1.3.5: Progresses in AI Rework, announcement for new campaigns, and more!
[h3]Hi everyone,[/h3]
[h3]In this post we are going to show huge news about AI rework and announce a new work-in-progress campaign[/h3]
[h3]But first, here are the latest changes to Easy Red 2.[/h3]
[h3]New features[/h3]
•Complete rework of the Pathfinding system (Changes are described in the AI rework section of this post).
•Reworked US Marine uniform (vests will come later)
•Reworked Italian SS uniform (vests will come later)
•Reworked Italian Infantry uniform (vests will come later)
•Reworked French uniforms and vests.
•New TPS animations.
•Added new ammo types.
•Added new system to easily find correct ammo type in squad editor.
•Added new grenade types for Italian and Soviet troops.
•Fixes with music slider.
•Changes in sound FXs.
•Fixes in some icons.
•Fixes in Map Editor.
•Fixes in FPS uniforms.
•Fixes in Steam invite system for MP.
•Improvements in scroll views for both mouse and gamepad.
•Fixed scroll view issues with the server list.
•Resolved a bug where switching seats in a vehicle or selecting ammo was possible while the game was paused or the inventory was open.
•Fixed a bug allowing faction switching in the shooting range during a multiplayer session.
•Corrected a bug where units spawned in T-Pose on vehicles when the vehicle was spawned far from the camera.
•Further improvements in various translations.
•Continued UI reworks.
•Fixes applied to squad loadouts, maps and missions.
•Rectified a bug where the enter vehicle animation sometimes played when taking control of planes already in the sky.
•UI Blur enhancements.
•Fixes applied to UI navigation.
•Adjustments made to fog issues.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server.
[h3]Finally a big aspect of the AI rework have been completed: The Pathfinding system have been remade from scratch.[/h3]
The new system will bring:
•Much better performance for AIs, so probably the maximum AI count in battles can be increased soon by increasing squad sizes to more correct numbers and possibly also bringing more squads into missions (for console version as well).
•Less zig-zag paths; In the screenshot below you can see the new paths (white) compared to the previous system (yellow). This will allow units to move in a more natural way, and will help avoiding vehicles getting stuck and will make them reach the objective faster.
•More precise paths that should avoid vaulting over unexpected objects or ending on top of sandbags or other strange positions.

We plan to expand the pathfinding system even more, potentially rewriting the way AIs choose their covers, and allowing the introduction of a ladder system that AI can use as well.
This is a huge step up, but it's just the beginning of the AI rework. Once pathfinding is 100% reworked, we will move more into the actual logic of AIs for soldiers and vehicles. Remember to let us know your suggestions for this rework in the dedicated AI-suggestion channel in our Discord server.
We have been already announcing that we are working on Tunisia campaign, which was selected by polls run with our community, in fact North Afrika campaigns appeared to be the most requested campaign.
[h3]However today we are announcing another campaign that will be worked on this year: The Second Sino-Japanese War![/h3]
Here we have already some of the clothing that will be used for Chinese infantry.

The work on the two campaigns is not going to slow down AI rework or other general improvements and fixes in the game as those are works made by different parts of the team.
We already confirmed Tunisia as free campaign, and we will try to bring Sino-Japanese camapaign for free as well, however this will depend on the financial state of the project by the time the campaign is nearly complete, as we would like to keep developing the game as long as budget will allow us. Also notice that it is too early to determine whether those campaigns will be ready, but they should easily be released both this year, with a bit more priority over Tunisia campaign.
We have been teasing Tunisia campaign in the trailer we recently launched:
Currently consoles are updated to the version released on the 29th of March (2024).
You can see the changelogs up to that date in the usual changelogs post.
We're continuously enhancing the game by incorporating new and reworked third-person shooter (TPS) animations on basically every update. If you'd like to stay in the loop on our upcoming animation improvements, you can find a detailed list on our Discord server.
We can keep developing this game mostly thanks to people that are supporting us getting the base game and the DLCs. As we are doing with Tunisia, last year we developed three campaigns based on polls directed to our community, where Normandy, Battle of the Bulge and early war France Invasion were within the most requested campaigns.
[h3]You can get Battle of the Bulge and France Invasion here[/h3]
[h3]You can get Normandy campaign here[/h3]
In case you didn't know we have defined a precise roadmap for the next months of development and you can read it here.
We keep improving all features of the base game and as always we will be going on listening to suggestions from people inside the Steam Discussions and the Discord server.
Thank you all,
[h3]In this post we are going to show huge news about AI rework and announce a new work-in-progress campaign[/h3]
[h3]But first, here are the latest changes to Easy Red 2.[/h3]
Recent changes
[h3]New features[/h3]
•Complete rework of the Pathfinding system (Changes are described in the AI rework section of this post).
•Reworked US Marine uniform (vests will come later)
•Reworked Italian SS uniform (vests will come later)
•Reworked Italian Infantry uniform (vests will come later)
•Reworked French uniforms and vests.
•New TPS animations.
•Added new ammo types.
•Added new system to easily find correct ammo type in squad editor.
•Added new grenade types for Italian and Soviet troops.
•Fixes with music slider.
•Changes in sound FXs.
•Fixes in some icons.
•Fixes in Map Editor.
•Fixes in FPS uniforms.
•Fixes in Steam invite system for MP.
•Improvements in scroll views for both mouse and gamepad.
•Fixed scroll view issues with the server list.
•Resolved a bug where switching seats in a vehicle or selecting ammo was possible while the game was paused or the inventory was open.
•Fixed a bug allowing faction switching in the shooting range during a multiplayer session.
•Corrected a bug where units spawned in T-Pose on vehicles when the vehicle was spawned far from the camera.
•Further improvements in various translations.
•Continued UI reworks.
•Fixes applied to squad loadouts, maps and missions.
•Rectified a bug where the enter vehicle animation sometimes played when taking control of planes already in the sky.
•UI Blur enhancements.
•Fixes applied to UI navigation.
•Adjustments made to fog issues.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server.
AI Rework
[h3]Finally a big aspect of the AI rework have been completed: The Pathfinding system have been remade from scratch.[/h3]
The new system will bring:
•Much better performance for AIs, so probably the maximum AI count in battles can be increased soon by increasing squad sizes to more correct numbers and possibly also bringing more squads into missions (for console version as well).
•Less zig-zag paths; In the screenshot below you can see the new paths (white) compared to the previous system (yellow). This will allow units to move in a more natural way, and will help avoiding vehicles getting stuck and will make them reach the objective faster.
•More precise paths that should avoid vaulting over unexpected objects or ending on top of sandbags or other strange positions.

We plan to expand the pathfinding system even more, potentially rewriting the way AIs choose their covers, and allowing the introduction of a ladder system that AI can use as well.
This is a huge step up, but it's just the beginning of the AI rework. Once pathfinding is 100% reworked, we will move more into the actual logic of AIs for soldiers and vehicles. Remember to let us know your suggestions for this rework in the dedicated AI-suggestion channel in our Discord server.
Tunisia and Second Sino Japanese War
We have been already announcing that we are working on Tunisia campaign, which was selected by polls run with our community, in fact North Afrika campaigns appeared to be the most requested campaign.
[h3]However today we are announcing another campaign that will be worked on this year: The Second Sino-Japanese War![/h3]
Here we have already some of the clothing that will be used for Chinese infantry.

The work on the two campaigns is not going to slow down AI rework or other general improvements and fixes in the game as those are works made by different parts of the team.
We already confirmed Tunisia as free campaign, and we will try to bring Sino-Japanese camapaign for free as well, however this will depend on the financial state of the project by the time the campaign is nearly complete, as we would like to keep developing the game as long as budget will allow us. Also notice that it is too early to determine whether those campaigns will be ready, but they should easily be released both this year, with a bit more priority over Tunisia campaign.
We have been teasing Tunisia campaign in the trailer we recently launched:
Xbox and Nintendo Switch updates
Last week we updated Xbox and Nintendo Switch versions. However today's PC update already brings some new features that will come to consoles during their next update cycle.Currently consoles are updated to the version released on the 29th of March (2024).
You can see the changelogs up to that date in the usual changelogs post.
TPS Animations Rework
We're continuously enhancing the game by incorporating new and reworked third-person shooter (TPS) animations on basically every update. If you'd like to stay in the loop on our upcoming animation improvements, you can find a detailed list on our Discord server.
Previously released campaigns
We can keep developing this game mostly thanks to people that are supporting us getting the base game and the DLCs. As we are doing with Tunisia, last year we developed three campaigns based on polls directed to our community, where Normandy, Battle of the Bulge and early war France Invasion were within the most requested campaigns.
[h3]You can get Battle of the Bulge and France Invasion here[/h3]
[h3]You can get Normandy campaign here[/h3]
Extra informations
In case you didn't know we have defined a precise roadmap for the next months of development and you can read it here.
We keep improving all features of the base game and as always we will be going on listening to suggestions from people inside the Steam Discussions and the Discord server.
Thank you all,