1. Evolution Tag 2 Playtest
  2. News
  3. v0.21


New Survival Game Mode:
  • New game mode that supports playing solo or up to 8 players. Game difficulty scales based on number of players.
  • Goal is to defend your castle and survive 20 waves of enemies, where every 5th level is a boss.
  • Each wave has unique traits (e.g. ranged, caster, tank, summoner, speedy, etc.)
  • Added optional extreme mode which increases creep HP by 40% and slight boost to other stats. Also spawns giant skeleton warriors at wave 2 and 3

  • New map system! Added support for hosting/joining different types of maps (currently only 2 different maps)
  • Added support for having different difficulty levels for a particular map
  • Engineer can now further evolve to armored militia or mastersmith after 5 minutes
  • Added new ultimate ability for cyromancer (he now has two ultimate abilities)
  • Various new creeps (for now only added to survival mode)
  • Added a small cliff near forest area

  • Adjusted UI to account for the new map system
  • Added panel to show server status and how many games/lobbies are active (refreshes every 11 seconds)
  • Disabled matchmaking checkbox since there's no ranked mode yet
  • Can now scroll friends list if the friends list gets too large
  • Added version checker which should help in the future

Bug Fixes / Misc:
  • Made improvements to edge case navigation issues (e.g. target building on cliff, units with large radius, targeting unit on steep ramp, etc).
  • Improved handling of attempting to move to non-navigatable areas - units are now much better at finding a nearby location instead
  • Fixed navigation for certain units which were using incorrect navmesh
  • Fixed bug where magic and armor penetration were not being applied to abilities
  • Fixed bug where armor pen could multiply damage if resistance went below 0
  • Fixed bug where Undead Berserker could potentially become stuck if casting R spell immediately after E or W
  • Fixed potential bug where Wraith might become stuck in rare cases
  • Spells that do reduced damage to minions now deal full damage to elite enemies such as cyclops or dragon
  • All units are now treated equally when finding a target to attack within acquisition radius.
  • Fixed issue where ice wizard staff had collision and updated status bars to not show level
  • Fixed bug where if unit was hunting another unit (e.g. orcs during night time), it could stop moving if it's pathing got blocked
  • Added support for more advanced AI
  • Possibly fixed bug where wind archer tornado shot ability could briefly confuse AI
  • Removed lots of unnecessary game files
  • Optimized game sessions that are idle and awaiting players
  • Trees now properly affect can-navigate-to checks
  • Fixed issues with melee units attacking over walls around the ruins area
  • Fixed issue with landscape where stone tiles could become blurry at the edges of the screen
  • Fixed bug where cyclops would get stuck after reaching leash range due to incorrect collision height

Small Unit Changes / Balancing:
  • Walls collision size now matches the shape of the wall, removed the wall rotate ability and instead allow to build either horizontal or vertical wall
  • Adjusted builder stats and evolution wait times
  • Reduced starting wood to 500 due much earlier wait time for builder
  • Advanced weaponry tower upgrade now also boosts AP
  • Wraith sacrifice ability duration 5->10 seconds
  • Wraith can now move through other units (but not buildings)
  • Increased throw rock AP scaling
  • Reduced Paladin HP per level from 100->75
  • Increased mage and archer HP
  • Reduced the construction and upgrade time of various buildings and research upgrades significantly
  • reduced volume of holy nova spell
  • lay on hands CD 12->17 seconds

v0.21b Changes:
  • Fixed bug where evolving right before dying could create a second character, especially when user has high ping
  • Fixed bug where continuing construction on a different building doesn't properly stop constructing the previous building
  • Removed collision from builder workers and fixed their navigation issues
  • Removed a turtle that was spawning too close to forest base area

v0.21c Changes:
  • Added quick access buy lumber button if evolve to builder and added indicator for the new button if playing in survival mode
  • Added extra checks for API calls made while in lobby list
  • Optimized leaving lobby/game functionality by not reconstructing various services each time the leave button is pressed.
  • Fixed a bug with the friends list that could cause crash when joining and leaving a lobby quickly

v0.21d Changes:
  • Fixed bug where if a player leaves, after a while units will become unable to attack