Patch -
Cepheus Protocol Project Update & what's Coming!
[h2]New Global Lighting [/h2]

If your experiencing crashes/instability please try a Steam Verify/Display Drivers update before contacting us.
Patch Notes
(Click Show details for a full breakdown of the changes)[expand]
- New Smaller (Urban Themed) Evac building that is effectively flares thrown in a circle marking a civie evac point. This smaller evac point will allow you to either go with the large helipad when you have more space/you want the ability it has to repair/rearm/refuel if you cycle its mode when you need those features.
- Holding Area XL - Houses 250 civies now
- Holding Area normal - houses 40 civies now
- Active Intake is increased to 6 from the Civilian Admin Center
- Zone Card replacement
- Double Chinook Evac
- New Class Weapons/Balancing
- Vehicle Gas Rebalance
- Unit icons are now shift/ctrl clickable (Added from a community suggestion from a previous community sit-down)
- New World Lighting System
- All Spotlight restrictions removed + new 360 CERC light added
- Performance boasts across the board
General Development Updates
[h3]Letter from the Producer[/h3]
[h3]New Roadmap system [/h3]
We now have a new system for our community to follow along on development. This website will break down all the major systems that are coming each patch. It will not include hotfixes/bug fixes. Sections inside TBD can be included randomly if we are ahead of schedule
Ways to Support Development
Everything goes towards expanding the team and building a better game!
[h3] Consider Supporting us on Patreon[/h3]
[h3] Merch Store [/h3]

[h3]Cepheus Protocol Anthology[/h3]
Experience the outbreak of the Pangu Virus from multiple perspectives across as the brave heroes of the Center for Epidemic Research and Control battle tirelessly to stop the spread of a cataclysmic alien virus that has mutated innocent people into monstrous creatures of unimaginable power
[h3]First 40 Minutes of Cepheus Protocol Anthology Season 1 [/h3]