Deliver vehicle tasks could get completed when the player reaches the task even without the vehicle
  • Fixed: AI Action Getter optional state wrongly retrieving AI slot
  • Fixed: ON_TASKS_INIT tasks that are further down in hierarchy do not get spawned by the scenario framework
  • Fixed: Setting max tasks to more than 5 makes the framework spawn way more tasks than intended
  • Fixed: Task Clear Area sometimes could not be finished (T182474) Update

Attention Soldiers,

We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.

Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.

[h2] Changelog[/h2]

  • Changed: Charges spawned by game master are no longer armed by default
  • Tweaked: Multiphase destruction for sandbags
  • Tweaked: Flare VFX adjustments
  • Tweaked: Interactions with doors and gates by adding new physics setup for them
  • Fixed: Depth of big lake
  • Fixed: Unconscious state of Mi-8 navigator was using death animation instead of the unconscious one
  • Fixed: No damage source in damage context for melee attacks
  • Fixed: Projectile effect transform was sometimes not correct on the server when a client shoots a projectile
  • Fixed: Custom accessibility config for turret to not be obstructed when placed into nests
  • Fixed: It was possible to drag incorrect item when dragging item from slot border
  • Fixed: Obsolete optics magnification keybind in Field Manual
  • Fixed: Map reading coordinates fixed in Field Manual illustration
  • Fixed: Aim and freelook action bindings could not be changed on gamepad (Thanks to Steve-E for the report!)
  • Removed: Unused commands from map commanding

  • Changed: Improved performance for extended damage manager
  • Fixed: VME when interacting with deploy action on radio on DS
  • Fixed: Broken wait with timeout on semaphore and event implementations for Linux
  • Fixed: Damage-related memory leak messages caused by script recompilation
  • Removed: Log warning "BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator..."

  • Changed: AI driving and PID setups for vehicles
  • Fixed: Fixed Move In waypoint when in a forest
  • Fixed: Leader takes gunner seat when in 2-member group
  • Fixed: AI wouldn't mount static turrets under Get In waypoint/command
  • Fixed: Get In specific vehicle does not fail when subgroup already is in that vehicle

  • Added: FindDamageEffectOfType, FindAllDamageEffectsOfType, FindAllDamageEffectsOfTypeOnHitZone, FindDamageEffectOnHitZone
  • Changed: Reordered the parameters of FindDamageEffectsOnHitZone to keep them consistent with the rest of ExtendedDamageManagerComponent API
  • Changed: Disabled ColliderHistoryComponnet on Vehicle_Part_Base.et until optimized better, remains enabled on Vehicle_Rotor_Base.et and Vehicle_Ammunition_Base.et