Patch 3.5.0 is live - Unity 6!
[h2]Unity 6[/h2]
We've upgraded the engine from Unity 2022 to Unity 6, which means new lighting and performance improvements!
Along with this transition, we took the opportunity to try to optimize Farwood and Seaholm - reducing the amount of objects while keeping visual fidelity. Performance seems to have improved a bit here
We are looking to implement AI upscaling (i.e. DLSS and FSR) to further boost performance for compatible devices
[h2]New Bag Slots & QoL[/h2]
The new "Pouch" slots have been added, which open up the current "Belt" slots to hold lanterns, tools, weapons, etc.
The new "Special Bag" slot has been added, which will be used for earnable bags like and enchanting or herb bag, and more
Backpacks and Waist Bags will now seamlessly swap when you drag a larger bag onto your existing bag - no more throwing them on the ground!

[h2]UI/UX Improvements[/h2]
Context Menus should no longer spawn outside of screen bounds
When dragging an equippable item, all viable equipment slots will be highlighted with a glowing border in the character window (was previously only main slots)
Performance improvements for Spell Slots and Info Bars
The chat panel has had the chat type wrapped in brackets and player names have had the bold text setting removed
When hitting a monster, a small impact effect will play, giving visual feedback to attacks

For anyone who likes to use Q and E for strafe movement, we've added these keybinds to the settings menu 🫡
The camera can now be rotated in 360 degree camera mode with keybinds
Thanks for enjoying the world of Irumesa! See everyone in game

-Team OG
We've upgraded the engine from Unity 2022 to Unity 6, which means new lighting and performance improvements!
Along with this transition, we took the opportunity to try to optimize Farwood and Seaholm - reducing the amount of objects while keeping visual fidelity. Performance seems to have improved a bit here
We are looking to implement AI upscaling (i.e. DLSS and FSR) to further boost performance for compatible devices
[h2]New Bag Slots & QoL[/h2]
The new "Pouch" slots have been added, which open up the current "Belt" slots to hold lanterns, tools, weapons, etc.
The new "Special Bag" slot has been added, which will be used for earnable bags like and enchanting or herb bag, and more
Backpacks and Waist Bags will now seamlessly swap when you drag a larger bag onto your existing bag - no more throwing them on the ground!

[h2]UI/UX Improvements[/h2]
Context Menus should no longer spawn outside of screen bounds
When dragging an equippable item, all viable equipment slots will be highlighted with a glowing border in the character window (was previously only main slots)
Performance improvements for Spell Slots and Info Bars
The chat panel has had the chat type wrapped in brackets and player names have had the bold text setting removed
When hitting a monster, a small impact effect will play, giving visual feedback to attacks

For anyone who likes to use Q and E for strafe movement, we've added these keybinds to the settings menu 🫡
The camera can now be rotated in 360 degree camera mode with keybinds
- Chisme went through and added interesting and fun spells/attacks to the Old Mines mobs. This should make the dungeon a bit more exciting to complete!
- Clebarius & @Sprocket have found a way to apply custom materials and VFX to armor and equipment. This will allow for some epic looking gear to make its way into the game!
- Minion damage should now properly appear on the DPS meter for rangers and infusers (previously only minions spells would show)
- Minion Damage will now properly grant the owner skill XP
- Rotating in place while holding CTRL and pressing WASD has been fixed
- Conversations with NPCs will now only take inputs from Local and NPC chat instead of grabbing messages from Guild, Global, and Party as well
- Mirage Bow appearance fixed
- Mana Regeneration had a broken formula on the server and was not scaling properly. This has been corrected. Also, we've made Wisdom twice as impactful as intelligence when increasing mana regen
- Xarvok can now be summoned again in Lair of the Exiles
- Solitary Isles general flow improvements and collision fixes
- Healing Training Dummies no longer gives Discipline XP
- Hunter's Armor corrected to be Medium Armor
- Trickster's spell now functions properly
- T4 Leatherworking Task fixed
- Infuse Health now deals true damage to the caster - was previously dealing normal magic damage which could be reduced by armor
- Bottles of Brandy are now lootable again
- Strengthened Drakonium Sword rarity corrected
- Elemental Rift exploit fixes
- Lesser Air and Medium Lightning elemental stone drop rates corrected
- Razor Cuts bug fix
- Pink Blur material fixed
- Infobar Guild & Player Name spacing fixed
Thanks for enjoying the world of Irumesa! See everyone in game

-Team OG