• IdleOn is now playable on the STEAM DECK!

• You can now "hold down" on the following upgrades to upgrade faster: Kitchen LVs, Sailing Boat LVs, Summoning Essence Upgrades, Land Rank Database Upgrades
• Mousewheel scrolling now works in Vials and Lab!
• Added "High Performance" mode for Summoning, unlocked once you get 15 career wins. Toggle it in a battle to disable the following visual effects: Slime death-splats, collision pops, damage numbers, enemy hopping, slime squish/stretch, sparkie explosion circle. None of this affects gameplay or provides advantages or disadvantages, only affects visuals.
• You can now scroll up and down on Amplifiers at the Dawg Den to increase and decrease their charge!
• You can hover over any bucket at The Well and scroll up and down to change what they collect! No need to select each bucket individually!
• "High Performance" for Breeding Battles in W4 is even better, disabling more effects leading to no lag for all!
• Talent Library now skips over classes you arent. For example, "Shaman" section will no longer show up for Elemental Sorcerers. Saves you a few clicks!
• "Remove All" in Farming now removes ALL crops -- but, it auto collects fully grown crops before removing them!
• Removed the final Sneaking door, replaced with Sneaking Mastery Eye to help aspiring Ninjas understand how to keep progressing.
• Added [Spacebar] and [R] as hotkeys to reroll during a Summoning Match
• Added Event Points to the "Account" section of Storage Info within Player Info -- it's that 3rd tab at the top!
• You can now lock empty farming plots. This one's for the endgamers who grow crops so fast that, without this, they cant lock the first crop type fast enough before it grows and evolves!

• Changed a few items to NOT be a part of the Slab (mainly the Inventory/Storage items from Gemshop that you can't re-buy), and added some items to YES be a part of the Slab (mainly certain Cosmetic Hats).
• Extended the World 1 theme music. Yes, this whole time it was simply the short version!
• Buffed the size of numbers above portals by +100% (only if the number is below 999)
• Nerfed enemy damage in Worlds 1~4, and lowered material costs of the 5 stamps you start the game with.
• The W2 Task "Maximum Efficiency" now counts your Cooking and Lab Efficiencies, making it fully completable!

• Sampling on Mobile is now fixed, and won't break after 2 billion. Mobile now has no noteworthy "mobile-only" bugs!
• The Slab is now 100% accurate.... It no longer counts items that are not shown on the slab.
• Fixed 10 different displays that were "not-neat" (i.e. showing 321789123 instead of 321M): Anvil Production Capacity, Anvil Production current EXP, Anvil Production Total Items being made, "Next Pet" chance in Pet Breeding, Divinity PTS owned, Divinity PTS earned/hr, Divinity Offering Costs, Poppy's Shiny Fishing %, AFK gains of resources, Shrine experience (hours).
• Harp Notes will no longer break when getting billions of them. Congrats to the gigabrain players who were able to get billions of notes this early after release!
• Fixed an issue where normal mobs would respawn after a few hours while playing Worship Tower Defence
• Fixed an issue with Ninja Looter alchemy bubble not giving its full bonus
• Fixed an issue with Value GMO night-market upgrade not giving its full bonus
• You can now complete the last Eliteus Quest on Vman class, allowing you to get the W4 Completion Trophy on Vman!
• BoneJoePickle no longer boosts HP of King Doot within World 2 dungeon
• Fixed a minor inconsistency with Looty Mc Shooty archer talent, where it would track "items found" differently than the Slab does. They are now the same.
• Fixed an issue where Towers could be placed on top of portals during Worship Tower Defence runs
• Fixed a Colosseum issue where clicking "Next Round" button would cause you to run there if a platform is behind it.
• Fixed an issue where you could accidentally Forfeit during worship tower defence if the upgrade buttons for towers overlapped with the forfeit buttons
• Fixed a Card Bonus display issue where small bonuses would show up as "0". For example, the W4 mob Stilted Seeker would say 0% All Stat when the true value is 0.5% All Stat. This is purely a display fix, bonuses themselves are fine.
• Fixed an issue with Auspicious Aura where it would spawn the attack mid-air if cast while climbing a rope.
• Fixed a display issue with Divinity PTS/hr where it would show 0/hr for other characters even when they were in Lab w/ Goharut.
• Attempted to fix the "Nothing" AFK issue regarding Gloomie Mushrooms AFK in Cavern 9 -- tough to confirm due to it being a rare bug. If you encounter this issue after this update, please leave a bug report about it.
Thanks for playing IdleOn my guys! A bit boring for some, but I hope to excite you all with new content next week :)
Lava ːbobjoepickleː