1. Infection Free Zone
  2. News



We managed to cook another stable update this week. Check out what's new:

- Newly turned infected look different now to avoid confusion.
- Custom buildings rebalanced - now they require 5x fewer minor resources instead of 2x
- Squads with pistols now automatically switch to more efficient machetes in close-quarter melee
- Workers now collect resources from unscavenged buildings when adapting them
- Raiders now have a 50% chance to drop weapons and ammo - previously they had 100% and were too easy a source of both.
- Some friendly migrants now might have firearms too, to compensate the raiders and be any challenge at all to raiders and the infected.
- Slight UI improvements - Current research is now shown in the main UI, as well as weather warnings.
- Radio log limited to 100 positions, greatly reducing save file size and loading time
- Trees that can regrow at the same time limited to 100 - be careful not to deforest your zone too fast! This also greatly reduces savefile size and loading time

[h2]Major bugfixes[/h2]
- crashes related to FMOD music system greatly limited
- old, troublesome post processes removed

[h2]Known issues[/h2]
- Workers still autoassign to any workplace after the last areawork or deconstruction finishes. Sorry about that.

This might not be the last update this year yet, but if it will be - be assured that we will use this time to develop even bigger and more important features - with land elevation, game replayability, extra customizations, and car workshop as one of our main priorities.