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Evolution Tag 2 Playtest News


[h2]General Changes:[/h2]
  • Increased effectiveness of movement speed so all units now move 10% faster
  • Using a targeted ability or attack order on a specific unit now briefly flashes the selection circle to indicate which target
  • Icons updated for: rabbits, goats, boars, bears, wolves, satyrs, orc riders/warriors, dragon, turtles, spiders, skeleton minions, skeleton captain, skeleton mages, skeleton/giant skeleton warrior, human, builders, worker, armored militia, mage, ice wizard, human warrior
  • Paladin ultimate upgrades now have different skins
  • Wind Archer rapid fire spell can now crit for 40% of crit damage per arrow
  • UU Wind archer rapid fire spell AD scaling increased 25% -> 28%
  • Increased building range from 50->90 to make spamming buildings more smooth
  • Increased precision of navigation slightly for 1x1 units
  • Fixed bug where certain invisible objects (regions) were affecting pathing and causing units to walk in weird paths
  • Started work on new hydra hero which will be for undead team / extra survival mode boss level
  • Slightly increased size of return resources text
  • Survival Mode Dragon fireball damage 350 -> 200. Breath of Fire base damage 90 -> 50

[h2]Monster Tag Changes:[/h2]
  • Added intial testing map with trees and cliffs (will be replaced by much bigger map later on)
  • Increased all units move speed by atleast 15% (+10% from move speed effectiveness buff)
  • Move speed of monsters now varies by +/- 15%
  • Spawned monsters now passively get stronger/faster every 3 minutes
  • Adjusted unit stats to be more reasonable
  • Added support for mining from goldmines
  • Updated model for arrow tower
  • Added new placeholder for base building which can train workers
  • Added new placeholder for tiny monsters which spawn every 5 minutes
  • Added win condition
  • Monsters now respawn after a while once killed
  • Monsters now spawn every minute
  • Fixed material for hero


Fixed bug where undead main base could not attack
Can now build stuff when multiple units are selected in addition to builder
Made some experimental changes to pathing
Started work on a new game mode


[h3]Minor updates to survival mode:[/h3]

  • Made alot of enemies weaker especially in early game.
  • Each additional player will now also increase creep XP bounty by about 55%.
  • Extreme difficulty mode will also give more XP bounty.
  • Increased time in between certain mid-game waves to allow more time for shopping, reading abilities, and building a base.


[h2]Ultimate Upgrades:[/h2]
All final evolutions can now evolve even further one more time called an ultimate upgrade. Each hero has at least 2 different ultimate upgrades to choose from. While ideally the ultimate evolution would give you a different hero, for now most of them just give bonus stats, enhanced abilities, or additional abilities.

[h3]Item Updates:[/h3]
  • 5 new items, 2 of which are temporary
  • Boots of haste dodge and CD removed. Move speed increased slightly and gold cost reduced by 150
  • Pre-alpha orbs (t2 items) now have required item components
  • Increased Ambers Bow burn chance 12% -> 14%
  • Reduced effectiveness of dark sword (t4) but made it slightly cheaper
  • Staff of focus cost reduced slightly

[h3]Unit Changes:[/h3]
  • Cryomancer Ultimate Ice Defense Spell is now not cancellable since it can be confusing whether the spell is beginning to be cast
  • Re-enabled collision for wraith due to being able to move through walls
  • Reduced Paladin HP per level from 75 to 60
  • Reduced AD scaling on paladin Q spell
  • Reduced HP per level from shield master from 150 to 100
  • Made Undead Berserker R spell animation faster and fixed issue where berserker could not do anything until animation fully completes
  • Wraith W spell now only silences for the first 2.35 seconds instead up to 5 seconds while inside the circle
  • Wave 20 Wraith (Survival Mode) now summons a giant skeleton captain with more HP and ghosting.

[h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3]
  • Fixed issue where certain projectiles disappear if passing through a unit or object (visual bug)

[h3]Known Issues (new):[/h3]
  • Certain projectiles go invisible when they are deflected
  • Undead Citadel does not seem to attack anymore


New Survival Game Mode:
  • New game mode that supports playing solo or up to 8 players. Game difficulty scales based on number of players.
  • Goal is to defend your castle and survive 20 waves of enemies, where every 5th level is a boss.
  • Each wave has unique traits (e.g. ranged, caster, tank, summoner, speedy, etc.)
  • Added optional extreme mode which increases creep HP by 40% and slight boost to other stats. Also spawns giant skeleton warriors at wave 2 and 3

  • New map system! Added support for hosting/joining different types of maps (currently only 2 different maps)
  • Added support for having different difficulty levels for a particular map
  • Engineer can now further evolve to armored militia or mastersmith after 5 minutes
  • Added new ultimate ability for cyromancer (he now has two ultimate abilities)
  • Various new creeps (for now only added to survival mode)
  • Added a small cliff near forest area

  • Adjusted UI to account for the new map system
  • Added panel to show server status and how many games/lobbies are active (refreshes every 11 seconds)
  • Disabled matchmaking checkbox since there's no ranked mode yet
  • Can now scroll friends list if the friends list gets too large
  • Added version checker which should help in the future

Bug Fixes / Misc:
  • Made improvements to edge case navigation issues (e.g. target building on cliff, units with large radius, targeting unit on steep ramp, etc).
  • Improved handling of attempting to move to non-navigatable areas - units are now much better at finding a nearby location instead
  • Fixed navigation for certain units which were using incorrect navmesh
  • Fixed bug where magic and armor penetration were not being applied to abilities
  • Fixed bug where armor pen could multiply damage if resistance went below 0
  • Fixed bug where Undead Berserker could potentially become stuck if casting R spell immediately after E or W
  • Fixed potential bug where Wraith might become stuck in rare cases
  • Spells that do reduced damage to minions now deal full damage to elite enemies such as cyclops or dragon
  • All units are now treated equally when finding a target to attack within acquisition radius.
  • Fixed issue where ice wizard staff had collision and updated status bars to not show level
  • Fixed bug where if unit was hunting another unit (e.g. orcs during night time), it could stop moving if it's pathing got blocked
  • Added support for more advanced AI
  • Possibly fixed bug where wind archer tornado shot ability could briefly confuse AI
  • Removed lots of unnecessary game files
  • Optimized game sessions that are idle and awaiting players
  • Trees now properly affect can-navigate-to checks
  • Fixed issues with melee units attacking over walls around the ruins area
  • Fixed issue with landscape where stone tiles could become blurry at the edges of the screen
  • Fixed bug where cyclops would get stuck after reaching leash range due to incorrect collision height

Small Unit Changes / Balancing:
  • Walls collision size now matches the shape of the wall, removed the wall rotate ability and instead allow to build either horizontal or vertical wall
  • Adjusted builder stats and evolution wait times
  • Reduced starting wood to 500 due much earlier wait time for builder
  • Advanced weaponry tower upgrade now also boosts AP
  • Wraith sacrifice ability duration 5->10 seconds
  • Wraith can now move through other units (but not buildings)
  • Increased throw rock AP scaling
  • Reduced Paladin HP per level from 100->75
  • Increased mage and archer HP
  • Reduced the construction and upgrade time of various buildings and research upgrades significantly
  • reduced volume of holy nova spell
  • lay on hands CD 12->17 seconds

v0.21b Changes:
  • Fixed bug where evolving right before dying could create a second character, especially when user has high ping
  • Fixed bug where continuing construction on a different building doesn't properly stop constructing the previous building
  • Removed collision from builder workers and fixed their navigation issues
  • Removed a turtle that was spawning too close to forest base area

v0.21c Changes:
  • Added quick access buy lumber button if evolve to builder and added indicator for the new button if playing in survival mode
  • Added extra checks for API calls made while in lobby list
  • Optimized leaving lobby/game functionality by not reconstructing various services each time the leave button is pressed.
  • Fixed a bug with the friends list that could cause crash when joining and leaving a lobby quickly

v0.21d Changes:
  • Fixed bug where if a player leaves, after a while units will become unable to attack