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Cavity Busters News

Cavity Busters Update 37 patch 5

Hey all. Really did some dumb quick changes in a previous update and still trying to clean up the mess :P Please bear with me!

Here's another round fixes.

Most grievous fixes:
  • fixed a crash connected with a secret boss (sorry to poor person that was so close yet so far :'( )
  • accessibility options now properly unlock all game modes
  • added some text to save profile to show how many characters there are total
  • fixed a bug with Boss Jam flying off the screen and taking forever to come back to the room

Probably still more on the way, but I'll keep hacking away!


Cavity Busters Update 37 patch 4 (again)

One more time but with less incompetency!

So this is all the previous patches but without some serious crashes that I overlooked in my hast to get patch 4 out before leaving for a few days. I'm back and found the issue, so things should be all good now. Except the obj_bullet bug. I mean I think I fixed that one, but it's been so hard to track down that I'm not 100% sure it's gone. Anyways, thanks again for your patience. Leave a review if it strikes your fancy!


Cavity Busters Update 37 patch 4 (one more for good measure)

Alright one more update before the weekend. While in cryosleep I came up with a few more ideas on fixing the bug that everyone else is finding but me. The worst kind of bug. I'll be away from the computer the next couple days so hopefully this one sticks.

If the bug hits you, it looks something like this:

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_bullet:

trying to index variable that is not an array##########################
gml_Object_obj_bullet_Step_0 (line 132)

It'd be a huge help to me if you are able to recall a few things about what was going on when the crash happened. Like: who was your gummy? who were you fighting? were you fighting? were you leaving a room? mouse and kb or controller? ect. No worries if you can't. This is my problem, not yours. But I do appreciate the help.

Thanks to all who've reported on this bug so far. It's helped me narrow down the scope of what's causing it.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Edit: I’m gone! But there’s definitely a crash happening. It’s usually in the purple secret rooms. I’ll have an update Sunday night. I rolled back to patch 2.

Cavity Busters Update 37 patch 3

You know how goes by now. Update game. A million things break. Expect a few more in the coming week. Updates. Not things breaking. I mean that too but. Doesn't matter. Onward!

  • run badges for individual gummies was bugged for controller users
  • fixed the hp exchange npc from exploding a giant amount of mints
  • fixed a bug with tooth gummy freezing in place when they have the super tooth synergy
  • i tried a ton of different things with the obj_bullet crash, so hopefully one of them sticks
  • the game speed in the accessibilities option wasn't working so i that works now
  • added a sound fx for diseases when they drop and when enemies are cleared

Thanks for your patience everyone. One day this game will be crash free. When that day comes I'll smash the ol bat signal.

Bat Man out

Cavity Busters Update 37 patch 2

Hey all!

How's the new update treating ya? I hear it's been like a little apple thief to some of you. Stealing your apples...And crashing your computers. Bad thief.

Well I can't give you your apples back but I can hopefully prevent the game from crashing. That's a shaky hopefully. Anyways.

-fixed a bug with obj_bullet crashing the game (this crash was super weird and random and near impossible for me to replicate reliably so it's possible it's still lurking around)
-fixed a sound fx being too loud.

That's all! :)
