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  2. News
  3. Cavity Busters Update 37 patch 3

Cavity Busters Update 37 patch 3

You know how goes by now. Update game. A million things break. Expect a few more in the coming week. Updates. Not things breaking. I mean that too but. Doesn't matter. Onward!

  • run badges for individual gummies was bugged for controller users
  • fixed the hp exchange npc from exploding a giant amount of mints
  • fixed a bug with tooth gummy freezing in place when they have the super tooth synergy
  • i tried a ton of different things with the obj_bullet crash, so hopefully one of them sticks
  • the game speed in the accessibilities option wasn't working so i that works now
  • added a sound fx for diseases when they drop and when enemies are cleared

Thanks for your patience everyone. One day this game will be crash free. When that day comes I'll smash the ol bat signal.

Bat Man out