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Ethyrial, Echoes of Yore News

Patch 3.5.1 is now live - Hardcore mode , Party Looting (Need/Greed) and more!

Patch 3.5.1 is now live on Steam!

We've added a new game mode, Hardcore, to character creation. We will eventually add Ironman (No Trading / Partying), and Hardcore Ironman

This is a simple version of Hardcore - you will have a helmet icon next to your name and a Hardcore status effect on your character if you have never died. You can still party up and play with friends

On death, you will revert to a standard character

New Hairstyles & Beards
We've added over 20 new hairstyles and 10 beard types to the game, including new hair color settings so you can customize your character exactly the way you like!

Note: we added back the 'change look' button to the character window in case you want to adjust your existing character

Party Looting (Need/Greed)
A Need/Greed/Pass loot system has been added for partied up players to roll on gear. We still need to add some QoL here but the basic system is functioning

Let us know any thoughts around this system and what else you'd like to see!

Weapon Coatings
Weapon Coatings will convert 15% of your dealt damage into another type, based on the coating applied

The monster hunters possess alchemical knowledge regarding Weapon Coatings. For 5 Writs and a bit of gold, you can buy the Hunters Handbook: Alchemical Coatings from the shop to learn these new recipes

They also sell the rare Weapon Oil which is a reagent used in the craft

Elemental Residue has now begun to drop from relevant mobs around Irumesa

We've added 10-30 Primordium as rewards for completing the repeatable dungeon quests for all dungeons except Old Mine. We will add Old Mine later on

This should help you obtain more Primordium by running group content with friends and guildies!

Login Announcements
We setup the login screen to support announcements and also added a link to discord! This will help new players get some key info without having to rely on our posts here

Corrupted Grove Rework
Chisme has completely re-designed Corrupted Grove to be a more enjoyable and less-confusing dungeon

It looks pretty epic! Check it out and let us know what you think

Quest Tracker
We've added hide/show buttons to the Quest Tracker to control the visibility of objectives. This will help you hide excessive information when going about your quest-completing business!

Many bugfixes related to Solitary Isles, Tutorial Island, and more conversations, objects, quests, etc
Monster Aggro and Flee on Low HP logic has been added to a few monsters for testing
Show/Hide Cloak is now available in the settings menu
Further attempts to polish player rotation syncing to nearby players
Bug Fix for moving items to a bank tab
Attribute descriptions have been updated
/played time has been added to character select
Quick responses should now require Escape or Enter instead of F4/F5
Shrine of Melrenor memory leak issue fixed
The party panel has been cleaned up to be more concise
The 'Change Look' button has been re-added to the character window
Monsters that are much higher level than the player have a chance to take reduced damage from attacks by that player
Dealing damage to other players no longer gives skill XP
Assassin should no longer start with the old spells
Attempted improvements to companion combat behaviors
The 'Tools/Drakonium Pickaxe' submenus have been removed and the tools will simply appear on the immediate context menu
Total Level calculation corrected to not include deprecated skills
Dungeon Bosses should (mostly) no longer give Monster Hunter XP if killed while on a task
Fishing hotspots should be visible again
Trader Path bug fix
Verdant Barrage moved to a starting spell for Ranger instead of Spiritroot Arrow

We are working to hotfix a few bugs from this patch - please let us know if you encounter any issues!

See everyone in game

-Team OG

Patch 3.5.0 is live - Unity 6!

[h2]Unity 6[/h2]

We've upgraded the engine from Unity 2022 to Unity 6, which means new lighting and performance improvements!

Along with this transition, we took the opportunity to try to optimize Farwood and Seaholm - reducing the amount of objects while keeping visual fidelity. Performance seems to have improved a bit here

We are looking to implement AI upscaling (i.e. DLSS and FSR) to further boost performance for compatible devices

[h2]New Bag Slots & QoL[/h2]
The new "Pouch" slots have been added, which open up the current "Belt" slots to hold lanterns, tools, weapons, etc.

The new "Special Bag" slot has been added, which will be used for earnable bags like and enchanting or herb bag, and more

Backpacks and Waist Bags will now seamlessly swap when you drag a larger bag onto your existing bag - no more throwing them on the ground!

[h2]UI/UX Improvements[/h2]

Context Menus should no longer spawn outside of screen bounds

When dragging an equippable item, all viable equipment slots will be highlighted with a glowing border in the character window (was previously only main slots)

Performance improvements for Spell Slots and Info Bars

The chat panel has had the chat type wrapped in brackets and player names have had the bold text setting removed

When hitting a monster, a small impact effect will play, giving visual feedback to attacks


For anyone who likes to use Q and E for strafe movement, we've added these keybinds to the settings menu 🫡

The camera can now be rotated in 360 degree camera mode with keybinds


  • Chisme went through and added interesting and fun spells/attacks to the Old Mines mobs. This should make the dungeon a bit more exciting to complete!

  • Clebarius & @Sprocket have found a way to apply custom materials and VFX to armor and equipment. This will allow for some epic looking gear to make its way into the game!

  • Minion damage should now properly appear on the DPS meter for rangers and infusers (previously only minions spells would show)

  • Minion Damage will now properly grant the owner skill XP

  • Rotating in place while holding CTRL and pressing WASD has been fixed

  • Conversations with NPCs will now only take inputs from Local and NPC chat instead of grabbing messages from Guild, Global, and Party as well

  • Mirage Bow appearance fixed

  • Mana Regeneration had a broken formula on the server and was not scaling properly. This has been corrected. Also, we've made Wisdom twice as impactful as intelligence when increasing mana regen

  • Xarvok can now be summoned again in Lair of the Exiles

  • Solitary Isles general flow improvements and collision fixes

  • Healing Training Dummies no longer gives Discipline XP

  • Hunter's Armor corrected to be Medium Armor

  • Trickster's spell now functions properly

  • T4 Leatherworking Task fixed

  • Infuse Health now deals true damage to the caster - was previously dealing normal magic damage which could be reduced by armor

  • Bottles of Brandy are now lootable again

  • Strengthened Drakonium Sword rarity corrected

  • Elemental Rift exploit fixes

  • Lesser Air and Medium Lightning elemental stone drop rates corrected

  • Razor Cuts bug fix

  • Pink Blur material fixed

  • Infobar Guild & Player Name spacing fixed

Thanks for enjoying the world of Irumesa! See everyone in game

-Team OG

Gamechanger: RELICS

Gamechanger: RELICS

Upon logging in...

1. You'll find a **Relic** equipped based on your class. Relics allow you to switch classes and level all disciplines (Spiritualism, Savagery, etc.)

2. Combat skills have been** reworked** and set accordingly, and individual weapon skills (sword, spear, etc) have been combined:

- Melee
- Magic
- Ranged
- Light Armor
- Medium Armor
- Heavy Armor

3. Disciplines have been** re-organized** and now display in your skills list:

- Arcana
- Elementalism
- Savagery
- etc.

4. Spells are now associated with your relic and are darkened on the hotbar until they are usable - you will automatically be able to use new spells when you reach the required level (i.e. 20 Arcana)

5. You can now switch classes by switching the relic that you have equipped! These can be obtained with...


Primordium is a scarce new currency in Irumesa, found on Primordial Spirits, from Quests, rarely from Gathering, and more!

This resource can be exchanged for relics and other items at **Archmage Caelomir** at the Cobalt Tower.

XP Globes

XP Globes will now appear when gaining XP in any skill! We've also added a settings section to control the quantity of orbs that are visible, ranging from 0-5.

Let us know if you like them or have any thoughts how they could be improved!


- Info Bars (above player/monster heads) now cycle between the following colors based on Hostile, Friendly, or Neutral states:

Green (Friendly, Targeted)
Yellow (Neutral)
Red (Hostile, In Combat)

- Tooltips have been updated with "Heavy Armor" "Medium Armor" or "Ranged Weapon" "Melee Weapon" to better indicate which skill will be trained when using them

- Spells cannot be cast unless you are using the correct class, spell Tooltips have been updated to reflect this

- Monster Hit Sounds now have a CD so they do not occur too frequently

- Melee weapons have had their hit range increased as far as possible (roughly a 20% increase in distance from before)

- "Critters" should now be hidden on the minimap (Rabbits, Snakes, etc.) - if you see any other monsters that you think should be hidden, let us know! We will add a toggle option for this soon

- Paths will no longer immediately track when receiving them. Players can opt-in to tracking them after visiting the Paths tab in their Quest Log

- Armor Skill XP will be gained when taking damage while using a particular set of armor - using a shield will add additional resisted damage to the calculation and help progress these skills faster!

- Duskbow, Paladin, and Illusionist have been added to the character creation flow - we are still fine-tuning the Paladin ability FX and will do dedicated showcases on these classes when they are fully complete

- Chat messages should no longer be intercepted by NPC conversations. This may cause unintended errors, so let us know if anything is working incorrectly after this change!

- Completing the quests on Solitary Isles will reward discipline XP

- T5 Alchemy Task Description should be fixed

- T7 Woodworking Task should now correctly register T7 bows as they are collected

- New Area/Spatial Audio Added to increase immersion throughout Irumesa!

- Solitary Isles dialogue improvements

- Fog has been fixed!

- Tutorial Island area design improved to make it more clear where the crafting table is located

- More bug fixes & tweaks to reduce lag / stuttering

- More bug fixes to improve free movement interaction with different tile heights / terrain - This should fix a lot of stuck issues. If you see any more, please report them asap!

Thanks for all of your support as we continue to build the world of Ethyrial! It truly means a lot - see you in game!

-Team OG

New Dungeon: Temple of Ethersalos

Patch 3.3.2 is live on Steam

Another New Dungeon Experience brought to you by Dave!

Temple of Ethersalos

*The once serene Temple of Ethersalos, nestled southwest of Edrivine, has fallen into the clutches of darkness. Brutus, a fierce and formidable dragon, alongside his army of lesser dragonkin, has declared humans unworthy of worshipping the Great Dragon Ethersalos. *

Their audacious rebellion must be extinguished - rally your friends, steel your hearts, and put a stop to Brutus and his scaly cohorts!

Suggested Level: 24-25

New Settings

New InfoBar settings have been added to the settings menu to allow you to control whether or not you see:

- Your own or other player infobars
- Status effects above your infobar

**Please let us know which other settings options you'd like to see!** We can get new things added and intend to reorganize things as much as we can to make it easy to configure things how you like.


- The currently distributed Relics have been removed from the game - spells for relics that were equipped prior to this change will be removed soon
- Two new talents added to secret locations
- Note: an additional talent was added a while back that no one has found yet :eyes:
- MonsterDex 3D models have been improved - more models will appear correctly and they should no longer shake violently in frame
- "/unstuck" now works as a method to use the /stuck command
- Open Nearby Corpses range extended to 3.65 distance, from 1.65
- Companions can now be unsummoned regardless of LoS
- Improving rotation sync to other clients to show 360 degrees instead of 45 degree turns
- Ambient sound FX being added in various locations such as Edrivine, Farwood, & more
- Various improvements to reduce significant fps drops due to bugs/errors
- The settings window will no longer scale when dragging the UI scale slider
- Ultrawide & Super Ultrawide support added (Note: objects will still respect the render range of 25 tiles, so the extra space may appear with fog or empty land
- Target's HP bar now gets a subtle red or green glow instead of the target's name
- Bank/Item Slot unit count numbers size normalized
- Vekiun power level corrected
- Seething Brood instance bugs should now be corrected
- Temple of Ethersalos balance tweaks and bugfixes
- Infused, Reinforced, and Fortified Brute armor values normalized
- A bit late for Halloween.... but a spooky new floating light spell will be available with the next update.
- Companion frames should now work correctly but still need a bit of tweaking - we'll polish these up for the next patch

See everyone in game!

-Team OG

Warrens of Thought- New Dungeon! 3 - 5 Players

Warrens of Thought 🐀
"Nestled beneath the bustling streets of Edrivine lies a forgotten relic of the city’s past, the lost section of Edrivine’s sewers. This crumbling section, the very first to be built, was once a marvel of architecture.

However, as years passed and the city expanded, it fell into disuse and eventually collapsed, sealing its secrets away from the world above.

Now, this hidden labyrinth serves as a kingdom for countless rats, who have claimed this derelict space as their own. The air is thick with the musky scent of damp stone and the scurrying of tiny feet echoes through the twisted passages.

In the gloom, the glitter of stolen trinkets can be seen, hoarded by the rats from the world above. These clever creatures have amassed an eclectic collection of items, ranging from shiny coins to lost heirlooms, each piece carrying a story lost to time.

This is a shadowy maze of crumbling arches and cracked walkways, a stark contrast to the meticulously maintained sewers of the modern city.

To the daring few who venture into its depths, it offers a glimpse into a forgotten chapter of Edrivine’s history, now left to the rats and their trove of stolen memories."

Amazing work by Suds, with help from Karlsson on the animations, lighting effects, and more! ❤️

Good Luck

Oath Games Team!