[h2]General Changes:[/h2]
[h2]Monster Tag Changes:[/h2]
- Increased effectiveness of movement speed so all units now move 10% faster
- Using a targeted ability or attack order on a specific unit now briefly flashes the selection circle to indicate which target
- Icons updated for: rabbits, goats, boars, bears, wolves, satyrs, orc riders/warriors, dragon, turtles, spiders, skeleton minions, skeleton captain, skeleton mages, skeleton/giant skeleton warrior, human, builders, worker, armored militia, mage, ice wizard, human warrior
- Paladin ultimate upgrades now have different skins
- Wind Archer rapid fire spell can now crit for 40% of crit damage per arrow
- UU Wind archer rapid fire spell AD scaling increased 25% -> 28%
- Increased building range from 50->90 to make spamming buildings more smooth
- Increased precision of navigation slightly for 1x1 units
- Fixed bug where certain invisible objects (regions) were affecting pathing and causing units to walk in weird paths
- Started work on new hydra hero which will be for undead team / extra survival mode boss level
- Slightly increased size of return resources text
- Survival Mode Dragon fireball damage 350 -> 200. Breath of Fire base damage 90 -> 50
[h2]Monster Tag Changes:[/h2]
- Added intial testing map with trees and cliffs (will be replaced by much bigger map later on)
- Increased all units move speed by atleast 15% (+10% from move speed effectiveness buff)
- Move speed of monsters now varies by +/- 15%
- Spawned monsters now passively get stronger/faster every 3 minutes
- Adjusted unit stats to be more reasonable
- Added support for mining from goldmines
- Updated model for arrow tower
- Added new placeholder for base building which can train workers
- Added new placeholder for tiny monsters which spawn every 5 minutes
- Added win condition
- Monsters now respawn after a while once killed
- Monsters now spawn every minute
- Fixed material for hero