
Attention Soldiers,
We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.
Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
[h2] Changelog[/h2]
- Changed: Charges spawned by game master are no longer armed by default
- Tweaked: Multiphase destruction for sandbags
- Tweaked: Flare VFX adjustments
- Tweaked: Interactions with doors and gates by adding new physics setup for them
- Fixed: Depth of big lake
- Fixed: Unconscious state of Mi-8 navigator was using death animation instead of the unconscious one
- Fixed: No damage source in damage context for melee attacks
- Fixed: Projectile effect transform was sometimes not correct on the server when a client shoots a projectile
- Fixed: Custom accessibility config for turret to not be obstructed when placed into nests
- Fixed: It was possible to drag incorrect item when dragging item from slot border
- Fixed: Obsolete optics magnification keybind in Field Manual
- Fixed: Map reading coordinates fixed in Field Manual illustration
- Fixed: Aim and freelook action bindings could not be changed on gamepad (Thanks to Steve-E for the report!)
- Removed: Unused commands from map commanding
- Changed: Improved performance for extended damage manager
- Fixed: VME when interacting with deploy action on radio on DS
- Fixed: Broken wait with timeout on semaphore and event implementations for Linux
- Fixed: Damage-related memory leak messages caused by script recompilation
- Removed: Log warning "BaseProjectileEffect::ApplyEffect has not received an instigator..."
- Changed: AI driving and PID setups for vehicles
- Fixed: Fixed Move In waypoint when in a forest
- Fixed: Leader takes gunner seat when in 2-member group
- Fixed: AI wouldn't mount static turrets under Get In waypoint/command
- Fixed: Get In specific vehicle does not fail when subgroup already is in that vehicle
- Added: FindDamageEffectOfType, FindAllDamageEffectsOfType, FindAllDamageEffectsOfTypeOnHitZone, FindDamageEffectOnHitZone
- Changed: Reordered the parameters of FindDamageEffectsOnHitZone to keep them consistent with the rest of ExtendedDamageManagerComponent API
- Changed: Disabled ColliderHistoryComponnet on Vehicle_Part_Base.et until optimized better, remains enabled on Vehicle_Rotor_Base.et and Vehicle_Ammunition_Base.et