
Attention Soldiers,
We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.
Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
[h2] Changelog[/h2]
- Fixed: Incorrect recoil translation was applied to camera while aiming down sights of turret-mounted weapons
- Fixed: Max LOD prevention for opening door in vehicle
- Fixed: Automatic group join upon reconnect not respecting private groups
- Fixed: Cursor couldn't be moved on the map with a controller
- Fixed: Throwables sometimes drop on the ground at the thrower's feet, but are seen by clients as correctly thrown
- Fixed: Position of right M23 gun mount on armed UH-1
- Fixed: Drag and dropping an item onto another in vicinity results in the item being picked up
- Tweaked: HDR mask for using optics through windows
- Fixed: Possible crash when sending analytics events
- Fixed: Crash due to access violation when calling unbound command
- Fixed: Crash in bird manager when a soundmap had improper data
- Fixed: Crashed caused by inventory containers
- Fixed: Possible crash when vehicle gets destroyed
- Fixed: Crash when weapon slot was not properly removed from the list of simulated entities
- Fixed: Memory leaks in audio-related objects
- Fixed: Look At command role check
- Fixed: Pathfinding was wrong in some of tight spaces
- Fixed: AI was doing suppressive fire of last known position of helicopters
- Fixed: AIs could get stuck in grenade-throwing animation
- Added: PerceivableComponent.IsInCompartment, PerceivableComponent.GetCompartmentAccessComponent
- Fixed: Scenario Framework - Wrong attribute setup for ActionChangeTriggerActivationPresence
- Fixed: Scenario Framework - Change Trigger Activation Presence action VME for task clear