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Ethyrial, Echoes of Yore News

Hotfix notes

[h2]Hotfix notes:[/h2]

Hardcore PvP Deaths

Players will now only lose HC status when killed by enemy players in the Wildlands
We will continue to improve this going forward and welcome any feedback! :Prayge:


the Deadlands task will now properly award Gold, Primordium, a Necrotic Key, and XP :POGGIES:
Enemies have been buffed a bit
Items adjusted to be a bit more powerful than Crafted, LoE, & Brood items
Drop rates improved significantly, but they are still rare items vs dungeons
More common items are 1/16
Most items are 1/20
The rarest items are 1/125
Key drop rates were buffed


Earthly Absorption tooltip fixed
Players should no longer gain passive Research XP after maxing research for a particular mob

-Team OG ❤️

Hotfix notes

[h2]Hotfix notes:[/h2]

Hardcore PvP Deaths

Players will now only lose HC status when killed by enemy players in the Wildlands
We will continue to improve this going forward and welcome any feedback! :Prayge:


the Deadlands task will now properly award Gold, Primordium, a Necrotic Key, and XP :POGGIES:
Enemies have been buffed a bit
Items adjusted to be a bit more powerful than Crafted, LoE, & Brood items
Drop rates improved significantly, but they are still rare items vs dungeons
More common items are 1/16
Most items are 1/20
The rarest items are 1/125
Key drop rates were buffed


Earthly Absorption tooltip fixed
Players should no longer gain passive Research XP after maxing research for a particular mob

-Team OG ❤️

The Latest Steam Patch is now live! : Ironman & Hardcore Ironman

[h2]Ironman & Hardcore Ironman[/h2]

Sprocket went hard and rolled out the backend details needed for Ironman and HCIM - when you create a character with these modes, you will have a GameMode icon next to your name, mouseover tooltip, and soon inside of the Chat Box too.

Ironman = No Trading, Partying, Interaction w/ Other Players
Hardcore Ironman = Death means reverting to a standard Ironman

Hardcore is also available, and we've heard you - we will make Hardcore-earned items only tradeable between Hardcore characters and allow grouping.

Bug/Misc Fixes

  • Various Items requirements or damage scaling values fixed
  • Added a bunch of logging and server crash handling
  • New Icons for Residue
  • Coatings now produce 3 at a time from 1 weapon oil
  • Bug fixes with chests
  • T1-T3 Task bug fixes
  • Apple of Persistence made back into a normal item
  • Mail system should be fixed for receiving items sent by the server (not sending to/receiving from others)
  • Hunter's Crossbow made level 40 stats
  • Items should now loot to backpacks first
  • Shift+B and B should now open/close all bags
  • Steam should now retry multiple times to fetch a ticket. In the event it fails you can hit "Login" again to manually retry. Trashman came in clutch here!
  • Need/Greed Popups now only appear on Green or higher rarity items
  • Context Menus simplified
  • Shift+LClick links items in chat
  • Skills now appear alphabetically

XP Gain Tweaks

We've heard your feedback and added the following:

Healing players now grants some armor XP
Spells with Melee range will now grant melee XP, provided you are using a melee weapon
The combat log will no longer show "+0 xp"

Some issues may occur with these changes so let us know if anything odd happens

Zealots of Alphyrion

Chisme put together a new mob area for you to check out! These baddies are plate-wearing battlemages.

Leaderboard Improvements

Sprocket has put together an update to the leaderboards! They are still a bit of a work-in-progress so let us know if you have any feedback or thoughts!

Legendary Weapon Progress

Clebarius has been hard at work on the new 'Draconic' themed legendary weapons. Take a look at some of the epic gear he's put together for everyone to earn in the future.

Deadlands Raid Task

We've implemented a new Group Task to the Taskboards, this should give an extra benefit to hitting The Deadlands trash and bosses every so often
We've reduced drop rates for the gear in this location

New Quests

'Cheese Thieves' pt. 1 & 2 can be found in the Edrivine area
'Tower for the Grate Frame' & 'The Old Scrap' can be found outside south Edrivine
These quests implemented by our new Intern, @Morgan! Give him a warm welcome to the OG team

Stacking Nameplates/Infobars

We've enabled stacking nameplates to make it substantially easier to see enemies and friends when in the heat of battle. Nameplates will no longer overlap each other and instead 'Stack' so you can easily see what is happening

New Settings

'Disable Hostile Context Menu' will prevent right click from triggering a context menu
Disable Backpedal will allow the character to run in all directions
White Dmg Numbers will turn damage text white
FOV Slider added

State Floating Text

Added floating text to appear when applying or receiving certain states, such as "Rooted" or "Silenced"

Backpack Quantity Adjustments
Hardened Backpacks to 18 slots
Reinforced Backpacks to 20 slots
Corrupted Backpacks to 22 slots

Master Profession NPCs & Insignias
@SimSinister did the thing and added:

BS, JC at the Foundry in Ardholm
Chef in Edrivine
LW, WW, Alchemy, Tailoring, Herbalist at the Explorers Guild near Marshdale

See you in game!

-Team OG ❤️

Steam patch 3.5.3 - Unique Monster variants, Elite zone & More!

New Elite Zone: The Deadlands

Chisme has added a new Elite Area West of the Gilded Wall - new Bosses, Drops, & monsters to fight!

[h2]New Path: The Scholar[/h2]
We've added a new path - The Scholar - to the game. It's a perfect set of activites for players in the 10-20 range and rewards a hefty 350 Primordium - enough to obtain another relic!

[h2]New Monster Hunter Tasks[/h2]

Satyr, Rat Brutes, Cave Crashers, Flame Revenants, and Vilesworn Satyr have been added to the Monster Hunter task pool for their respective level ranges
Vilesworn are particularly mean, and will require a Wardstone to be defeated. Their ominous aura leads to certain death without this protective artifact

[h2]T5 Cooking Recipes

SimSinister has been cooking, literally, on new recipes! You'll find a handful of new ingredients out in the world that can be used to make special dishes

[h2]Rare Spawn Mechanic[/h2]

We've added a new feature which has a chance to spawn a rare, unique version of specific monsters when they are killed
The first monster we've added this to is the Forest Drake. Rarely, a red forest drake named Raymoth will spawn nearby!

[h2]Wildlands City[/h2]

Cubano was hard at work on the new Ork City in the Wildlands. Tucked in the Northeast corner of the region, this port city will be a quick travel destination for players looking to get into some PvP action quickly
Be careful when visiting it right now, as we need to make it a Safe Zone for the next update

[h2]Matchmaking & Relic-specific Hotbars[/h2]
Sprocket has been cooking for everyone and fixed Matchmaking (you can queue with ALT + M or by clicking the crossed swords menu icon)!
Right now, we have 1v1 Arena and no other options. In the past this system had been designed for BGs, 2v2, 3v3, and even Dungeon Finder. We do not have plans to use it as a Dungeon Finder, however.

[h2]Companion Fixes[/h2]

We've made some changes to the AI behavior for pets, so they will not bug out and should function generally well for now
We are working on Recall/Attack/Stay UI buttons to control pets a bit more granularly

[h2]Discord Integrations[/h2]

Hardcore Rankings have been added to the #rankings channel!
Hardcore Death messages will now appear in ⁠general when a player dies
In-game Global chat now appears in ⁠game-chat so you can connect with your friends & help others even if you're not online
What other ideas would you all like to see?

[h2]Steam Auto-Login[/h2]

Trashman brings you a much-needed feature to make logging in and creating an account super-smooth! Steam auto-login is now live, so you'll jump right to character selection when you open the game

[h2]Need/Greed Polish[/h2]

We've corrected some things with Need/Greed - the rarity color and tooltip will now appear for the item that is being rolled
Roll messages will now be sent to the System chat

[h3]Misc, Bug Fixes, & QoL[/h3]

  • Vertical Camera Rotation (Experimental) has been added!
  • Various additional options for infobar/nameplate customization has been added
  • Attempted fixes for desync and performance improvements have been added
  • Minimap movement has been smoothed - was previously laggy / slow to update
  • Animation issues for many monsters were corrected
  • Collider issues for many monsters were corrected, it should now be easier to click on them
  • Icon issues have mostly been fixed - still some lingering bugs we are working out
  • The semi-transparent appearance of objects when you are inside or behind them (i.e. a tent) has been fixed
  • Gaining Skill XP should now always trigger floating text
  • Many new silver, gold, and iron veins have been placed on Solitary Isles
  • More oak trees as well
  • New 1h Epic Spear added to the 35-39 rare drop table
  • Various Solitary Isles bugfixes and cleanup
  • Enchanting now has a minimum value of 1 instead of 0
  • The Spirit Steed mount has been added, very rarely dropping when killing Primordial Spirits

Patch 3.5.2 - QoL, Eternal Spirit Tools, & Bug Fixes!

Small client patch 3.5.2 up on Steam!

Spirit Tools

Spirit Tools are the most powerful gathering tools currently available in Irumesa. They cannot break, so they don't need to be repaired.

However... this comes with a steep cost and requires some special materials to craft.

Good luck discovering how to make them!

Melee Range Tweaks
Melee range for both auto-attacks and spells has been increased to make combat more fluid. We feel this is nearly perfect in terms of comfort and max reasonable distance to hit vs. monsters and players.

Coming Soon: The Scholar Path

The follow-up to 'The Peon' is soon to be available when you land on Irumesa! Complete a variety of achievements to complete this path and be rewarded with 350 primordium and 20g! This path aims to nudge new players along their journey and help acquire their second relic around level 15-20.

Thistlebrook Mine Repeatable Quest

@captaindave5393 put together an enjoyable quest prototype that will mix-up your mining progression. Currently, it is only available for low level miners, but we will expand this soon. Completing the quest will rewards currency that can be exchanged for some fun items at Simon Horvath in the mine.

Wildlands Expansion

@simsinister has been expanding resources, monsters, and more in the Wildlands to make it less barren. You'll also find the Trade Route has been setup out there if you are feeling extra risky!


- Hydra Primordial Spirits added
- Melee auto-attack range increased slighty. Let us know how this feels, we may need to look at spell ranges as well
- Paladins now start with a greathammer
- New, Unique 2-handed Shield added to the game for low level characters
- Loot tables have been expanded with more item variety across all monsters
- Shrine of Melrenor mobs have had their abilities updated - these changes still need testing, so if anyone wants to run SoM, talk to @captaindave5393
- Mounted animation state bug fixes
- Lighting-related bug fixes
- QuestTracker bug fixes
- Missing Materials fixed (where objects/monsters appeared as white-colored models)
- Spell FX-related bug fixes
- Infuser spell FX size reductions
- Player infobar bug fixes
- Monster pathfinding fixes when player/monster are on different layers
- Charging / Dashing movement bug fixes
- Item tooltip bug fixes
- Dungeon bug-fixes
- T8 tools are now purple rarity
- Monster spell bug-fixes
- New PoI: Deadeye's Rest has been added West of The Fighter's Pit and the Hunter trainer has been moved there
- Doombringers have had their spell / mechanic added "Indulge Fear"
- Over 60 new monsters have been setup and are ready to be placed around the world
- Shadowcaster Shadowform has been adjusted to 4 second duration
- Larry Cartwright dialogue bug fixes
- Trader I gold reward adjusted to 20g
- Trade certificates can stack to 250
- A new fish is catchable, very rarely
- Well color bugfixes
- Invis wall bug fixes
- Party Member infobars should now always be green
- Trophy Fish can now be sold to the fisherman for a bit of gold
- T1 fishing rod recipe fixed

In Progress: Trading Post

@sprocket_bbf is working hard on the trading post - with the fundamentals working on dev. Really excited to roll this out for everyone soon!

In Progress: New Cooking Recipes

@simsinister plans to begin adding new T5 cooking recipes pretty soon - these should add some more variety to decision making for which food you want to run!

In Progress: Legendary Sets

@samael5142 has been doing an amazing job concepting and designing the new Legendary sets that will release this year. He also cooked up an epic PvP mount - a Dwarven Chariot, which will come soon.