Giftmas is HERE! (ends Jan. 3rd)

[h2]Get a FREE SPIN every day by collecting all 50 Presents dropped by monsters![/h2]

[h3]Presents can give EXCLUSIVE Event Items, like a new Nametag and Giftmas Event Cards![/h3]

• Enjoy 28 days of GIFTMAS! Partake in the following festivities every single day for MAX REWARDS!
• Defeat monsters to get PRESENTS!! Open them for Gems, Time Candy , Event Cards, and Giftmas Equipment like a new NAMETAG and SANTA HAT!
• Collect all 50/50 Presents in a day, and get +1 FREE SPIN at the WHEEL! This is your main source of Event Points!
• Spend Event Points at the Giftmas Blobulyte for permanent bonuses!
• Also, new Star Talent - CASH MONEY! Go get it from world 1 monsters.

• Moved BORED TO DEATH star talent to page 4, putting in it's place a new CASH MONEY star talent which you can get by killing some early world 1 monsters.
• Nerfed Petless achievement requirement -- you need to Trash 1000 Pets now, instead of 2500 Pets.
• Decreased the Consumption Chance of all potions by a LOT lot lot.
• Buffed the bonuses given by most potions.
• Buffed the star talent "Just EXP" to give 3x more +% Class EXP than before.
• Buffed the Sound Effects of the Basketball minigame, by giving them +100% existence (I added SFX lmao)

• Elite Class quest no longer gets stuck on 5/10 Greenie kills.
• The "Bring Them Back" wish at the Lamp Cavern will now properly allow you to wish for 12hrs of Justice Monument time
• Certain Steam Achievements no longer need 'triggering' to be rewarded if you completed them first on Mobile.
• Fixed an inconsistency regarding talents that affect all players This has not been fixed yet, but I wanted to keep this here X'd out since I mentioned it during Stream. This will be revisited next update.
• Depositing one of the last 3 statues manually (Stealth/Essence/Dragon statue) no longer crashes on mobile
Does anyone read the end of these updates? If so leave your 1st idleon character name in the comments, I'll give 5000 gems to 10 random people who do (and I'll post winners next update)
Merry Giftmas Idleoneers ːSmile_IdleOnː
~ Lava