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  3. [New Content] Justice Monument!

[New Content] Justice Monument!

[h3]The new Justice Monument is located in Cavern 10, within The Hole in World 5![/h3]

[h3]Play AS the chief justice of the Royal Court, approving and rejecting court cases as your budget and popularity pull you closer to an early retirement![/h3]

• Justice Monument is now playable -- find them at Cavern 10 in the Hole!
• Unlock and level up the 10 new bonuses that come from Justice by earning Retirement Chests while Approving and Rejecting law cases as you replay the story of the Royal Court Justice!
• New Engineer Schematic added: Compound Interest (requires high level villager to unlock)

• When depositing a statue manually, the display "jumps" to that statue so you don't need to scroll and find it.

• Pugilist Demise ring gives +16% more Boss Damage. This change applies to all existing Pugilist rings too, not just new ones!

• Fixed an issue regarding the "All Meal Bonuses" multi introduced in Endless Summoning, and how it was inconsistent until you changed maps once
• Fixed Roo Shiny Fishing on mobile -- my previous fix only fixed the display, not the mechanism itself. Thank you for those who reported this!
• Smithing EXP earned from 'manually' claiming Anvil Production no longer overflows on mobile.
• Construction EXP displays on mobile should properly match PC
• Fixed an issue in gaming where sometimes you'd click a sprout and it wouldnt harvest it.

Gamers, go forth and hit 'em with that JUSTICE! ːSmile_IdleOnː

Happy Thxgiving,