
Attention Soldiers,
We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.
Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
[h2] Changelog[/h2]
- Fixed: Groups no longer randomly switching on spawn while Game Master is active
- Fixed: Vehicle UI not visible in third person
- Fixed: Character position desync when streaming in a character that is getting out of a turret
- Fixed: Interrupting weapon reload didn't cancel weapon animation
- Fixed: Magazine dropped during reload was invisible on client
- Fixed: Parts of the vest disappear when looted from dead body after moving some distance
- Fixed: Time to end ragdoll was using wrong default value
- Fixed: Flashlight spawned inside slots from prefab initialization were not attached correctly in replication hierarchy
- Fixed: Missing Remove Casualties action on Mi-8 and UAZ-469
- Fixed: Missing Remove Casualty action on UH-1 gunner
- Fixed: Allow AI to look in different directions while under Follow command
- Fixed: Settings Menu - Spinboxes don't get unfocused on Tab change
- Tweaked: Burn time on the M583A1 white UGL fired flares is now 40s instead of the original 30s
- Tweaked: Characters in Mi-8 cargo seats can no longer fall out when flipped
- Tweaked: User interaction on M997 ambulance
- Fixed: Memory leak on ObstacleAvoidance
- Fixed: Projectile effects that spawn entities could sometimes have NaN transforms
- Fixed: Mounted guns on vehicles did not have "Parent Node From Parent Entity" set to true