1. Spirit Island
  2. News
  3. What's New in Version 2.4.2

What's New in Version 2.4.2

This update has several improvements and bug fixes, including:
  • You can now check exactly what Element Markers are affecting a land in Elemental Invocation by using Spirit Foresight.
  • If you reach more than one threshold of an innate power, and one of them has an Energy cost, you can now choose to not pay the Energy cost without having to manually disable the threshold.
  • Fixed the behavior of disabling elemental thresholds with Powered by the Furnace of the Earth.
  • The game no longer gets stuck when using Explosive Eruption in a land under the effect of Weave Together the Fabric of Place.
  • Fixed an issue where Explosive Eruption causes a Blight card with an immediate effect to flip, and using undo during the Blight card resolution may incorrectly destroy Presence again.
  • Entwined Power now interacts correctly with Volcanic Peaks Tower Over the Landscape.
  • Fixed an issue with Volcano Looming High's Peaks Tower Over the Landscape incorrectly interacting with other range increase effects, enabling powers to be used where they should not be able to be used.
  • When Memory Fades to Dust destroys Volcano Looming High's Presence, the special rule now properly triggers.
  • Fixed an issue with Explosive Eruption not interacting correctly with Isolate and Russia 2+.
  • Fixed exploit where undoing Gain Energy Growth options after placing an Element in Elemental Invocation could result in keeping the element without having paid for it.
  • Fixed a visual glitch affecting the text legibility in multiplayer chat.
  • Utter a Curse of Dread and Bone no longer causes the game to get out of sync in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Lure of the Deep Wilderness's gain Element growth option causing a desync in multiplayer.
  • Call to Guard no longer causes a multiplayer desync when used by Eyes Watch From the Trees.
  • Second Wave no longer gets stuck in multiplayer when setting up the next game.
  • Dissolution Threatens no longer makes unused Fast Powers become Slow on the same turn it comes into effect.
  • Fixed Dream of the Untouched Land not allowing you to skip a board for Habsburg's Escalation effect.
  • Untended Land Crumbles will no longer allow a Spirit to pay 1 or 2 Energy instead of 3.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Russia 2 effect could interfere with Badlands increasing damage when Dahan are moved in Dahan Insurrection.
  • Flame's Fury now interacts properly with Violent Windstorms in all situations.
  • Prey on the Unwary now adds Beasts when Many Mind Move As One's sacred site is chosen to not be treated as Beasts in a land with no other beasts.
  • Defending for the exact amount of base Invader Damage in a land with Badlands will no longer incorrectly result in Damage being dealt to the Dahan.
  • Storm-Swath now gains extra damage from Badlands correctly.

[h2]Mac Hotfix (Build 469)[/h2]
This fixes a problem on certain macOS systems where the game would not start up properly.