Bugfix Update #11 - tweaks and fixes
This is the Infection Free Zone. We provide a small update with some minor tweaks.
[h2]CHANGES: [/h2]
- Area Scavenge with Multiple Squads selected has been added to the game,
- Abandoned Vehicle icon visibility has been moved to the main UI layer to make the Vehicle visibility better (no need to go to Scavenge View anymore to see obtainable vehicles)
- The vehicle spawning system has been improved to reduce the situations where vehicles were spawning in incorrect places,
- New Alpha Infected attack sounds have been added,
- The general Vehicle repair cost has been reduced by 20%,
- An issue with the vehicle panel displaying incorrect health amount has been fixed,
- An issue with the vehicle coming back to the warehouse after exchanging resources with the warehouse has been fixed,
- An issue with the snowflake animation stopping has been fixed,
- An issue with finishing area scavenge with a shift over the UI making the next area scavenge include unnecessary buildings has been fixed,
- An issue with the technology panel opening when clicking on transmissions upon game start has been fixed,
- A new batch of stability changes has been introduced to decrease the number of crashes and improve performance.
- An issue that prevented the Repairmen from working correctly after loading up a saved game has been fixed,
- An issue that made Barbed Wire to not work as intended has been fixed,
- An issue that caused the swarm direction marker to not work correctly has been fixed,
- An issue with the scrollbar not working in the Medbay panel has been fixed,
- A new set of changes aimed at improving the game's stability has been implemented.
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