New Dungeon: Temple of Ethersalos
Patch 3.3.2 is live on Steam
Another New Dungeon Experience brought to you by Dave!

Temple of Ethersalos
*The once serene Temple of Ethersalos, nestled southwest of Edrivine, has fallen into the clutches of darkness. Brutus, a fierce and formidable dragon, alongside his army of lesser dragonkin, has declared humans unworthy of worshipping the Great Dragon Ethersalos. *
Their audacious rebellion must be extinguished - rally your friends, steel your hearts, and put a stop to Brutus and his scaly cohorts!
Suggested Level: 24-25

New Settings
New InfoBar settings have been added to the settings menu to allow you to control whether or not you see:
- Your own or other player infobars
- Status effects above your infobar
**Please let us know which other settings options you'd like to see!** We can get new things added and intend to reorganize things as much as we can to make it easy to configure things how you like.
- The currently distributed Relics have been removed from the game - spells for relics that were equipped prior to this change will be removed soon
- Two new talents added to secret locations
- Note: an additional talent was added a while back that no one has found yet :eyes:
- MonsterDex 3D models have been improved - more models will appear correctly and they should no longer shake violently in frame
- "/unstuck" now works as a method to use the /stuck command
- Open Nearby Corpses range extended to 3.65 distance, from 1.65
- Companions can now be unsummoned regardless of LoS
- Improving rotation sync to other clients to show 360 degrees instead of 45 degree turns
- Ambient sound FX being added in various locations such as Edrivine, Farwood, & more
- Various improvements to reduce significant fps drops due to bugs/errors
- The settings window will no longer scale when dragging the UI scale slider
- Ultrawide & Super Ultrawide support added (Note: objects will still respect the render range of 25 tiles, so the extra space may appear with fog or empty land
- Target's HP bar now gets a subtle red or green glow instead of the target's name
- Bank/Item Slot unit count numbers size normalized
- Vekiun power level corrected
- Seething Brood instance bugs should now be corrected
- Temple of Ethersalos balance tweaks and bugfixes
- Infused, Reinforced, and Fortified Brute armor values normalized
- A bit late for Halloween.... but a spooky new floating light spell will be available with the next update.
- Companion frames should now work correctly but still need a bit of tweaking - we'll polish these up for the next patch
See everyone in game!
-Team OG
Another New Dungeon Experience brought to you by Dave!

Temple of Ethersalos
*The once serene Temple of Ethersalos, nestled southwest of Edrivine, has fallen into the clutches of darkness. Brutus, a fierce and formidable dragon, alongside his army of lesser dragonkin, has declared humans unworthy of worshipping the Great Dragon Ethersalos. *
Their audacious rebellion must be extinguished - rally your friends, steel your hearts, and put a stop to Brutus and his scaly cohorts!
Suggested Level: 24-25

New Settings
New InfoBar settings have been added to the settings menu to allow you to control whether or not you see:
- Your own or other player infobars
- Status effects above your infobar
**Please let us know which other settings options you'd like to see!** We can get new things added and intend to reorganize things as much as we can to make it easy to configure things how you like.
- The currently distributed Relics have been removed from the game - spells for relics that were equipped prior to this change will be removed soon
- Two new talents added to secret locations
- Note: an additional talent was added a while back that no one has found yet :eyes:
- MonsterDex 3D models have been improved - more models will appear correctly and they should no longer shake violently in frame
- "/unstuck" now works as a method to use the /stuck command
- Open Nearby Corpses range extended to 3.65 distance, from 1.65
- Companions can now be unsummoned regardless of LoS
- Improving rotation sync to other clients to show 360 degrees instead of 45 degree turns
- Ambient sound FX being added in various locations such as Edrivine, Farwood, & more
- Various improvements to reduce significant fps drops due to bugs/errors
- The settings window will no longer scale when dragging the UI scale slider
- Ultrawide & Super Ultrawide support added (Note: objects will still respect the render range of 25 tiles, so the extra space may appear with fog or empty land
- Target's HP bar now gets a subtle red or green glow instead of the target's name
- Bank/Item Slot unit count numbers size normalized
- Vekiun power level corrected
- Seething Brood instance bugs should now be corrected
- Temple of Ethersalos balance tweaks and bugfixes
- Infused, Reinforced, and Fortified Brute armor values normalized
- A bit late for Halloween.... but a spooky new floating light spell will be available with the next update.
- Companion frames should now work correctly but still need a bit of tweaking - we'll polish these up for the next patch
See everyone in game!
-Team OG