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Cavity Busters News

Cavity Busters Update 37 - A little bit of everything update

Hello everyone! "This is just a small update to address a few bugs and polish a few things" is what I was originally going to say. But really it's: This is just a small update to address a few bugs and polish a few things AND add a bunch of upgrades AND add a new game mode AND add a new mini boss. So not so small. Wew. Sometimes, things just get out of hand. Anyways, onwards!

First, whats new:
  • add 18 new upgrades bringing the total to 300!
  • added a new mini boss
  • added a new game mode: Alt hard mode
  • item rooms now have a chance to spawn two items and you'll only be able to pick one
  • added badges for each gummy to indicate what type of wins they've achieved
  • added 15 new tooth caps
  • added ui for glass heart disease
  • added ui for monster juice
  • updated the pause screen to be much cleaner I think
  • added small fx to collectible and bestiary screens
  • updated the title logo to a higher resolution

Fixes and balances
  • mgs bosses phases were buffed a tad
  • the environment you see when you jump was thinned out a little
  • fixed a bug where harvesting a tuumor that had pokey hat tied to it would not clear the items effect
  • in the options menu, shot gum option 3 is now called main
  • filling gummy shoot sound fx volume was lowered
  • fixed a number of bugs tied to pausing the game and opening the map
  • the disease curer has different dialogue if you are playing as shumppy gummy
  • fixed a bug where restarting dig mode would not give player shovels
  • put a max limit on bouncy bullets
  • fixed a bug where the wall on top is buggy when digging
  • fixed a bug where arrow head enemy would not bounce off walls properly
  • fixed an audio bug with the player walking sound
  • fix bug with filling gummy shooting jump shots when not jumping
  • polished map icons
  • polished a few ui icons
  • fixed being able teleport out of crystal shard fight
  • fixed a couple typos (i know right)
  • brain jar enemy is harder when by itself
  • hatchling boss now only drops one upgrade
  • fixed a bug where erach the arachnid could get out of the room
  • shmupy gummy was balanced a tad
  • fixed a bug where restarting a run in a loop would still retain loop traits
  • fixed a bug where restarting a run would reward a crown tooth
  • fixed a bug where tooth gummy would take damage when performing a charged shot
  • fixed a bug where you could be killed by poison when trasitioning to the end screen

I'm gonna keep working on this game until get sick of it I guess :P Hey. As always. Thank you for playing. Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans and poor video game making skills. Have fun, and let me know what breaks.


Cavity Busters Update 36 hotfix 5

Yo! Just a quick update to fix a crash with Shmupy Gummy when playing shmup levels.

Cavity Busters Update 36 patch 3 and 4

Hey all! I forgot to add patch notes to the previous update so this is a combination of patch notes for patch 3 and 4. Mainly more balance for the new gummy.

  • fixed a few bugs related to swapping characters
  • fixed a bug where tuumor upgrades would be given to shmup gummy when restarting a run
  • shmupy gummy starts with higher stats but upgrades are less powerful
  • small chance for shmupy upgrades to be extra powerful
  • the combo for shumpy gummy will now act as an experience bar that awards upgrades when full
  • fixed a bug where the cursor would be invisible (hopefully)
  • Jerk bosses phases have just smidge more hp
  • lowered Singe enemies hp a hair
  • added small animation to shmupy gummy
  • changed the bullet sprite for shmupy gummy

There's probably more but I forgot to jot them down :P Anyway, enjoy!

Cavity Busters Update 36 hot fix 2

Hey all! Here's a little balance update along with some bug fixes.

  • fixed a bug with spider hole
  • fixed a bug where shooting during tutorial was disabled
  • lowered the stat increase from shmupgrades
  • less shmupgrades spawn
  • there's small chance for a shmupgrade to give only special stats ie seek bouncy explosive
  • bosses have a bit more hp when playing as new gummy

There's was a number other little things here there. I have more balance plans but that's all for now!


Cavity Busters Update 36 hotfix 1

This is just a quick update to fix item descriptions not showing up when touching an upgrade and an achievement for beating the game with the new gummy.

A balance update will be coming along soon.
