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Infection Free Zone News

Nominate IFZ as Most Innovative game in Steam Awards


[h2]We need your help! [/h2]
Our dev team took extra care to give you a unique opportunity - to rebuild your own neighborhood after the apocalypse, using real geographical data.
Surely this is one of the Most Innovative gameplay ideas, and we count on your vote in Steam Awards!

Over 915 000 different locations from all over the world have been played so far!

(this map represents 6000 of the most popular cities that the players played)

[h2]Updates Summary[/h2]

By the way, now is the best time to review the game, after all the updates we have delivered since its Early Access release!

Within those last 6 months, we delivered 3 Major updates:

We also delivered 13 regular updates, rebalances, smaller features and fixes!
Check them all here

Thank you for staying with us
Thank you for all the positive feedback you provided
Thank you for playing the game regularly :)

Stay with us and stay tuned for future updates! We are cooking something special :)

Jutsu Dev Team



We managed to cook another stable update this week. Check out what's new:

- Newly turned infected look different now to avoid confusion.
- Custom buildings rebalanced - now they require 5x fewer minor resources instead of 2x
- Squads with pistols now automatically switch to more efficient machetes in close-quarter melee
- Workers now collect resources from unscavenged buildings when adapting them
- Raiders now have a 50% chance to drop weapons and ammo - previously they had 100% and were too easy a source of both.
- Some friendly migrants now might have firearms too, to compensate the raiders and be any challenge at all to raiders and the infected.
- Slight UI improvements - Current research is now shown in the main UI, as well as weather warnings.
- Radio log limited to 100 positions, greatly reducing save file size and loading time
- Trees that can regrow at the same time limited to 100 - be careful not to deforest your zone too fast! This also greatly reduces savefile size and loading time

[h2]Major bugfixes[/h2]
- crashes related to FMOD music system greatly limited
- old, troublesome post processes removed

[h2]Known issues[/h2]
- Workers still autoassign to any workplace after the last areawork or deconstruction finishes. Sorry about that.

This might not be the last update this year yet, but if it will be - be assured that we will use this time to develop even bigger and more important features - with land elevation, game replayability, extra customizations, and car workshop as one of our main priorities.



We provide a regular update, more performance, more people, and a new survey. 14 is now available for everyone.

[h3] The new survey is linked in the main menu - please fill it out!
That is the best place to vote for new features and dev team focus!

  • migrants significantly rebalanced: you can now reach up to 500 population with migrants and 800 with reproduction
  • NO STORY mode significantly rebalanced, to compensate profits from the events. You can find APC on expeditions using this mode.
  • mood swings slower if there are no houses.
  • new ice texture + snow forced when the temperature drops
  • rain refactored to be more typical for the geographical region. No more forced rain or storm around day 6

  • a new welcome message was added to remind everyone that the game is in fact still a "work in progress"
  • missing translations added
  • several sound effects were added and balanced (buildings, weapons, etc)
  • Engine update to Unity 6 - large improvement in stability and performance expected.

+loads of minor bugfixes, but as most of them happened to less than 1% of the players, or were harder to spot, we won't list them this time ;)

Bugfix Update #12 - Traditional Chinese language Fix, Wood and Metal re-balance

[h2]Greetings, Survivors![/h2]

We come back to you with another set of issues fixed! Other than that, we have focused on improving the Wood and Metal yield from the area works. Mind you, we are fully aware that Wood still remains one of the most valuable resources due to constant usage in the food production cycle. That's why we want to continue working on some further improvements in the future. While we cannot tell you more yet, we hope that you will like the new features coming your way!

[h2]Area Work Resource re-balance:[/h2]
  • The amount of Wood obtained from a single Tree has been increased from 5 to 6.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single ATM has been increased from 1 to 2.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single Outdoor Gym Equipment object has been increased from 1 to 2.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single Street Lamp has been increased from 3 to 4.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single Playground object has been increased from 1 to 2.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single Traffic Sign has been increased from 1 to 2.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single Boat has been increased from 6 to 10.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single Train Wagon has been increased from 20 to 25.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single Vehicle Wreck has been increased from 10 to 14.
  • The amount of Metal obtained from a single Big Vehicle Wreck has been set to 20.

[h2]Other Changes:[/h2]
  • The amount of days that have to be spent on each recommended map for the Globetrotter achievement has been reduced from 12 days to 5 days.
  • New SFX have been added for the infected attacking structures, and structures collapsing.
  • Some of the Tooltips have been updated to include more information.
  • An issue that caused the Traditional Chinese language to not work properly has been fixed.
  • An issue with the vehicle being able to push the infected over the Zone walls has been fixed.
  • An issue with Custom Buildings being placable on water in some specific cases has been fixed.
  • An issue with Aircraft wrecks and some other objects not being scavengable has been fixed.

Best regards,
Jutsu Games Team

Bugfix Update #11 - tweaks and fixes


This is the Infection Free Zone. We provide a small update with some minor tweaks.

[h2]CHANGES: [/h2]

  • Area Scavenge with Multiple Squads selected has been added to the game,
  • Abandoned Vehicle icon visibility has been moved to the main UI layer to make the Vehicle visibility better (no need to go to Scavenge View anymore to see obtainable vehicles)
  • The vehicle spawning system has been improved to reduce the situations where vehicles were spawning in incorrect places,
  • New Alpha Infected attack sounds have been added,
  • The general Vehicle repair cost has been reduced by 20%,

  • An issue with the vehicle panel displaying incorrect health amount has been fixed,
  • An issue with the vehicle coming back to the warehouse after exchanging resources with the warehouse has been fixed,
  • An issue with the snowflake animation stopping has been fixed,
  • An issue with finishing area scavenge with a shift over the UI making the next area scavenge include unnecessary buildings has been fixed,
  • An issue with the technology panel opening when clicking on transmissions upon game start has been fixed,
  • A new batch of stability changes has been introduced to decrease the number of crashes and improve performance.
  • An issue that prevented the Repairmen from working correctly after loading up a saved game has been fixed,
  • An issue that made Barbed Wire to not work as intended has been fixed,
  • An issue that caused the swarm direction marker to not work correctly has been fixed,
  • An issue with the scrollbar not working in the Medbay panel has been fixed,
  • A new set of changes aimed at improving the game's stability has been implemented.

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