1. Evolution Tag 2 Playtest
  2. News
  3. v0.22


[h2]Ultimate Upgrades:[/h2]
All final evolutions can now evolve even further one more time called an ultimate upgrade. Each hero has at least 2 different ultimate upgrades to choose from. While ideally the ultimate evolution would give you a different hero, for now most of them just give bonus stats, enhanced abilities, or additional abilities.

[h3]Item Updates:[/h3]
  • 5 new items, 2 of which are temporary
  • Boots of haste dodge and CD removed. Move speed increased slightly and gold cost reduced by 150
  • Pre-alpha orbs (t2 items) now have required item components
  • Increased Ambers Bow burn chance 12% -> 14%
  • Reduced effectiveness of dark sword (t4) but made it slightly cheaper
  • Staff of focus cost reduced slightly

[h3]Unit Changes:[/h3]
  • Cryomancer Ultimate Ice Defense Spell is now not cancellable since it can be confusing whether the spell is beginning to be cast
  • Re-enabled collision for wraith due to being able to move through walls
  • Reduced Paladin HP per level from 75 to 60
  • Reduced AD scaling on paladin Q spell
  • Reduced HP per level from shield master from 150 to 100
  • Made Undead Berserker R spell animation faster and fixed issue where berserker could not do anything until animation fully completes
  • Wraith W spell now only silences for the first 2.35 seconds instead up to 5 seconds while inside the circle
  • Wave 20 Wraith (Survival Mode) now summons a giant skeleton captain with more HP and ghosting.

[h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3]
  • Fixed issue where certain projectiles disappear if passing through a unit or object (visual bug)

[h3]Known Issues (new):[/h3]
  • Certain projectiles go invisible when they are deflected
  • Undead Citadel does not seem to attack anymore