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Legends of Idleon MMO News


[h2]Trades are always between YOUR FOLLOWER PET, and THEIR FOLLOWER PET[/h2]

How to choose a follower: Go to Dog in World 1. Now, click Manage in the top-left. Now, click Select Pet Follower in top-right. Select follower!

ːSmile_IdleOnː When you trade a pet with someone, you KEEP YOUR PET (in untradeable form), while receiving their pet in untradeable form also

ːHeart_IdleOnː You can trade your pet to someone for nothing in return. They will get the pet (untradeable), and you KEEP YOUR PET (untradeable), meaning you can essentially Gift your pets to friends!

[h2]For example:[/h2]
If I trade my Rift Slug for your Ram, I will end up with an Untradeable Slug and Untradeable Ram.
You will end up with an Untradeable Ram and Untradeable Slug.

🐘 The elephant in the room asks: "Why not just do a normal trading system.... You get their pet, and they get yours?"

1. This "pet duplication" actually LETS you use trading! What normally happens (for me) in trading is that I get a super powerful item, keep it forever, never end up trading it, and then eventually quit -- in other words, it's as if trading didn't even exist! This way, you can actually engage in trading your most powerful pets, since you end up keeping a copy!

2. Because that would open the door for scams, fraud, phishing, social engineering, hacked accounts, and every black-market force that plagues other MMOs. Players would be under constant duress both in-game and in discord, getting fake links from hackers trying to hijack your account so they can sell your pets. Having pets become untradeable removes the incentive and value for bad actors, while giving that EXTRA value to the real players who actually play idleon!

3. More pets for all -- I know some people were hoping to become a "merchant" (constantly trading pets around in the hopes of 'trading up' to the top tier pets, like that guy who trade a paperclip into a house over years), but most people just want more pets, period. This system doubles the amount of pets in game. For every 1 doot pull, thats TWO doots that enter the playerbase!

4. Allows for generosity -- In a normal trading system, you would NEVER give your best items to your friends. Ever. Only if you got duplicates. But because this system lets you trade a pet for no pet in return, you can essentially GIFT your best pets to your best friends, since you keep yours!


[h3]Now, as for future pets, to me its very simple:[/h3]
Pet accumulation is fun.
Getting bonuses is fun.
Choosing which rotations and having new pets to use your freebie on each week is fun.

Buuuut... there are a few things that are not fun: huge requirements to hit the pity, and bonuses that feel too integral to progression.
I stand by the fact that no current pets are required for progression in the same way that buying a DLC is literally required for progression in a game with DLC, but I would have liked doot, ram, and sheepie to be less integral.

[h3]As such, future pets will all be number-bonuses. [/h3]
+% Library checkout speed, +X% build rate, +X% class EXP, +X% Ninja Stealth, you get the idea.
No "[insert feature] now operates in a different/better way", like with bubbles / storage / divinities

ːIdleOnː IdleOn was, is, and always will be at its best when the juicy Game-Changing bonuses are tied to content, like you find in Alchemy, Construction, Lab, Sailing, Gaming, Jade Emporium, Summoning, and future world 7 skills. I think these changes will be perfect in making pets the system it was always meant to be.

Oh, and 6 people won 4000 gems by commenting on the last patch notes!
I will give another 4000 gems to 5 people who comment their 1st idleon username down below!
Trade offer: You get this update, and I get your eyeballs reading the update patch notes.... deal? ;)
See you all next time!


• UPGRADE VAULT 2 is here! 29 new updates which boost various mechanics in World 2, World 3, and World 4!

• Lowered Efficiency needed to catch W2~4 bugs, and W1~3 trees
• Added a mini-bar under each Alchemy Cauldron, showing if you can get new bubbles or cauldron boost at a glance!
• Added small circles to show which group of Bubbles you're looking at for each cauldron
• Added blue Upgrade Arrows to Alchemy to show which bubbles you can afford!
• Added a RECLAIM button for all 3 of Sussy Gene's quests, so you can get the Stamps back if you lost them!
• Orion the Owl now accurately shows you what your upgrades do! For example, one of them always said +5% Feather Generation. Now, as you level it up, it will say +10%, then +15%, etc
• Added several equipment dropped by colosseum chests to the Drop Table of Forge cards. This way you can filter them if you want.
• Added the green fish of freedom to Poppy's Pond, who shows up when you open your Fisheroo Reset bonuses. Clicking on him will reset all your reset bonuses, letting you reallocate pts!
• Made it 1-click shiny fishing for Poppy, so long as you have at least 1 megafish!
• Finally returned from the shop with milk and eggs -- specifically the starfire-rarity and godshard-rarity pet breeding eggs! Your eggs can now increase in rarity to Godshard, rarity 11, instead of just rarity 9 like before. I also buffed the EXP-multi and Pet Power Multi that rarer eggs give.
• Simplified the STAT-INFO popup when you select STR/AGI/WIS talents in tab 1

• Increased the Defence and Accuracy needed to kill monsters in Late World 2 & Early World 3
• You now have 180 seconds when Loading a Tower Defence run, instead of 60s
• Nerfed money dropped by W4 colosseum chests
• Buffed the Chaotic Amarok Pendant, as well as both Chizoar Blankies (pendants)

• Sprouts in Gaming no longer get stuck not evolving over time.

Oh, and 5 people won 4000 gems by commenting on the last patch notes!
I will give another 4000 gems to 6 people who comment their 1st idleon username down below!

ːSmile_IdleOnː Enjoy the new UPGRADE VAULT and quality improvements, see you next time

VALENSLIMES DAY [Seasonal Event]

[h2]Valenslimes Day is HERE![/h2]

[h3]Collect Chocoboxes, open them for GEMS ːcrystalː and exclusive Valenslime equipment![/h3]
[h3]If you open 500 Chocoboxes, you are GUARANTEED a Rose Cape on the 500th one![/h3]

[h2]Spin the wheel every day to get EVENT POINTS![/h2]
[h3]ːUp_IdleOnː Chocoboxes have a +500% Drop Rate compared to last event, so you can collect all 50 FAST![/h3]
You all made this suggestion, so I did it! Lets go!

[h2]Spend EVENT POINTS in the Event Shop! All bonuses you buy are PERMANENT![/h2]
Unspent Event Points are saved in your account for future events!

If this post gets 2000+ likes, I will extend the event by +1 WHOLE DAY!

Hopefully this helps these patch notes reach more players!

[h3]Event ends February 24th, unless it is extended! ːSmile_IdleOnː[/h3]

All the best,
~ LovaFlame2

mr lova lova mmmm

Oh, and 8 people won 4000 gems by commenting on the last patch notes!
I will give another 4000 gems to 5 people who comment their 1st idleon username down below!

Upgrade Vault!

Note: This update was made for the early-game -- endgamers, you'll max this out FAST!

[h3]Use your coins to upgrade various bonuses, like DROP RATE and AFK GAINS! [/h3]
33 upgrades to max out! Are you RICH enough to buy them all, or are you coin-poor?

[h3]Bottom 50% players, you now get to see how your tome score stacks up against the IdleOn community![/h3]
Bottom 5% players, you now get to remain totally oblivious to the fact that there is a Tome Score Percentile display lmao

I also fixed a few things, like:
  • Fixed Graveyard-not-spawning glitch for Death Bringer
  • Fractal Island now gives its W6 bonus
  • The Final bonus of each monument in the Caverns now correctly gives its "multi" bonus to the other bonuses. Want me to say Bonus again? Bonus.
  • Anvil is no longer Quick-Ref only. Craft anything, from anywhere, at any time!
  • Players button now lights up when you click it. Before, it would light up Menu button.

Also, 8 people won 4000 gems ːcrystalː by commenting their 1st idleon username in the comments! I will be giving away another 4000 gems to 8 people to do the same below!

VERY special (and weird) announcement coming soon... like, in a few days. Stay Tuned!

ːHeart_IdleOnː Lavaflame2


[h2]The 1st Master Class is here: DEATH BRINGER![/h2]

Visit Masterius in World 6 on a Blood Berserker to get yourself a DEATHBRINGER

[h3]Upgrade your GRIMOIRE by entering Wraith Mode and collecting bones from enemies![/h3]

[h3]Unlock the RIBBON SHELF from grimoire, and collect RIBBONS to boost your meal bonuses by up to 5.00x! WOW![/h3]

As always, 10 people won 5000 gems :crystal: by commenting their 1st idleon username in the comments! I will be giving away another 4000 gems to 8 people to do the same below!

Hope you all enjoy BRINGING THE DEATH to your enemies! I wonder who will max out their grimoire first...?

Much love,
Deathbringer2 :Pigchamp_IdleOn: