1. Cavity Busters
  2. News
  3. Cavity Busters Update 36 patch 3 and 4

Cavity Busters Update 36 patch 3 and 4

Hey all! I forgot to add patch notes to the previous update so this is a combination of patch notes for patch 3 and 4. Mainly more balance for the new gummy.

  • fixed a few bugs related to swapping characters
  • fixed a bug where tuumor upgrades would be given to shmup gummy when restarting a run
  • shmupy gummy starts with higher stats but upgrades are less powerful
  • small chance for shmupy upgrades to be extra powerful
  • the combo for shumpy gummy will now act as an experience bar that awards upgrades when full
  • fixed a bug where the cursor would be invisible (hopefully)
  • Jerk bosses phases have just smidge more hp
  • lowered Singe enemies hp a hair
  • added small animation to shmupy gummy
  • changed the bullet sprite for shmupy gummy

There's probably more but I forgot to jot them down :P Anyway, enjoy!